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Well I know its prolly not so good but I get a really good laugh out of it now.


I think in this case its having the opposite effect on me. total psycho, she acted so innocent and giving and loving but it was all b.s.


It helps to remind me of the negative stuff and I feel better off where I am at now than living the lie that was her.


Its all water under the bridge and one day she could write a 500 page novel and I could care less.

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"yes someone is keeping me awake with their snooring, snorting, flipping and flopping! I'm exhausted. In three days, I have had about 8 hours of sleep."


I'd rather sleep on the floor in the garage...lol


The work "Perky" always makes me think of boobs.


Oh dear gawd, thats an excellent thought...to the garage tonight. It may be cold but it's quiet and stationary!


Those aren't so perky ...yet. They're still asleep.

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My friend has gray bird, I forgot what it's called but it's exotic,

and expensive...anyway that thing is so smart~it tells on the cat,

for real it says "Cole is on the table, get down Cole get down" and

when it misses his little girl it says..."Jo Jo miss Brandy, Brandy pretty,

come pretty Brandy"

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