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Everything posted by rotty

  1. mate your only 12, there's plenty more hotties out there, let her go experience a few before you go start getting all touchy. ps. sorry to be blunt but someone had to do it
  2. you'll be right man just hang in there, let this one go.. sounds like your better off without her. shut the door, and if she comes knocking then you no there's a chance, doesnt sound like theres any point in chasing this one, im the same age as this girl, not that, that makes me know wat im talking about my ex is 19 and i cant understand her, ok im dribbling now take it eazy
  3. good call angel, dont change anything for him, remember your living your life now, yes you want him to be apart of it, but not by bowing to all his wishes let him work for you, i find that people who dump the other person always feel as if they have the power and when that powers taken away they dont no how to handle it, thats the vibes im getting from my ex now. im showing her i dont need, yes i'd like her but i can go on with out her and i will and have met other girls thats what makes me think she's trying to get back into my life..... i hope you have a great trip make sure you have loads of fun and try not to think about your ex, let him worry about you
  4. cheers lostangel, Since i last posted she msged me after work again pretty late at night, asking if i want to go out and grab a bight, i agreed so we sat there talking, she's never keen on leaving im always the one who wants to go. I was at her place last night we just got a heap of junk food and hired out a few movies, i've decided not to call her over the weekend, if she wants to get in contact with me thats fine but i've already made plans and i am not going to change them for her. I hope you get your chance lostangel, i hope i dont stuff mine up. weird world this one we live in with weird rules hehe the rules of attraction hey...
  5. cheers craig man, and i do agree with you, love does bring them back, and there are things that can be done to speed things up, i think i've done those things, i think right now im in a better place with her then i was 4 months prior to us breaking up, where enjoying each other companys laughing about things friends laugh about eg, sex, and flirting all at the same time its weird i've decided to back of a bit till maybe the weekend let her see how she feels about wat was said the other night, cheers for replying man meant alot and i will be patient time is on our side right?
  6. i think your 100% right lostangel, im sorry to here about whats going on, but if you guys keep fighting after getting back together it seems as if you just need some time apart go out and do some stuff you've always wanted, have something intresting to talk to him about something that wont get you guys fighting, what do you's fight about? peddy little things? i think you guys have just spent so much time together you's need a break try go 2 months no conntact, take my word for it, he wont forget you, he'll be thinking about you the hole time it will give you both a chance to reflect on things and see how things should go from there.. if you stay in contact like you said your just going around in a cycle. i hope this has helped a bit and believe me i no it hurts me and my girlfriend were pretty simular we gave each other space and time and now where best buddys again the way i like it, there's a future there now where there wasnt before. i hope things work out but i think from what you've said the only thing that can really be done is to have some time apart
  7. myjoy, things have taken a turn for the good in my situation as well, talked to her got every thing of our chest where talking like best buddys again like we did before we were together i love it, she told me about the guys she's been with and i handled it fine i told her about the chicks i've been and she handled it, she stayed over but i didnt do a thing just awsome casual catch up talk, she cant get enough of it, best i've felt in a long time. gotta thank you and danimal, dont think i could of stayed so strong with out your insperational posts. still a long way to go but the ice is brocken things can only get better, hope every things well with you man
  8. Well i've posted on here a few times read more then i've written mind you and learnt a hell of a lot, like alot of people have sent this site is a god sent, lucky for me i found it just at the right time and it calmed me right down and guided me in the way i needed to be with my ex, well things were going good between us we were going out every now and again just spontaneously nothing planned and i was happy about that, i was keeping it light and happy and make her feel comfortable around me we stayed of the hole subject of us and the subject of other people, as i wasnt ready and i doubt she was either, so yesturday we had a bit of a breakthrew she kept asking me about this girl she over read me talking about when i didnt relise she was online not in a bad way just a curious jelous sort of way i sorta just ignore her to start with then eventually loosened up and told her then i had to go so i left, she also had to work and leave, so we left it at that, once she'd finished work which was 10:30 pm she rang me, which is pretty unusual i mean she calls every now and again but not straight after work anyways i asked her wats up and she was wondering if i wanted to go get