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Everything posted by melancholy123

  1. You've already thrown away several years while ll this was happening. So you want to throw away more?
  2. melancholy123


    You learn from this is what you do. There are plenty of sneaky people out there who lie and tell you what you want to hear and then you find out they lied and you are devastated. Do research, check their facebook page, Google their name, dont believe everything you hear.
  3. We must have the same mother. I couldn't do anything right either and she is the reason I moved out at 18. I swore I'd live in a cardboard box rather than go back to her house. I never did go back. Didnt live in a box either. I found my own way. If i was you I'd go on holiday before the major holidays rolled round. Let her talk about you, she will do it anyway. Can you move out before Jan? Talking to her will do you no good, she won't hear you.
  4. I think you two were not compatible, too many things you'd need to compromise on when he is showing you who he is. You made the right call, now stop crying and work on getting on with your life.
  5. He said his name is on the lease, not hers.
  6. So actually it's your apt. since your name is on the lease, not hers. She cant keep you out of YOUR apt. A police man can help you get inside if that's what you want. She's got a new boyfriend, so you have been dumped. If I was you I'd have her evicted and you move in to that apt. or lease it out to someone else, or else see if her name can be put on the lease and your name removed.
  7. Totally agree. If he is in a big. hurry to go somewhere and MIL is coming over, then he needs to help get the baby ready or tidy the house or whatever needs doing. It should not all fall on you. If you are a right fighter then you will never be happy. This battle isn't about who's right, it's figuring out how to share chores and accomplish getting ready to go out. Also, dont take MIL with you, taking her to dinner is a much better idea.
  8. I hope you are paying attention to the good advice you have received above.
  9. Ok I have t2 diabetes and I take pills and insulin when I need it. I am married so no problems with dates! I would tell a date of my status about 3 or 4 dates in or if the subject comes up before that, then that's the time to mention it. People dont really react when I mention I have t2. Some ask questions about it or what do I eat or avoid eating, do I take meds. I answer truthfully. It's not a big deal to anyone but me. Considering 13% of the population has it, it doesn't take long to find someone else in the same boat. The doctor would of course know about diabetes and perhaps she may inquire about your control. Dont make a big deal out of it, it's a condition you have and hopefully you know how to take care of yourself.
  10. Have you sat down and discussed these things with him? I would assume your comments about the heater stuck in his head for him to remember them from a while ago and drag them up again. Perhaps it's what you said and how you said it? I thought it was kind that you were making dinner later in the evening for him, I probably would have gotten some fast food somewhere or tossed a frozen pizza in the oven. Why not ask him why he acted like he did?
  11. I am a very sociable person and yet I feel like you do. I've been home too much for the last 1.5 yrs and I do like being home, I have a lovely acreage, but I dont think it's been overall healthy for me to be home so much. I have to push myself to go out, and grocery shopping is about the only thing I do. I live in a rural area and there really isn't a lot to do at the best of times and covid has made it worse. Yesterday we went to costco, something I normally like to do, and it was a bit of a push for me to go there. I had been a few times in the recent past but not much. Once I got in there I was ok, but it's that initial thought of going out with the 3 dimensional people I have trouble with! I need to push past this. I think you are perfectly normal and you are probably going to have to push yourself too, to get back to where you were before. I think the fear of covid remains in our brains despite vaccinations, I know it does for me. We have a trip planned to Mexico in Feb. 2022 and I need to work on myself so that I can do this and be comfortable.
  12. My daughter is working on a BSc degree online as she is a reg'd. massage therapist with her own clinic, a husband and 2 kids. Going to uni isnt possible but doing it online is. If you can do your course online, do it.
  13. Are you getting any therapy? You really need some help to work out your many issues. You have a half sister you may actually like it you took the time to get to know her.
  14. I think she's pretending to be all bad ass and being better than everyone else while deep down she's scared sh1tless. I think she feels totally inadequate, for whatever reason, yet tries to show how great she is. I think she needs help, and you are not qualified to give it.
  15. You dont know someone until you live with them. That's what you are discovering. I think you need to move out, whether it's bak to your family or into another place with a friend so you can afford it. I dont think your relationship with this guy is going to work. My husband used to snore like a chain saw and our chiropractor resolved it and now he doesn't snore. Mind you, he's a slim man, and I do know overweight people can snore loudly. But perhaps it could help him. Also, you need to learn to drive.
  16. Have you talked to a lawyer? You two sound toxic together and having a civl relationship with her doesn't sound like it will work. My opinion os pay your child support, try to video chat with the child as often as you can, and move on with your life.
  17. Maybe he's not actually divorced and he's living with her! How do you know he's truly divorced?
  18. Yes, you got taken. Are you actually married to her? She needs to shape up or ship out. It's that simple. You are letting her get away with this by not requiring more of her. That's called enabling.So she spends her bit of pay on edibles and booze! No wonder she's lazy. She does need to go.
  19. She is a spoiled brat and you need to kick her to the curb. Talk about entitled and ***y.
  20. Dump him. He's showing you who he is and it's not a pretty sight. Block and delete.
  21. Sorry, but you have been dumped. you are pushing for answers and info he may not have. You guys are soooo young! The male brain doesn't fully mature til age 25, so you are ahead of him in maturity. You will have to let this go. Take time for yourself and then you can look for a new guy who is more on your wavelength.
  22. What is wrong with you that you allow yourself to be treated this way? He is so obviously hung up on her and definitely not over her. This is sick. You need to kick his sorry butt to the curb and find a guy who is well and truly available as this guy is not.
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