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Everything posted by Dr.Jekyl

  1. I get a huge amount of papers to write, which causes me to type on WORD a lot. When my friends and I write papers, we use AIM to compare work to one another, so whenever I write papers I am on AIM. When my girlfriend comes on AIM, I usually don't notice it, because I get absorbed in the homework. She hasn't said anything yet, but I think that she feels a little hurt that I almost never instant message her on AIM, and if she wants to talk to me, she always has to instant message me. I would talk to her about it, but it would probably be useless, as she would say that there is no problem, even if there really is one. Does anyone out there in cyber-space have any idea how I could go about this? I don't want her to be hurt, especially not for something that I did. Any advice is great!
  2. I have a similar problem. My problem is that I don't want to kiss too soon, because if the girl doesn't want to be kissed, it could spoil the night. And, a lot of times, I never get a chance to kiss the girl at the end of the night.
  3. Well, it's sort of my first date with her (homecoming).
  4. I'm sorry, I sort of made a mistake when I typed. She didn't turn me down twice, she turned me down once, and a couple months later I asked her to a dance, and she said she couldn't go (I found out she really couldn't). A friend told me that the reason she turned me down when I asked her out, was that she didn't feel the same way about me, but she still likes me as a friend. As for moving on and finding another girl, I really don't want to. I'm not trying to get a girlfriend because that's what every 16 year old boy does, I truly feel something for this one.
  5. Here it is, This girl at school and I are good friends, I walk with her and talk with her a lot, people say we're very compatible, they are always mistaking us for a couple, and when I tell them we're not one, they look very surprised. But I am that friend that is good friends with the girl, but will never date her. It's not that I haven't asked her, I have, but she turns me down everytime (I asked twice), and I know she likes me as a friend. I think my problem is that I don't stand out, and everything I do with her is routine now (as I mentioned before, I walk and talk with her a lot everyday, because we have a lot of classes near each other, and I sit accross from her in lunch). My question is, how do I seem more unpredictable, in a good way? I can't just stop talking to her, she would figure out something is up. How do I seem confident? I am a confident person, but I don't think I show it all too well. Any help is appreciated.
  6. OH MAN! I have the same problem. so far, I've tried to avoid her, play sports that prevent me from thinking about her, I think it either takes time, or another woman. Good luck getting over her, man.
  7. Thanks for all your help, it's kinda put me in a different perspective. About this confidence thing, I am usually pretty confident, and I'm not a jerk. My problem with this girl is that I am friends with her, but i know that's all she sees me as. I'm the friend that you would see walking with the girl to class, talking with her a lot, etc. Not clingy, just that guy you know is never going to be looked at as more than a friend. I want to know what I can do to fix this situation. I don't think that if I stop talking to her all together I would fix it (she's a smart girl, she'll figure it out). I honestly don't know what to do, so can anyone help? Thanks to those who have already posted
  8. Okay, everywhere I go, every guy has an opinion on what women want out of a guy. This irritates me, because a lot of guys don't know the first thing about flirting (I'm one of them), so it's usually bad advice. I'll give you a situation. Guy: "Dude, just be really nice, and compliment her" Me : "Have you ever had a girlfriend?" Guy: "Well, not really, but..." Me: "Yeah, shut up." Anyway, my question is for women. What are you looking for in a guy? And don't just say "Oh, I want a guy with a good sense of humor/who is very intelligent/very nice/likes puppies, etc..." because that's either a lie, or you don't know what you want. Be honest about what you look for, (I'm not saying all women are shallow,it's just I rarely see women date guys because they get straight A's), so just be honest. Oh, and guys, you can post too (no one's stopping you), but please only if you know what you're talking about. Peace out.
  9. I have a question relating to this. I want to build muscle mass, but I was also going to join the cross country team at my school (long distance running), and practice starts pretty soon. My question is, can long distance running REALLY interfere with muscle growth? And if it does, how can I balance it out so that I will still get muscle mass?
  10. Hey, I'm a rather skinny kid. About 6'0 ft and around 165 lbs. My question is what kind of weight lifting should I do, how often should I do it, and when should I do it? I mostly want more muscle on my arms, biceps, and pecs. Also, please tell me how to do this using free weights, because we don't have any exercise macines at my house, and my school gym is always used by a sports team, so they won't allow others in. Any help is mucho appreciated
  11. Alright. Honestly, guys aren't lieing to you. Different guys prefer different things. Some guys like curvacious women, others like skinny women. There is nothing programmed into our brains to only be attracted to one single body build.
  12. Well, in defence of some of the less shallow guys out there, my reason why I like this girl I met is that she's really fun to be around. Not everyone is as shallow as they seem.
  13. In my experience, women don't think one way about this at all. Example: There is this girl at my school who everyone has told me thinks I'm hot and wants to date me (I don't know her well enough yet, but that's another story). I'm not really good looking, but apparently she thinks so. Although from what I've seen, many women are turned on by guys who are confident and real (i.e., don't try to be something you're not to get a girl) There is also that Freudian Theory about how some women will find guys attractive if they remind them of there fathers, but I doubt any girl would admit to that, because it's on a subconscious level. Hope all this typing helps!
  14. Sounds to me like she's just being friendly. When women talk to you, that doesn't necessarily mean they want you.
  15. Guys, how do you know when a girl wants to be kissed? Ladies, what signs do you give, if any? anyones help is good.
  16. I'm thinking of going with the single white rose with the pink tips. That is, if I can find one, I've never seen them anywhere before. Thanks for your help everyone
  17. To be honest, the girl I like seems pretty confident, but it's not something that I really look for.
  18. alright, so far it's 4 people for red, 2 for white, and 1 for white with a pink tip (sounds like a sweet idea) thank you. Any more votes people?
  19. Two quick questions for everyone. Which would you prefer ladies, a single red rose, or a single white rose? Also, is it ok to give a rose on valentines day to a girl that you aren't in a relationship with, but you really like. The girl knows I like her, and we're still really good friends. Her parents just don't want her to date till she's 16. Ladies and gentlemen, feel free to answer both questions.
  20. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR CLEARING THAT UP!!!! I always thought that by what people meant by control was that you DID have to control the girl. I never thoguht this was right, because it would make you look like a real jerk.
  21. In many of these posts, I have noticed a majority of you peep's keep telling people to be more confident, dominant, control-taking, assertive, whatever. So, I must ask the question, what do you mean by all this? Normally when I talk to women that I like, I don't have a huge problem with confidence (it still a problem I have to work on, though), but what does it mean to be more controlling and dominent around women? How much would be too dominant and controlling?
  22. Trust me on this. If the girl you are trying to get (I assume there's a special girl involved) is like the type that will only go for the hot guys, or the "dangerous" guys, or the popular guys, chances are she is very shallow, and you might not have that much fun with her. Of course, I don't know the whole situation, but I have seen stuff like this ALL the time in highschool. Find someone that isn't only pretty, but someone you have a lot of fun with when you're together. That being said, I hope your highschool love life works out.
  23. Actually, the friend that said that she would date me if not for her parents, said that she can date when she is 16. I just need to find out if she likes me and wait until then.
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