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  1. To love is to have the ability to let go. Time DOES heal all wounds. What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger. Not the most encouraging words, but truth be told, they are. I tried to keep in touch with the one I lost, but it only mad things worse to the point that she hated me, which I think is worse. I know it hurts, it hurts a lot. But I leave you with this saying that was told to me. To love is to have the ability to let go.
  2. What to say other than I have lived what you are going though, almost 3 years now. Oh, there are so many things I want to say, so many things that I've been through, so I guess I'll start from the beginning... Meet her in college, knew her as a close friend, moved back home, meet up with here 2 years latter, kicked things off. At the time I lived about 1,000 miles from her, lots of phone calls, lots of emotions. I moved to the same state to get closer to her, and then one day, it was gone! Everything we shared, gone. Ya, it suxed a lot, and to this day I sill think about her. The only thing is, I did push her when she said she needed space, but I cared TOO MUCH to let it go. I wanted to share her pain, because I cared that much, only to push her away. Through out my life, I have always been the one that people look to for advice, but in this situation, there was no one for me to turn to, not that it wasn't offered, but that they did understand my sistuation. Foolish, indeed, regrettable, defiantly, but on that note, it taught me some very important lessons of life. 1. "To love is to have the ability to let go." 2. "Time DOES heal all wounds." 3. "The roads that we walk are swept clean with the dusts of time, and the roads before us are ours to chose, yet, even though the past is what it is, there is always that lingering echo of experience that guides us to where we walk today. Let us not repeat our past, but let it guide us to the better of what we are, who we are, and what we want to become." 4. "No fear, no regrets…" Number 4 is one that we shared a lot, her and I. And I did what I did because we so agreed with it, but then again, was it really the right thing to do? Now that you know a little more about what I went through, I hope I can shed a little light here. Although my story does not have a happy ending, I did take a lot of the advice she gave me and made something out of it. For all the things that I have since accomplished, I have her to thank, even knowing that I will probably not have the chance to ever thank her. So here it goes... Always let that person know that you will be there for them, both for the good and bad, and reassure them that you are sincere about that. If they ask for some space, give it. Be the shoulder to lean upon, not the shoulder that pushes. Depending on your situation let them know that you WILL be there as that position. I was once told that a person that does not learn from their mistakes is stupid, a person that learns from their mistakes is smart, and a person that learns from others is wise. Knowing what I went through, I only hope that I may be given the opportunity to make many people wiser through my mistakes. Best wishes, and good luck.
  3. Well, ask him how he feels!!! You two seem very close, so push him a little, but do it in a good way. Don't box him in a corner, but don't back off. One thing to keep in mind is this, a little push can help get the truth, but to much might destroy the friendship. Just play it by ear and see what happens, but be ready for both ends of it, good, and bad. Good luck, and the best of wishes!!!
  4. I could not have said it better myself Free Lancer. Time DOES heal all wounds. Trust me on that one, 4 years of a relationship, then thinking of marriage, then it just went away.
  5. Happiness for me comes is so many different forms. When all the plans I have for my business happen. When I see a child smile and hug her/his parents leg and cling on to it. But I have to say, one of the best is being looked up upon... My brother, Major in Accounting, Minor in Finance, and my father Major in Business Mgnt both said to me that they look up to me for doing what I'm going, the American dream, taking nothing and makeing something out of it. That coming from people that rarely complement people of that degree, was most fulfilling. I never graduated college.
  6. Exciting it's it! I still remember my first kiss to. The art of kissing: Go with the flow! Just don't let it go any farther than you want it to, if ya know what I'm talkin about. OH, and by the by, guys thing the same things as girls.
  7. By all means, just relax and take a second to look at the situation. Subside is... Well, I can say a lot of things, but the one thing I will say it is I have personally dealt with it in many cases, myself included. It's hard to deal with the loss of a friend, and in your case, 3. I had a very close friend that committed suicide, and it was and still is very difficult to deal with. The best advice that I can give in this situation not really knowing all the details is this... seek help in any possible way that you know will not provoke her or yourself from taking that final step. Family, friends, professional help, any or all. It may seem like everything is falling apart, but you need to share your feeling and emotions with those that you trust. DON'T rush anything; just take your time, and slowly progress forward.
  8. Well twiggy, assess the situation that your in. Why do you feel 'down' when you talk with him? What do you talk about that makes you feel 'down'? Does his memory loss issue have anything to do with how I feel for him? Ask your parents 'why' they dislike him? Is the age barrier too much of a gap at this time for a solid relationship? ...This goes for both parties... What attracts you to him? What attracts him to you? What does he do that make you want to hang out with him? If I where you, I would think of 3 things... The age barrier, how I feel for him, and how he feels for me. Try to look at all the angles before you make a decision, and I know it's hard to do, but I think you will appreciate it when you do make your finial decision. Don't rush into anything. Take your time; it is on your side. Talk with your best girlfriend if you feel comfortable enough with her and talk about it. Get as much outside information and opinions as possible. Reading the part about your parents, I feel that they see a very large age gap and don't care for it. This may seem like the most life altering issue in your life, and it very well might be, but remember, you are young with so much ahead of you, and if you only take one thing from this, take this, "Let this decision be yours, and not someone else's. It's great to take advice, but YOU need to make this choose." Good luck, and I'm sure you will do what you feel is best.
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