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Everything posted by someone51189

  1. someone told me that dry sex is when u just like lay on top of eachother with ur clothes on n just go at it like u were havin sex.. im not sure if im right but thats what one of my friends said lol
  2. well i think she still likes you.. or else she wouldnt try n get ur attention all the time.. cuz of course i kno cuz i do kinda the same thin to my ex.. n all i really want is for him to think of me ... ya kno well n e ways i think u should just keep hintin it to her n at thr right moment u can pop up the ?... well hope i helped
  3. someone51189

    What if?

    My sister got pregnant when she was 14.. and we thought it was the end for her.. she ended up putting her 11th n 12th year of highschool together n graduating with honors, right now shes in college n just no recently got married.. shes 18 n doing awesome she has her own house and everything.. so sometimes if something bad really does happen then u can just look for the best...
  4. first off.. its amazing u guys hit it off so well.. its usually really hard to find someone like that... i think u should give it time.. n then try n get ahold of her... cuz u never kno if ur startin to get anoying or n e thing like that n thats the last thing u want.. u dont want her to never talk to u again so0o maybe a lil space... n sooner or later shes gunna end up fightin with whoever it is n she'll be lookin for some confert... n write her an e-mail sayin suttin like if u ever need n e thing im here for u.. n stuff like that n let her kno that u only wanna be friends (fer now atleast) n maybe if her n this other dude arent workin out then she'll come back to you.. ya never kno
  5. whoa.. it made me look at a diff side of things.. its amazin how good u are at this.. i loved it
  6. wow.. uve got alot of talent.. i love this.. have u thought of sending it to the gurl that made u feel this way? she'd fall head over heals for it!!
  7. ok me n my boyfriend have been goin out for a lil over a month now... n im not sure i like him all that much.. i think my problem is, is that hes 17 n i 15 n hes way more seriouse bout us then i am.. n i dont wanna be in a serious relationship... hes always wanting ot be at my house or goin somewhere like everyday.. n im tryin to make him calm down but then hes telllin my friends that he doesnt think i like him n e more.. n then they call me n it makes me feel bad so0o i end up spending everyday with him n e way.. n im goin through a hard time right now with my dad just being diagnosed with cancer n my mom just had 2 strokes.. n i dont have the time to be with him when my ffamily comes first.. and i guess the reason y im starting to lose interest in the kid is because i still have feeling for my ex.. me n my ex went out for 5 months n last night i ended up talkin to him on the phone for 3 hours n i think im starting to like him again... hes 17 too but hes not as seriouse bout relationships as my current boyfriend is.. but i dont wanna break up with my current boyfriend because hes a really nice guy n he hasnt done n e thing wrong at all.. but me n my ex are starting to like eachother again n i dont have a clue what i should do.. any ideas?
  8. i think its a good idea that you slow things down between you and him if your "to busy" or something. If he truly loves you like he does then he will be fine with your decision. I know how you feel im really busy all the time too and im trying to start a realationship and dont know if i can do it because i dont know if i can keep up with him. Because he needs me more then i can be around, and when he bugs me its gets annoying and im not sure i like him as much as i did. But i think that its a good idea that you guys do chill and relax in your realtionship cause thats the best way you can work things out. *kenz n kay*
  9. maybe ur ex feels the same way you do.. but maybe hes jsut scared to get hurt or to hurt you.. sometimes people try to avoid the things there afraid of.. n maybe u should either give it time n hope he comes around or talk to him bout it.. cuz hey.. theres only one life to live.. and in order to be happy u have to make sacrifices
  10. hey im 15.. n me n this one guy went out for a couple of months.. n it was a very serious relationship.... n i really loved him alot.. then things just didnt work out right.. n right after we broke up we fighted like u wouldnt believe... n now its been a year.. n i still have feeling for him.. they never stopped but i really dont kno how to get him back.. i just wanna be happy again..
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