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Everything posted by boredguy

  1. Thatsa really great poem! keep it up man. scout wuz right, it does remind u of everyone on enotalone. ppl take time out of their lives to help other whom they dont even know. cheers to all posters on enotalone!!
  2. another one of my additions to the list would be: -just being with someone in silence and not feeling awkward at all. sitting, hanging around. when u can sit around in silence and not feel awkward, then you've really got something special.
  3. i think u may have simply overreacted. it happens to all of us. if you love her. give her the benefit of the doubt. talk to her more about why she kissed the other guy. breaking up with her was a little too quick. talk and find out why before its too late to get your love back.
  4. love. the one topic that has had countless books, songs, n movies as its theme. yet nobody can completely encompass what 'love is' it means a different thing to every different person. to me, love is not being able to get a person out of your mind no matter how hard you try. shedding tears of happiness. sometimes just smiling even when youre simply talking on the phone or chatting online. knowing a persons flaws and feeling closer to them because/despite them. feeling a burst of emotion that nobody can describe correctly. that is what love is to me.
  5. u seem to feel so much for this woman, but you're scared to tell her. tell her! dont let an oppurtunity pass. your son calls her mom?! if anything this must be a hint for you. dont let this oppurtunity pass you up. wouldnt u rather do something and know how it happens rather than not do anything at all and wonder for the rest of ur life how things would be IF. two words that feel like twin daggers into ur heart. " what if ? " dont let it happen to you.
  6. have some hope man! its bloody hard, but it does seem as though somethings up with 'd' yet even if it isnt. its always hard to feel so much for someone and not be able to do anything at all. its like being kept away from heaven by a plate of thick glass. yet you are lucky, the lady seems to feel a lot for you. you simply need to talk about "D" with her. you guys talk so much, just pop in the topic. u gotta shatter the glass n enter heaven man! do it ! talk to her. pm me if u need t talk
  7. ive been on the other end as you. ive never cut myself but one of my closest friends was doin it and i found out. ill tell u wat i told her. cutting yourself not only hurts you but it hurts those close to you, it hurts your friends and family. u need to find out the reason for your depression, and try to solve it. but the MOST important thing, is to talk to someone you trust. everytime you feel like cutting, call someone. talk. its like a patch. its like nicorette gum but seriously. just talk. it helps soo much...
  8. hah happy all the time? far from it. life is a mixture of sad times, happy times and every single emotion in between. how to explain life? theres no real way. life means a different thing to every single person. my own life has had its beautiful highs and its oh so friggin terrible lows. life can throw a lotta crap at you, but someone once told me something when i was feeling down: its better to walk through sh*t than to live in it. when life seems like it cant get any worse, always have hope and know that life will turn out better soon. and when life is good. live it to the max. never ever give up any oppurtunity. i believe id rather do something and know how it turns out- good or bad- rather than not do anything and wonder for the rest of my life how it would be if i had done that. i knw this from experience... ive lost too many oppurtunities. so smile and live it up when life is good. and when life is bad, have some hope.
  9. you say that you dont believe in teenage love, but teenage love is real. i knw its hard to beilive. of course there are so very many teen couples that are in 'love' after a week or two. of course not all of them are in love, but some are. and those few are so very happy. they feel eveything that older couples would feel. psychologically speaking, teenagers' emotions are deeper and more enhanced. pain hurts more. happiness is pure elation. its simply a fact. so maybe there are couples that say there are in love and arent. let them be. people learn from their mistakes, and everyone is entitled to make their mistakes. stop and think...
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