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What would you think if you heard this?

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Recently, i just met a new guy. He goes to the same college as me and works at the same part time job. All and all he seems like a nice guy but something he said to me has me wondering what it meant.


We were just talking one night and jokingly, i started talking dirty. I then said I hope you dont think im a sl*t because im not...

He told me he doesnt believe in the word...


What would you think when you heard that? he doesnt care about a womans sex life? Or he doesnt believe in the word because he likes girls who sleep around and fool around...


I just dont know how to form an opinion about this guy and feel it would be rude to ask this soon in the relationship.


Anyone heard that line before and/or used it?

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I'd initially think that maybe he's not a judgemental person, but as I spent more time with him, I watch to see if his actions matched up with his words.


I tend to do this with people I don't know real well. Got screwed over one too many times by believing what someone said and not really paying attention to what they did.

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How ironic that you feel comfortable enough to "talk dirty" but think it's too early to ask him what he meant by something he said. He probably means he doesn't believe in using the term " * * * *" as a label. I do wonder why you'd talk dirty to a nice (does that mean "traditional?") guy.

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Recently, i just met a new guy. He goes to the same college as me and works at the same part time job. All and all he seems like a nice guy but something he said to me has me wondering what it meant.


We were just talking one night and jokingly, i started talking dirty. I then said I hope you dont think im a sl*t because im not...

He told me he doesnt believe in the word...


What would you think when you heard that? he doesnt care about a womans sex life? Or he doesnt believe in the word because he likes girls who sleep around and fool around...


I just dont know how to form an opinion about this guy and feel it would be rude to ask this soon in the relationship.


Anyone heard that line before and/or used it?


It means exactly what I've slowly been learning in life...that people are stuck to double standards. I don't know if I would say I dont "believe" in the word, but if I had to gather what he said, he means what I think when I say...When it comes to sex, it takes two people, it takes a guy and a girl(or...I guess that's interchangeable), but... somehow when a guy gets sex really early on, he's applauded for it, and when a girl gives it up early on, she's labeled the above word. It's a double standard, and I don't believe it should be that way, and that's what he means...what you do in a relationship or who you sleep with is your business, and just cause a guy sleeps with someone early on into a relationship(or many times), doesn't mean he should be thought of any differently than a girl who does. Does this make sense...? I tried to explain it the best way I could in what I mean.

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