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  1. Shes just contacted me again. Why would this be does anyone know from experience? She was wondering how ive been and all that, is she really just concerned or is there more to it??? Ive been doing NC on my part for 2 months, only replyin to her. But I still miss her so much. Please help!!!
  2. Hi Has anyone here ever suffered from this? Its a constant state of anxiety due to worrying and intrusive thoughts. I have suffered this for years but have just recently been diagnosed.
  3. Yeah I know your right Coach. I took your advice last time and for that I thank you. I still miss her like crazy even after dealing with my own issues. I think its just an element of regret that it happened when I was so emotionally unstable myself (suffering from Generalised Anxiety Disorder I now know) and that I should have never been involved until I had control of it. Maybe things could have been different then but as you said before she could never have given me what I needed from her so its prob best they weren't. Keep up the good work Coach and thank you again
  4. Ok here goes Most of you will probably tell me to move on and forget about her, but I cant. You can read my original post here: ] And my final post here: ] Its been almost 2 months since it ended and ive maintained strict NC until about 1 month ago when she contacted me to see how I was. I suppose the hardest think is the friendship we lost as we were quiet close before and during the relationship. Only the week before we broke up she told me how she couldn't get me out of her head to be followed the next week by I cant do this anymore. Has anyone any experience with single mothers and do ye think I should contact her or will it be a waste of time? In your opinion can a women in her situation just turn off her feelings for someone and have no conscience?? Thanks in advance
  5. Hi all She just broke the NC for the first time but im hesitating replying. I feel im doing so well at the moment. ANY ideas greatly appreciated. Thanks
  6. I completely agree with you here dreamweaverdude. I think no matter how much you get them out of your system, there are still times when you try and send them a telepathic message to call you.......maybe its just me
  7. Hi Jmlondon I would just like to offer my condolences regarding your situation. I really feel for you man and think finding this site will do you no harm. Its filled with great people many of whom are or have been in similar situations to your own. I really hope things work out for you and as heloladies said it might just be a case that a period of no contact is whats required, it feels impossible to continue in work and to do whatever used to make us happy. But i think the key is to remain active and to remind yourself of all the qualities you posses because your self belief is what will get you through it. Take care
  8. Hi all The day i had anticipated and dreaded for so long is finally here and it hurts like nothing else ive ever experienced. Reading all the posts on this site is helpful and thanks to all the good people who give their free time sharing their views and experiences. You will find my original thread here It was never really the most perfect relationship by any means (Txt and phonecalls more than actual encounters) but she finally told me that she wasn't ready for all of this and assured me that it was nothing i had said or done. She says she still feels the attraction when we meet but that its just to hard for her at the moment. Ive been a long sufferer of depression and i dont think this has helped as i know now i need to get myself sorted and love myself before i can love anyone else. I dont know what i aim to get by posting this but i suppose its the first stage in overcoming my grief. Thank you all
  9. Id just like to ask the forum how you know whether or not your partner is the one or not. Ok the attraction is there for sure but when it comes to conversation sometimes it can be an effort mostly on my part. 5 months into the relationship and i still get nervous everytime we communicate, its like my mind cant come up with things to say. I know the word relationship involves 2 people who both have a role in conversation. Am i over concerned about this or could it be that its going undetected by the other party. Maybe for her she sees it as a comfortable silence as she too is quiet shy. Thanks
  10. Thank you all so much for your input and kind words, its greatly appreciated. Just have to wait and see how things go. Take care loneranger
  11. Thank you both Ariyadhana and Bleeder for your advice. Thinking about it now i do believe that it is very early days. She told me how she felt, saw how i reacted(Positively) and now shes trying to get her priorities in order. It has been selfish of me in a way to think that it was all just gonna be plain sailing. I do think there is already a huge amount of trust present Bleeder and its just a case of her spending time alone with no interruptions so as to make the right decision for them both...Well i hope so! Thanks again
  12. Hi Ariyadhana I understand what your saying, we take it in turns to keep in touch but its been over a month since we last met in person and she never seems to arrange a meet. She only has one night a week without the child so thats why she always told me what day. She doesnt come accross as having lost interest but why all the sudden change?
  13. Hi all, My dilema began bout three months ago when an ex colleague of mine who at the time was attached told me she liked me alot. Since then she left that guy as she no longer had feelings for him. We've since been in contact regularly but have only met up four times. I understand that it had been a six year relationship and that its hard for her to adjust to the new circumstances. I just don't know what to do next. I don't want to initiate contact for fear of upsetting her but at the same time she should understand that ive put my life on hold so to speak. Is this normal do you think? Should i leave her do all the contacting or is it time i gave an ultimatum? I really do feel strongly about her as we were first good friend. Thanks in advance](*,)
  14. Thanks DN Yeah ur right. And when u feel the same way bout that person I suppose it should be ASooooonAP. Thanks again man
  15. Thanks guys for ye're replies, they mean alot. Another question I have if anyone does get to read this is, as we both have strong feelings for each other and have been great friends since we met how do ye think my attitude must be from now on? I've been trying to introduce the co**y & funny approach wit my dating up til now. But with this woman knows me well and as i didnt really use it around her it must mean that she really liked me for been the honest person who listens alot and not the extrovert that i tried to protray with other women. Any thoughts are greatly welcomed Thanks again
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