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Letters to our ex's

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Dear x,


It still makes me sick whenever I think about you and that new guy that you are seeing and I imagine all the good things from you like your kisses, your love, your cute voice and your loving supportive attitude. I just keep wondering, what does this guys have that I don't? I though you said I was too good to pass up. I thought you were going to stay in .... for me instead of moving to ... Why did you leave me then go to somebody else? Why could you not have any faith in me? Was I not good enough for you?


A heartbroken man,


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This is our THIRD break up within our three years. Yes, I know I finally initiated this one. But I did it because I had to. I didn't want to let you go, but I knew I had to. I wanted to give the world to you. I wanted to take away all the pain and the suffering that you had endured. I wanted to erase the strife within your life and give you the same luck that has been bestowed upon me.


You were always soo unlucky and tormented. I thought I could change that.

But I can't. Only you can.


I did soo much for you. I planned extravagant birthdays for you. I wanted to take you to places you had never been, places you couldn't afford. I wanted to spend ALL my time with you. I wanted to do everything for you.


And you took it. You took it all and hardly gave anything back. Everytime I complained about something I didn't feel I was getting, or something I didn't feel was right, you turned it around on me.


You made me into a crazy person!


I still have all these deep feelings for you and I hate it. I cried to my friend that day, just a couple hours before we broke up. I cried to her, telling her that I couldn't take it anymore. That I FINALLY HAD TO DO IT. That I still had love for you but each day that passed and each fight that took place, my heart broke even more.


YOU WERE KILLING ME! You lied soo much. You did things that a person in a loving, committed relationship should never do. And sometimes you put me down.


Do you realize that when I would dress up for you before we went out and you said nothing about it, it really wore on me? When the random guys at the place we would go to would hit on me, I felt like, "Why doesn't my bf see what they see?" You see, I ONLY HAD EYES FOR YOU! Whenever a girl showed interest in you, you just couldn't pass it up.


There's soo much that I will miss. There are many memories that I hate to carry because they're soo good. I do miss you. But you're soo bad for me. I kept thinking that there was no way we could have a lasting, loving, healthy relationship when you had caused me soo much pain. There were some nights when we were together that I would find myself crying. I'm sure you never knew. I was fighting soo hard to make you happy. But I never thought about my happiness. I never realized that I was sacrificing my own.


I also can't believe that you had told me, "You'd never have the guts to break it off with me." Well, I'm stronger than that. I may have been wrapped around your finger, but I'm stronger and prouder than that. You used to tell me that my pride was my downfall. I think it's a blessing. And you're wrong. I DO know when to admit I'm wrong and apologize. It was just soo hard with you because you really were wrong.


But this is our third break up, and the last. I thought YOU would be my last. I thought I didn't have to search anymore. I though I had the best guy out there. But I was selling myself short. I guess I hadn't sampled the pool enough because there must be far better fish out there. Because within time, I started to smell your stench.


I deserve better. You never did deserve me. Didn't you think it funny that a lot of your friends were soo very flirty with me after we broke up the second time? A few of them confided in me and told me that you never did deserve me. And... you really didn't. I know that now. I never should have put up with what I did. But I guess, you've made me stronger. I won't be soo blinded the next time around.



The best girl you will ever have.

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I didnt think I'd post in here but here goes..


Dear. ***



It has been 3 months since I've last touched your face, or smelled your hair. I can still smell you after so long, see your smile when I close my eyes. And when I sleep your there with me again and for a moment, just a moment I forget about the last months and let go. I one day hope you realize the love we shared was more to you than you realized, and that you can have a man whom you deserve.

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i saw u yesterday as i was comin in,i waited till u had left, not because i m scared to face u, but i cant see someone i loved more than my own life turn into a b****, u r not the same person , please stay out of my life, its not a request, its a prayer to god to help me get over u.


this is a great thread, cheers to u redmage22

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I would write something completely different now rather then when I wrote this right after the breakup I'm happy I didn't send it.


My heart will always have an open door for you waiting for you to come in. Even though you left, I hold no ill feelings towards you. You are one great person and the one “that got away” if you will let me be a little cliché. There is nothing you could ever do to make me turn my back on you. I am still completely entranced by you and I would wait forever if I knew there was even the smallest of chances for your return.

I guess I have to accept why you needed to leave and I am not trying to plead for your return to me and our relationship. I am not trying to change your heart of make you feel those feelings which escape you right now. I just wanted you to be aware that if you ever had a change of heart, I will always be here for you.