a late night snack i said yeah sure why not, had the day of work today so we went just too a 24 hour subway sat and talked for a good 2 hours didnt even relise the time was passing every thing came out about the chick i am "sort" of seeing and how im going to stop it and the guy she's sort of seeing and cant stand the sight of him. it was awsome to talk to her that comfortablly again i told her that and told her i respected her for wat she did, cause we fully needed a break she agreed, anyways i said to her lets get out of here, so we left and i thought that was it i expected her to drop me home and leave it at that, much to my amazment when we were close to my place keeping in mind it was 2am by now she said to me "you want to watch a movie or something" i had no problems with that so i agreed, things were good again during that i kept my distance and made sure i didnt touch her, she ended up staying the night and we lay there talking and flirting till 5:30 this morning again i didnt touch things were said and i new i could have made a move but i thought at this point things will be better if i just make her more relaxed first so i did, she left not so long ago but she has to come back to pick up her car, not sure if she left it here so she had a reason to come back or what, but basically what im trying to say for all you dedicated people who did read this, is if you do the right things you can get them back im not saying i've got this girl back im still along way from it but i know im the only guy in her life right now and im a guy who's putting no pressure on her or asking anything from her, she's chasing me not the other way round. if anyone wants to give me any advice where to go from here that'd be great, if not i hope i gave some of you people out there a bit of hope and things do work out if not for the best they always work out. take it eazy people
  9. good stuff, great to see things like this do happen if you play your cards right, and you definetly did do that myjoy, where all happy for you mate
  10. stop worrying about it, let him do wat he needs to do sounds like he's walking all over you.. u need to get the control back and make him chase you make out you dont want to get back with him if he trys to, that way he's going to want you more i guess, i find that happens anyways as soon as i lost intrest in my ex, she all off a suden wanted to do things with me ect, i aint calling i aint thinking about her and its working, im not even sure if i ever want to get back with her now
  11. i comletely agree with kate man, i did the same thing, a couple of weeks after got with another chick, felt very strange but then i thought i owe no one nothing she called the shots she can live with them
  12. there only words mate, i wouldnt worry so much, let things chill for a while then tell her your sorry for saying those things you were just angry and upset im sure she knows that already anyways, take it eazy
  13. with out sounded like a downer, i wouldnt send that dood... i can see that just pushing her further away.. just leave her let her come to you be casual and cool and let her enjoy your company again sending her something like that is just going to allow her to see how needy you are towards her as well as you did word i could still pick up on it so she sure as hell will.. let her go see what happens i hope things work out for ya mate but i dont think that letter will do anything for your advantage
  14. at this stage man its about your only chance, give your self a chance to get over her. as for the puppy, why give it to her. why dont you keep dont take it too her, if she wants to come see it let her come see it.. i dunno thats wat i'd be like, but yeah definetly give her a bit of space and wat she said did sound heartless she sounds like a bit of a bitch to be honist.. just spend some time with you man, exercise, go out, have fun... anything get your mind of her, who cares.. i know its hard believe me but it worked for me and im only 3 weeks into my relationship breakup, dont get me wrong i love her to death but at the same time i dont see the point in dwelling over it, im just going to make my self a better person for her if she ever comes back or for my next either way its your life live it to the fullest.. take it eazy man
  15. thats it man, look after your self, by the sounds of the msges she's been sending you there's definetly something there, just keep it cool and casual and let her expeirance what ever it is out there she's after, im sure it wont be long until she comes back to you man
  16. hey guys, well me and girl friend have be split for just over 2 weeks now, and we've kept in contact every couple of days gone out for lunch gone for a drive ect, or just had a nice chat on the phone things are pretty good, i havent said anything about the relationship since the first night she ended it, plus im keeping my cool around her when i am with having the i guess 'no care attitude' dont get me wrong i lissoning to her but i make out that it doesnt bother me where apart, we were together for 2 years. anyways she came round yesturday she said she needed her jeans but sounded like just a excuse to me we went and got some lunch then came back over here, we were a little flirty with our words and a bit touchy anyways she said she had to leave and i said ok good in a funny sorta away it was all laughs and all positive which i wanted, it was nice. well the thing is she's going