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What does sex mean to you?

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im just curious about what you all think about sex. do you think it's a romantic connection, just a fun thing to do...ect.



i'll start by telling what i think. i used to think it was just something fun and carefree but once i had the chance to have cheap sex. i backed down. i waited till i met my current GF and then had sex. im glad i did. i see it more of a connection and a very romantic thing.



your turn!

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I would say that sex has its own spectrum and on one end it can be a romance that is shared by two people who deeply love eachother and on the other end it can be an act which is completely lustfull. Of course there are sexual experiences in between these two extremes. Sex is what you want it to be, if you are looking for that romantic love type sex then that is what you will look for but if you want a lustfull experience then it can be that as well.

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How someone feels about sex depends on how they feel about the person with whom they're having it.


The sex spectrum might go like this:


meaningful/emotional-----------------------------------strictly physical

Love or strong liking .................................limited emotional bond

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Sex is biolgical function. Sex with someone that you have a mental and emotional tie to becomes a physical expression of how you feel about that person and the feeling can be any feeling under the sun, love, lust, happiness, caring, sadness, you name it. I will go out on a limb here though and say I believe probably most people are in the mood when they're either horny or happy.

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I think it can be either or both. I do believe sex in a loving relationship will be the best sex of all, but casual sex is still better than no sex. Physically anyway. Mentally, I used to believe in virginity and I'm a virgin for no fault of mine. I've realized that in order to get a girl, I need to lose my virginity.

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I think it can be either or both. I do believe sex in a loving relationship will be the best sex of all, but casual sex is still better than no sex. Physically anyway. Mentally, I used to believe in virginity and I'm a virgin for no fault of mine. I've realized that in order to get a girl, I need to lose my virginity.[/QUO


The only reason why you hate your virginity having sex is more easy to achieve then having a healthy verbal relationship that leads to intercourse.

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It's definitely fun, but I would never do it unless there was an emotional connection. I'm not into casual sex, nor do I want to be. I want to be in a relationship before I do anything.


I think guys that think they "need" sex to live and just go sleeping around or pressuring women to sleep with them are disrespectful. Everyone wants sex but no one needs it.

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Sex between two random people is usually "hotter" in my opinion because you don't know you are going to have it and it's all new, which adds to it.


Sex with someone you love means so much more.


However, in my opinion, people who make the other person wait a long time are being unreasonable. If they are not ready (which I respect) then don't go out with people and ask them to wait a ridiculous amount of time.

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In my opinion, people who pressure others for s_x before they are ready are being unreasonable and it is judgmental to call any particular length of time a "ridiculous" amount of time. It is a topic that should be discussed openly and honestly when the subject first comes up. That is how I did it and the men who were serious about me were willing to wait until I was comfortable because, like me, they did not see a point to being intimate before both people were ready, nor was intercourse the focus of their lives or their reason for being with me.


In my early 20's I waited over a year and later I waited typically 4-5 months because I did not feel comfortable unless we were exclusive, loving and had strong potential for marriage. The men who rejected me because I wanted to wait were very few in number - one, on the third date, one on the fourth date and one after two months. not a problem for me and let me be with men who had serious intentions.

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I never said anyone should pressure someone else to have sex before they are ready. But, there are many times (I have guy friends who were put through this) were she would be ready, then change her mind, like many many times. Then she would get mad at him because he would get frustrated by it.


My own personal choice is I would never consider marrying someone if I haven't been with her sexually for a considerable amount of time. When I was 17 and it was my first time (and her) I waited 4 months but that is the longest I have ever waited. I did so because it was both of our first times and she was scared, not holding to see my intentions. I wouldn't do that now.


I respect a woman's choice to wait but it definitely wouldnt be for me. At the same time, I have this little thing that if I have sex with them on the 1st date, they aren't relationship material for me either.

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