If someone treats you unkindly, you always have a shoulder to cry on. If someone hurts you, I will always be here to make you feel better. If you are sad or depressed, I will always do my best to cheer you up and make you smile again if that is what you desire. If you are having problems of any sort, I am always here for you and will help you work them out. For any problem, I will do my best to be whatever you need. I still consider you a great friend, and great friends are here for each other.

Of course, I still miss you. I will not deny my feelings for you and my desire for you to return. I think about you every day. I miss our talks, our kissing our laughing omg you are the funny person I know and the feelings that you can only share with your beloved. I miss it all terribly. I miss seeing your face so much that sometimes I shut my eyes as hard as I can until I can see your perfect face in every detail. I pretend that you are right there, holding me. It helps me cope with the pain I feel.

If ever you should change your mind, don't be afraid to tell me. My feelings will remain the same for a long time and I am sure of this. And I hope this comforts you too, knowing how much I miss you and knowing that there is someone who cares about you all of the time, no matter what.

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Dear x,


Still far too concerned about the new guy your dating. But then again good riddance. He's the one that has to deal with your neediness, your obesity, your unkindness, your disloyalty, your obsessive need to control and your demeaning and arrogant and emotionally repressed attitude. I miss you and I'm jealous this guy is spending all this love and time with you and your family, but I realize their will be other girls and other families that I can attatch myself to. Goodbye. I hope to never see you fat, ugly, hippie body ever again.


Good riddance,

Red Mage.

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Dear K.


remember that time i cooked for us but only ate the salad?


it was because there were cooked worms on the chicken. your nasty a. roommate never threw anything out and by the time i had realized, by seeing a few live worms on the counter where the spice i used was and then by looking in the spice jar where there were plenty more...you had all ready finished eatting. i never said anything as it was too late anyways but it was the last time i cooked in her kitchen and one of the reasons i always wanted to eat out.


come to think of it...that's probably why it was crunchy.


i told you it was a filty house, you never believed me and said i had issues. at least i didn't eat worms.

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Dear human wrecking ball ,

Happy 4rth of July!

I am sure you and your repressed , mid life crisis , pathetic buddies are all enjoying yourselfs.

I am still young and pretty.

I hope you get stuck in traffic for like 10 hours tonight. And being by yourself , i hope thoughts of me creep in and torment you. I am glad you feel guilty. I hope it ruins your life forever.

I hope your fear of marriage destroys every relationship you ever have. Even with the low class skank you kept company with while we were together. She is about as high of a level woman you will ever get from now on.

You need therapy.

But i hope you dont get it. I hope you remain just as you are. A pathetic old man chasing young woman - chasing your youth. Its obvious.

Our whole relationship was a lie.

Oh and your apartment was filthy and disgusting.



-God this really makes me feel great! cheers to red madge22!

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Dear HWB,

Last night i got scared because i saw a spider in my apartment. I would have usually called you , but since you dumped me - i couldnt . Hahaha.

So i called my best friend , the one that has always been there for me , the one you hated. I still dont know why , i guess you felt intimidated. Anyway she picked me up and i spent the night at her house. This morning, I realized i need to face my fears of bugs. Cause you are gone now see and i really think i should just face my fear head on and then move on. I am gonna google Facing fears of bugs now.

So see , I am actually okay.

I am already better off with out you.


the golden ticket

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Dear Babe,


I still really care for you. I know that everything went so incredibly fast, but it wasn't a usual situation. Time was not a luxury we had. I did feel strong enough about our relationship to move along like we did. I still don't see what changed, but only you know whats going on in your head.


I'm really afraid of going back to the guy I used to be. Before I met you I was a womanizer, didn't care who I hurt, as long as I got mine and I didn't like it. But that was my way to keep from getting my heart involved with every girl I met. I thought I was putting him away for good when I had you.


I still want what we had, but because we both serve Uncle Sam, thats going to be hard. The way I feel right now, I'll be there when you call- if you call. But I'm not holding my breath. I'm going to move on.



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Hey babe,


I know things haven't really worked out the way either of us planned, and I'm sorry I haven't talked to you the past few weeks. I just wanted to drop you a note and wish you a happy 4th of july. Stay safe (yea yea, I know, NEVER hahah) but anyways, hope all is well with you down there.


If you ever want to drop me a line, you know the number.


Till then babe

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Dear ex,


I stay awake and I try to hate you.