away over east to sydney tomorrow night "saturday" for 10 days and i think that will be great for her as well as me, im just wondering should i call her up today some time and ask her if she wants to spend a quiet night with me or should i just keep my cool and call her tomorrow night before she leaves and wish her a good trip and persue it when she gets back ? i do love this girl but im at a stage now where i just love being with her, i dont want to lose that, i love to get her back but friends for now is fine by me i can see us getting back together but i dont let my self get my hopes up too much i've had 2 weeks to think of the reasons as to why we broke up in the first place and im working on changing that now, i think by the way i've been acting towards her and giving her, her space and distance is proving to her that i am willing to change and i taking the first step. i just aint sure how to approach this going away thing.. anyways thanks for reading,. sorry it was soo long =] and good luck to all you people out there there is light at the end of the tunnel just be strong and respect his/her choice, i think if you can show someone respect that really shows alot take it eazy people
  17. if that didnt narrow it down i dont no wat till danimal mate, that was awsome digly, i just broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years last week and i thought i'd be alright to talk to her, i know i can talk to her with out showing emotions but i think after reading wat you just rote i might give it a little longer get my mind fully around things and back the way i used to think, your so right, thats wat girls need/want/disire, i lost it, along with being with being jelouse about everything and everyone, which was probly my biggest down side, confident people dont get jelouse. so i guess that was my problem right there. she goes away on saturday accross to sydney, so im going to make my self scarse this week then give her a ring when she gets back. anyways your a champ digly take it eazy fella's things will work out in the end no matter which way they go.
  18. i hear ya john things will be all good just give her time, more importantly give your self time stop flooding her, give her a chance to miss you thats wat im doing with my ex now, its been a few days since we broke up, seems as if we havnt even broken up when im with her, but i told her last night i need time, i dont want to lose her as a person, if worst comes to worse i still want her as a friend and if you really love someone then that will be good enough time heals all, take it eazy buddy
  19. well im pretty sure the reason she ended it was because i was giving her the space she needed, she's only 18 and she likes to go out clubbing ect, just with friends and im a pretty jelouse guy so i used to kick up a fuss make her feel guilty ect, but i relise that now.. i just need to control my feelings and do my own thing and be happy she's having fun. i like the way things are now non the less i just wish i could grab her and give her a big kiss and tell her how sorry i am. i stuff up last night saying could we try this ect, but i learnt from it and i aint going to make that mistake again just play it cool and like im having fun thanks for the reply
  20. me and my girlfriend have just recently split but it doesnt seem much different other then the fact that i cant kiss or hug her, i mean we still took our dog to the vets today, together and had a good laugh then had lunch together, i said to her last night i think we need some time appart no contact, and she kinda agreed in a sopy kind of way, the thing is she's going away in about 2 weeks for 10 days do you think that will be long enough time to not see each other or should i just stop seeing her now ? i personally need the space but i love being with her and we seem to be having more fun now then we ever were...
  21. hey guys, just a update im talking to her online now after talking to her on the phone last night again, it seems as if things are better, the only difference is i know i cant ask her to come round or vise versa its good like this, but i do want more and i want to allow her the freedom she needs if i keep it cool like this let her do wat she likes do you think she will come back cause im getting the vibes that she doesnt want to fully end she just wants to make a statment
  22. cheers guys. well she rang me today for the first time and we chatted as if nothing had really changed i smsed her last night but im going to make sure i dont do anything like that again, she also said that she will call me tomorrow, we have a dog together and it needs to go to the vets on wednesday so i'll see her then as well.. i dont get this hey. its as if nothings changed, why does she still want to call me ect, if she doesnt want to be together ?
  23. Hey guys i think its great that people can get together and talk like this, i've just recently brocken up with my girlfriend, it was sort of a mutral dicionsion but i was just going along with it to make out i didnt care, but deap down i do, she says she still loves me but not enough to have a relasionship, it was 3 nights ago and i called her yestuday and talked on the phone for over a hour we were together for 2 years and she just said that she doesnt want a relasionship anymore.. i dont no wat to do im, keeping my distance but i just want things to be back the way they were
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