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What does you SO do to show you how much they love you?

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There is too much negativity on the relationship boards lately. So, post away and we'll get some positive energy flowing!


For me there isn't just one thing, it's all the little things he does, all the time. He just gets me, and knows my many many moods. lol. He always calls to ask how my day was, and drives out of his way each day to take me to work, because the buses are screwed up in my area. He listens to what I have to say, and recently, started really listening to my opinions and my ideas, which feels really good, because that proves that he respects me.

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Good Idea Redrose!!!!


my SO. He's always listens to me speak my mind, He loves my views & when he disagrees...he does it in the most respectful way ever - we learn from eachother

He kisses the top of my head & my hands. (I've never had that before) His arms are always open to me.

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My boyfriend always tells me that I'm weird, and this makes me smile.


He is just as cheesy as me and tells me how pretty I am, and that he loves me.


He gets out of bed in the middle of the night to get my medicine if I have a migraine, and never complains about it.


He says no to his friends when they ask him to go out on our "date night" (Wednesdays).

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So, earlier this week, both my husband and I had a go-round with this horrible stomach flu thing.


3AM Thursday, I'm parked on the bathroom floor worshipping the porcelain god, when my husband gets out of bed so he can hold back my longish hair while I'm getting sick.


Now THAT'S love.

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Me: How was your day?

Him: Well it was..wait..no..we always start with me talking about my day. How was your day?

Me: Well this really cool thing happened at work (insert short story). Ok now you go.

Him: Your day was not five minutes, what else happened?


I love that he does that It really makes me feel like he cares about me and what goes on in my life. He's not just humoring me. He always tells me he loves me, writes me love poems when I've had a rough day, talks about our future, tells me how much he misses me, just makes me feel all around special to him. I can't even really put it into words, he just always lets me know in every interaction how much he loves me.

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I think that the true measure of love is that when a significant other demonstrates that they know the other person and they dont expect anymore or any less of that person than for them to be the person they are.


I am stealing Day Walkers sentiments


That is what it comes down to really, I just feel loved and accepted 100% for whom I am - quirks and all. Free to be me, and only me.


My boyfriend is great, he was in total support of me going back to school even if it meant huge changes in our life.


He held my hand tightly when we found out my mum had cancer, and later told me he would love me even if I had chicken cutlets for breasts (as we discussed my risk).


He stayed up with me for a week when I was grossly sick only weeks after we had moved in together, taking my temperature, running and getting me medications, holding my puke bucket...


He always knows how to put a smile on my face, even if he has to cheat and tickle it out of me...


He listens, and trusts me to listen to him.


I adore him, he really is a true partner, friend and lover to me.

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So, earlier this week, both my husband and I had a go-round with this horrible stomach flu thing.


3AM Thursday, I'm parked on the bathroom floor worshipping the porcelain god, when my husband gets out of bed so he can hold back my longish hair while I'm getting sick.


Now THAT'S love.


AHhhh, I had that stomach bug. My boyfriend also held my hair and just sat on the bathroom floor keeping me company and comforting me as I was barfing and crying into the toilet. That, indeed, is love.

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He respects me, and values the integrity of our relationship, and is thereforeeee fully honest with me when expressing any of his thoughts, feelings and, or opinions. In other words, he's not afraid of telling me the honest truth about things, and as hard as this may be to digest at times, I appreciate it nonetheless.


He actually loves the fact that I'm intelligent, and a bit crazy. When in the company of his friends, he always brags about the crazy things I/we have done.


He's seen me at my absolute worst, and doesn't hold my past against me.


He loves touching me, and caressing my skin. He is also convinced that I have a perfect body, and in terms of sexual attraction, thinks I'm god's gift to men. Perhaps he's a bit delusional in thinking this, but I think it's cute and am flattered by it still.


He fully appreciates my multidimensionality and as a side note, he deeply respects the fact that I'm an atheist, he happens to be an atheist too.


I absolutely love Shakespeare, and he absolutely hates him eventhough he's never in fact read one of his plays in its entirety. Needless to say, this has been a point of contention in the past, but he recently bought a book of Shakespeare's complete works, in an attempt to one day see what all the "hype" is about.

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Often when we're cuddling, or maybe even just sitting accross from each other, she'll look at me with the most soft, soulful and vulnerable expression that I've ever seen. It not only makes me melt but, as silly as it may sound, when she does this I feel like a great man for having earned her love and trust.

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i know exactly what my boyfriend is going to do before he does it, so to surprise me... he has to work super hard. and he does. he surprises me with all kinds of sweet things, like chocolate fondue when i'm PMSing, and delicious elaborate anniversary dinner, chick flicks and popcorn. he tells me i'm pretty constantly and always want to cuddle. if we're walking and not holding hands he very gently hits my hand with his so i'll grab it. if i'm hurt and crying, he cries too.

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shakespere's sonnets 44 [my age as well - wink] - i hope u likie


if the dull substance of my flesh were thought,

injurious distance should not stop my way;

for then, despite of space, i would be brought,

from limits far remote, where doust stay.

now matter then although my foot did stand

upon the farhest earth removed from thee;

for nimble thought can jump both sea and land

as soon as think the place where u would be.

but, ah, thought that kills me that i am not the thought,

oh to leap large lengths of miles when thou art gone,

but that, so much of earth and water wrought

receiving naught by elements so slow

but heavy tears, badges of both woes

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shakespere's sonnets 44 [my age as well - wink] - i hope u likie


if the dull substance of my flesh were thought,

injurious distance should not stop my way;

for then, despite of space, i would be brought,

from limits far remote, where doust stay.

now matter then although my foot did stand

upon the farhest earth removed from thee;

for nimble thought can jump both sea and land

as soon as think the place where u would be.

but, ah, thought that kills me that i am not the thought,

oh to leap large lengths of miles when thou art gone,

but that, so much of earth and water wrought

receiving naught by elements so slow

but heavy tears, badges of both woes


My all time favorite is #129, and no that's not my age.


Th'expense of spirit in a waste of shame

Is lust in action, and, till action, lust

Is perjured, murd'rous, bloody, full of blame,

Savage, extreme, rude, cruel, not to trust,

Enjoyed no sooner but despised straight,

Past reason hunted,and no sooner had,

Past reason hated as a swallowed bait

On purpose laid to make the taker mad;

Mad in pursuit, and in possession so,

Had, having, and in quest to have, extreme,

A bliss in proof, and proved, a very woe,

Before, a joy proposed, behind, a dream.

All this the world well knows, yet none knows well

To shun the heaven that leads men to this hell.

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When we're in the same room doing things but not engaged in each other, I'll catch him gazing at me when I'm not looking. The expressions on his face make my heart melt. I see him doing nothing other than watching me. It amazes me how someone could be so happy and content just to be in the same room with ME.

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When we're in the same room doing things but not engaged in each other, I'll catch him gazing at me when I'm not looking. The expressions on his face make my heart melt. I see him doing nothing other than watching me. It amazes me how someone could be so happy and content just to be in the same room with ME.


That is so sweet! I love that feeling

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He tells me that I'm beautiful and that he loves me everyday. I love the way he looks at me. I love how even when he does things that get on my nerves, I find myself only loving him more. I LOVE THAT HE TRUSTS ME WITH EVERYTHING I love that he gets along so great with my family. I love how he tells me I look beautiful when we wake up in the morning even though I don't have any makeup on and I think I look revolting. I love his eyes and holding his hand. I can go on forever. But I must say that I am a very lucky girl. I am very happy for anyone that gets to experience true love. Don't ever screw up a good thing!!



This thread was a great idea, redrose85!! I agree, ENA has been way too negative and depressing lately.

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