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girls liking short sex?

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This is kind of relating to miracle29's post. It seems that a lot of girls do not like having sex for long amounts of time. I know it is probably because it is painful, but are there any out there that enjoy the occasional hour or more of actual intercourse? I used to be a so called "miinute man" with my x, but I worked hard, practiced masturbation techniques to teach my wiener to last longer, and am now capable of going long amounts of time (not always, but usually), and my x absolutely loved it. I now find that just 20 minutes of actual intercourse simply does not satisfy me. So come on ladies, are there any of you that actually like an hour (on average) of intercourse? Oh, and please do not lecture me on how the intimate connection is more important, I agree it is, I still want my answer

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I've only ever had one occasion when it went on so long it hurt, and at that time I was vaguely (okay, EXTREMELY) annoyed at him so who knows what was going on then.


There were a couple of times I would have liked awhile longer, but too long and it would just get dull.

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The key is to make sex interesting plus you have to understand female anatomy so that you understand when a woman is going to create her own lubrication. You also have to realize that not all women are capable of going that long. You can only do so much and each girl is going to have their own limit and you just have to find what that limit is.

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An hour of intercourse would be too long for me.


I think anything over 30 minutes is too much.


Long sexual encounters are fine if they involve foreplay and other activities, but just straight intercourse for an hour would get boring and physcially uncomfortable.


Whenever I hear a song glorifying sex "all night long" I think: ouch.




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sure I love long sessions of intercourse, but sometimes the shorter ones can be more intense and better in that way. I guess if I was having hour long session every single time, I would start to get bored with it, it's always good to change it up, that includes the amount of time it takes. Sometimes after I climax I find it hard to continue on, i feel like I am unable to keep moving, so sometimes in that sense short sex session would be better for me.

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To be honest with you, if I know I wont be able to orgasm I like ending it after a short period of time because it gets boring and repetitive. Maybe try to spice it up some more. When I want it short its when its boring and I'm gettin tired of it after liek 10 minutes lol. See what she likes.

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The first time my GF and I had sex, I was thinking, "I'm gonna blow her mind, we'll go for hours."


So while I'm in the moment I think everything is great, after about 30 mins, she's like, "Are you almost done?!"


Ha, talk about an ego buster!


But she says it depends on her mood. Sometimes she wants a 15-20 min quickie, but on the weekends she's down for as long as I want.


BTW changing positions during sex makes it more interesting AND you last longer...for the "minute-men" here.

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I've heard from at least a few women who seem to like their sessions a little on the shorter side. In a way I can understand why, if it only lasts 10-15 minutes, chances are things are very intense between the two people.


Nevertheless, this does fly in the face of what I've heard most of my life, how women want a guy who can just last and last. It's been hard to re-write my brain to accept this new way of thinking.

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oh it's absolutley grates my if actual intercourse is short! I really wanna grab my vibrator and carry on!!!!! But its very different hey coz on sum days im like, wam bam already! But those are very rare, now getting back to your Q, many woman would love it if their men went on a bit longer because it does take us longer to climax and it sure aint gonna happen in 2minutes of thrustin!


dont you worry boi, just enjoy sex and the more effort you put into it the less you enjoy it. Sex is to be felt not thought about, dont think, just feel....you'll wake up feeling like another man.LOL

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For any of you who enjoy the longer sessions, do you find there is a correlation with your cardiovascular endurance?


Any competetive runners/triathletes out there? Assuming you can make intelligent intercourse decisions that avoid obvious pain, do you tend to prefer longer sessions?


Up until now I have been pretty lucky. My first two g/f's must have been born ^&*&ers. They tended to enjoy a good 45 minutes of sex. The girl I am dating now? We haven't exactly gone horizontal but she indicates she wouldn't want to do it for long (she is thinking 10-20 minutes max from what I gather). Maybe I am an anomaly but I don't think I'd be satisfied knowing sex typically wouldn't last for more than 10-20 minutes. I prefer taking more time to go through several good positions. Plus there is always spooning and relaxing morning sex that can take some time to build to a nice crescendo. There are times you just don't rush it.


Men stress about being able to last to an incredible degree. Funny so many women seem to prefer something like 20-30 minutes for intercourse. Talk about a myth rooted in the male ego. Someone else said any woman is capable of giving a man more sex than he could ever handle. I personally don't even think that argument should be a gender issue. It is a more a matter of what is the limiting factor with a particular couple. Often that has nothing to do with the male orgasm.

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I used to just want it quick and dirty but since this new man came into my life we can both be energizer bunnies and go forever...multi orgasmic I found out, so no pain here. In fact when the wind has finally gone out of his sails I am still in the blissful I WANT MORE stage....


It is a wicked irony. The women I have slept with almost always get super turned on at the point of the male orgasm. The man's orgasm is like some kind of trigger for them making them want it more beyond belief. It is bound to be frustrating for them. Thank the Lord for male multiple orgasms. That little trick can save many a men from the embarrasment of finishing before she is satisfied. It also makes for a very hot round two when she thinks you are done, but manage to be able to go again.

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I personally don't even think that argument should be a gender issue. It is a more a matter of what is the limiting factor with a particular couple. Often that has nothing to do with the male orgasm.




I applaud you. VERY well said. Just like anything else, if two people don't click sexually it's very frustratin for one, the other, or both.But that's only if you feel that sex is important at this point. For me sex is one of the MOST important. If I can't be comfortable enough to have sex with a girl, it drives me nuts.

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For me it becomes painful after thirty minutes or so and I really wish that the whole myth about all women wanting a man who could go forever ever got started. Before I got married my husband and I were apart for five months and when we finally saw each other again, he was like "O0o0o, we're going to make love all night long", and I was like "I don't think so, buddy!".

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