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  1. Lol...20 years old and you go with a pokemon avatar...i can die a happy man now, i've seen it all
  2. I would say you definetly owe him an explaination. Otherwise he is gonna get confused as hell. You don't owe him anything else though. Kiss him when you feel like it.
  3. Judge Judy will take care of you...
  4. Does it matter if he wants to comes back or not. Kick him in the teeth and leave him for dead.
  5. Because those girls are few and far between. They are a challange. And they are nice to talk to. And I guess the whole virgin thing, but that doesn't matter much.
  6. Just keep talking to her. You'll get better at that as time goes on. Sounds like you want to look into her eyes, in time you'll just do it. Just don't stare thats a little weird sometimes.
  7. I'd say give it one more try and if she doesn't want to go 1 on 1 give up on that avenue and stay friends.
  8. Yea man. I hear that. Thats exactly what I do/did. I used avioding social situations entirely, and putting my head down in school. I get my social interactions though computer games anymore, there no risk no embarrsment, and it's fun. It's not healthy, the amount of time I spend playing and I don't suggest it I don't have a problem with alcohol. My Dad is an alcohol, I've seen what it does and I've made a pact with myself to never touch it, ever. I would suggest trying to get invovled in things. I got into pro cycling and like to watch and read about it all the time. And I got into a robotics club and met a great girl in there that has helped me open up a lot. So try to meet new people and find activities that you enjoy. Might want to try working out some. It will make you feel good about yourself and thus other people will think good of you too. PS: Try to lessen the drinking a little bit. Liquid courage won't help in the long run.
  9. You probably shouldn't be in a relationship until you get your cheating thing dealt with. Think about it. You just hurting this guy 3 times so far... you need to deal with your demons.
  10. Yea I've got the extact same issue. Been on many dates, we both like eachother, but I don't know how to...make it "official" like boyfriend girlfriend thing. BeachDude I like your post, it's to the point and official was the exact word I was thinking of using to ask her. Keeping rocking out with the Grand AM, I love my Pontiac too 0X
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