I can't breathe from the pain you caused. I am covered in past. I am drowning in your hate. My mind is telling me that I should hate you. I feel nothing but love. I am speaking to the shadows. I whisper your name. They tell me to hate you. I speak to you….I must live. How do I breathe, where is my anger? Please I need to be saved. Tell me it's not true. Tell me you will be mine. Her face is reflected in my tears. Like shattered glass my soul is broken. The pieces are hurting me. Please tell me you didn't. I need your lies to stay alive. I need my pain to stay safe. I fight the demons and I end up in hell. I ask the angels to look after me but all they do is remind me of you. Please GOD save me.

I would do it all over again just to feel your kiss….that kiss is now hers….I would suffer again just to hear you say I love you….I would die again just to feel your lies on my skin.

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Dear x,


Enjoy your ugly, ugly rebound guy. And thank you for doing me a favor. When you broke up with me it made me realize that you were sucking the life out of me when we were dating. You put a lot of pressure on me and almost made me sacrifice my dream of going back to school. I also realized that I would be there for you but you would not reciprocate in kind. I know I deserved much better. BUt you were my first. I was naive. I'm glad you have this new guy whom is 10 years older than you, because, althoug it pains me, I realize that you will take anything to fill your lonely, pathetic and reclusive life. I pity you and I am proud of myself for now being well on my way to letting this go. Goodbye x. I still wish I never met you.


A man that is AT LEAST happy for the moment,


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Dear JB,


I remember our 4th of July last year. It was low key and I was scared my 4th of July would suck. But it ended up being cool.

Remember 4th of July the year before last, in 2004 when we got into a big fight at your friend's house? I know you hated that. But you never did really care how I wanted to spend the holiday. You always hated making plans with me.


My 4th this year, was low key. I didn't mind. I spent most of it with two of my girl friends then went over to a house party. I would never had been able to do that with you. Yes, driving home tonight was sad because I normally would have been with you.

I find myself talking to myself a lot more now. Especially on drives home. But at least I know I'm a good listener and I won't judge soo much.


I feel this deep sadness within me now. I soo badly want myself to feel normal again. I want to be happy and normal again. I feel like if we were still together that I would be ok and I wouldn't have to deal with this grey world I'm living in.

But I know that's not true. We would be fine for a little while but then that slicing pain would hit me. I'd wonder and I'd worry about what you were doing. And if you were being honest and faithful. I hated snooping but I felt like I had to! I felt like I had to confirm that you were telling the truth!


I know in time I will be happy again. Although this "ME" thing and singleness is soo foreign to me. It's also kind of scary. I was a kid before I was with you and when we started dating. Now I'm an adult, a woman. And this adult has never known what it's like to be... alone. I know it's not bad, but I wish I could be used to it and not remember what it's like to have you around.


Because I still do. I remember. For a moment I can trick myself, just for a moment... Into thinking that you're going to call me to say "I love you and goodnight."


But I know you won't. And, I really don't want you to. But I guess I'm a victim to comfort and familiarity.


Happy 4th. I hope you think of me. You told me you have been keeping really busy but... I hope you think of me A LOT. I hope you long for me and wish things hadn't ended the way they did. I hope you wish you could have me back. I hope you realize that I was amazing and that I was the greatest woman you will get. I also hope that you FULLY realize the extent of the damage that your past mistakes had made upon me, had made upon US. I hope you realize that you really did create our demise...



The girl that got away


ps. I really miss your cats. I loved them soo much and you know they loved me more than they love you. I wish I could see them but I don't want to go within half a mile of your house.

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Dear HVJ


first of all i want you to know that i'm not mad at you nor do i hate you. I know i said that we could be friends, but to tell you the truth, being around you just reminds me of what you put me through. Also why be friends? Why keep contact. There is nothing more to say. Unless its an emergency...stop contacting me.


You chose to end our relationship...so i'm choosing to end our friendship as well.

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Dear JLW,


When I first met you, there were three things that you promised me you would never do. 1) Lie to me. 2) Cheat on me. 3) Make a fool of me. Well we both know you did all three of those things.


Not only did you make me believe you loved me after I gave you numerous chances to walk away from our relationship, you made me believe we had a future.


You lied to me every moment you could. I was right to be wary and not trust you. You cheated on my with your ex girlfriend who pretty much sat on the other coast laughing in my face for the last six months of our relationship as she drove me crazy with her antics and I thought she was just crazy.

So here is where you made a fool of me.


