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  1. All these feelings all this pain, always walking around like there is nothing to gain. Why cant i feel it and be there like you, im alone and there is nothing you can do. Im lost and dying, but i aint crying. Because im sick of this mess, im living less and less. When im angry inside i put up a fight, and you calm me down and hold me tight. You say whats your problem?i reply cant you see, i cant help it, this is me. Im more alone each and every day cuz thats how i think i'll get attention, but from all of this i see i'll never be mentioned. Some people thought i just needed time away, and everything would be okay. But what i really wanted and really needed was someone, who was there for me through everything. I wish everyone knew how hard it is to go through this, all i wanted to feel was, that i was missed. All i needed was a smile or two, a pat on the shoulder and a hug from you. Im all better now with the help of all of you who cared, and now I say thank you to all of whom dared. _____________________________________________________________ Iam very new to writing poems so please just tell me the truth about this one because i wrote it about what happened in my life 3 months ago so please just be honest Thank you and LOveyounomatterwhat
  3. OMG i love that simple plan song too that is so cool! I forgot what it is called by simple plan but i love it! um there is a good one called why cant i? by liz phair i dont have any time to post the lyrics but i will eventually ttul! ______________________________________ Remember a friend who Gossips to you will eventually Gossip about you!
  4. OMG that is such a good song!! I also absolutely love this one wow we like alot of the same songs ttyl... You don't know how you met me You don't know why You can't turn around and say goodbye All you know is when I'm with you I make you free And swim through your veins like a fish in the sea
  5. Yes i love that song actually im listening to it right now! It is called she will be loved by maroon five my favorite song from them.
  6. Well if you had a romance with ur bestfriends ex then i think it would be ok! Unless she is one of those ppl who take everything efensively! it'll all work out!
  7. hey! You know what i've gone through practically the same thing! But i have gotten through most of it! Try to talk to someone that you know would have good advice and would be very supportive of what ur going through! Try to be positive in what you do no matter what happens. And dont let silly matters bring you down i let that happened to me and it almost killed me. and it sucked but i found someone who i could trust in. Pm me if you have any questions id love to help!
  8. O honey dont do that. I have been through the same thing. DOnt do anything drastic like taking your life bullies are bullies u cant do anything bout that. But what you can do is go in there show them that nothing they say can affect you. and if they are really bugging you go to ur school counselor they can tottally help thats what i did and im way better now.!
  9. Hmmmmmm........... well that actually is an ok idea..........just dont seem like your desperate try to act it cool. Ask her what's been happening... and try to narrow it down about guys who she likes or something but dont make it seem like ur really desperate just be like cool when u hear who it is and dont do it unless u really want to. Yeah it may seem kinda awkward seeing how you havent barely talked before so if the conversation isnt good then just make ur talk short if it is good then extend it. PsIf you have any other questions just do the same thing for me. loveyounomatterwhat
  10. Boxers or briefs: Boxers. definitely! Curly or straight hair: Guys with curly hair there so cute! Tall or short: Taller then me definitely i dont want to look down on my man. Six pack or muscular arms: both i guess but not way to much! Good or bad guys: well my definition of bad guys is not afraid to get into trouble but they dont go looking for it. Hat or no hat: Some guys can look really, really, really hot in hats. Ears pierced or not: it depends some guys look really hot with there ears peirced. Tan or no Tan: Tanned!!!!!!! Dimples or not: dimples are cute but dont like them all the time. Stubble or neatly shaven: Um. Ew. Neatly shaven. Rugged or sporty: Both can be pretty cute ;D probaly sporty more. Studly or cutie: Cutie but i call my cutie a stud. Accent or not: noooo! Glasses: i would rather not. Smart or dumb: not too smart but not dumb enough to pass with b's What sport should he play: Soccer! basketball or even FOOTBALL!!
  11. Well yeah it may look like she might not like you! But take this from the girl who has flirted dated and have done the same thing to guys too! i'll give three options of what might be going on. the first: It looks to me as this girl might be using the easy tactics to hard to get. the second: if i saw the guy i like get a hit from another guy i would do that in a way to flirt. She tottally might be playing with the thing of not talking to you maybe she is waiting for you to give the first move try to go up and talk to her. and the camera thing maybe she wanted more attention from you so u would go up and ask her if you could be in the picture. but also all this could be a sign to back away she might not be as interested in you as you are in her.
  12. But i dont have any close friends they all talk bad about me and spread rumors and it sucks cuz i dont belong with any of them at all! and it hurts cuz i cant talk to anyone.
  13. Hi! I feel really rejected by my friends....like im usually the most popular girl where ever i go but everyone now is rolling there eyes making rumors about me my parents dont understand iam just so confused and it is killing my heart like im hardening and becoming bitter i just want to cry all the time I dont know what to do. My brother and i are really close and i tell him everything and he gives me the best advice but he is in mexico with his girlfriend and our church. I just dont know what to do! I have thought of suicde but i would never do it because i know this is just a very hard stage that i will get through and i believe very strongly in God. I just feel crappy like i do everything wrong and i know im not the only one who feels this way! I just cant put my heart into words. I know there have been so many people who have gone through this please give me advice!Im just so frustrated like i have alot of "friends" but they dont really hang wit me. and whats even worst is that they all went on a trip to South Dakota and they are really close and im just pushed off to the side once again. PLEASE i need advice! and by getting this treatment i start skipping church skipping school getting grounded getting in fights its so hard you cant imagine
  14. That was so awesome! You put my whole life into words i wish i could do that! You are so awesome!
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