You played games with my emotions and every time I sat down to talk to you about our relationship you thoroughly went above and beyond to let me know how much you loved me and cared about me and wanted to be with me. On top of all of this, you spent time convincing my friends who hated you that you would not break my heart.


I had just barely regained my faith in trust in men and you came along and shattered it all.

I loathe you. I truly wish that I could go back to that night I met you and I would have just kept walking. I would give up every ounce of happiness I had in the last year to make you go away.


You knew what you were doing and continued to do so while standing in my face convincing me otherwise and telling me you love me. You are the type of people they make Lifetime movies about.

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I really wish you would have gone back home rather then getting on that plane and leaving. Even if it was only to delay the inevitable, it could have been handled so much better then how it played out. We could have sat down and talked, like we used to do. We were so good at it-- listening to each other and helping each other out with our issues. This wasn't a silver bullet, it could have worked out, and you know it, we just needed a little time and patience.


But no, you had to be impulsive and make a snap decision to just up and leave. And then to add insult to injury, you felt the need to attack my pride and ego after you left, just so you could validate to yourself that your actions were right and just. Who are you trying to convince with your messages.. me or yourself? You aren't happy now. You aren't glad you left. You aren't in a better place. You're miserable, you're lost, you're in deep **** both finacially and legally and you have noone there that will help you deal with it so instead, you take it out on me. Girl, what happened to you? What happened to us?


I'm betting right about now you're starting to realize just how bad you screwed up. You're realizing that you had a job here that was about to make a lot of problems go away for both of us, you had a fiance who loved you and supported you... flaws and all, you had all your old friends that were excited that you were back again, and your family was finally starting to see how you had pulled yourself together. You had just about everything you've told me over the years that you wanted and you even had a place you could call home, which you said you had NEVER had before.


And what do you have now? A ****** apartment that you share with three broke *** bachelors, no job, no money, no friends other then those you live with, and a vicious drug and alchohol habit that is either going to kill you or land you in prison. You're going to turn this into another episode like 3 years ago and you're going to regret ever doing it.


And now because of you impulsivness and the way you followed the whole ugly split up, I won't be there this time to bail your butt out. I won't be there to tell you everything is alright and help you get back on the right track. No, no, you forced my hand on this one... not only is our engagement at a loss, 8 years of friendship are gone as well. I can not now nor ever take you back as a friend or anything more. You burned me, your boss, your friends, our familes, you burned everyone.


Now I have to come home each day to an empty house and look at the cats while they wait for you to come through the door. They sit and wait and wait, but you never show up. Then they look at me and beg and meow for me to play the pounce game with them. I didn't teach them that, you did. And now I have to either play along or try to unlearn it from them.


I go to see me nephews and neices and they all ask "Where is Aunt *? Why isn't she with you? Is she coming back soon?" And each time they ask, I have to keep telling them no, and it kills me.


I wish I could hate you, it would make this so much easier. One thing I've learned in life though is be absolutely certain of what you wish for though, because you just might get it, so in a way, I suppose, I'll just be content with my funbag of emotions as it stands, and let God deal with you, because lord knows I can NOT do it anymore.

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Dear x,


I've run out of things to say. You did the worst thing that anyone has ever done to me. This includes my abusive family. You loved me, lied to me and turned your back on me. Why did you do this? Why could you have not stood by me and then go to somebody else? Why am I left missing you? I'll tell you why. Because your selfish, emotionally distance, and heartless. You cared only about yourself during the relationship and never gave a damn about me even though I cared about you. And now I'm considering dying for you despite your are a low quality women? You hurt me so much despite the fact I told you I loved you. I hate you for what you're doing to me x. You've... made me so sad.

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Dear human wrecking ball,

4 days ago you said you felt guilty. You said you felt horrible, but you had to do it.

I want to offer you a bit of advice.

Next time a great girl comes into your life - fight for her.

You are not your parents.

Fight for her.

Until my next letter,


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Ha! I just found out that your poor drivers license was REVOKED over a YEAR ago! Well, that means either you lied to me when I asked you about it or you just don't know.


I guess it would help if you paid your 3 traffic violations. But a word to the wise, even if you do pay them, you are still going to have to wait another 4 years before the state of * will clear the revokation.


Oh and another word to the wise, because I called your probation officer, now there is a standing bench warrant in * for your arrest. I wouldn't take any chances if I were you, you need to get that fixed before you end up in jail.


I wanted to help you fix all this, why in God's name did you throw it all away? Dingbat.

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