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Why not kill yourself?

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If you are in pain and it seems hopeless, suicide can seem like an optioin. I guess people freak out when someone kills themselves. Please don't do it on my shift. lol but seriously, it is murder. And in our society murder is viewed as wrong. The law doesnt like it. There is no one to punish becasue the victim and the perpetrator are the same person.

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If you are in pain and it seems hopeless, suicide can seem like an option. I guess people freak out when someone kills themselves. Please don't do it on my shift. lol but seriously, it is murder. And in our society murder is viewed as wrong. The law doesn't like it. There is no one to punish becasue the victim and the perpetrator are the same person.

Hey, we heard ya twice the first time! Gotcha

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pleasure, pain and self-awareness...


religion aside; when i think of what a infinitesimal portion of the atoms in the universe have the chance to experience those things, human life seems damn special to me.


suicide is like flushing a priceless diamond down a toilet.

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good and evil are only what you think they are. There is no one correct definition of good and evil.


Look into your hart do you really think thats true, is all we are in the mind if so then we rule the world for the world is on our mind,

then if that is true we can reshape the world to out likeing and as our minds are part of the world we can reshape them as well.


Why kill you mind when you can remake it into some thing more to your liking.


Only a fool lived to die,

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Because life is filled of such happiness and so much wonderful people with caring hearts. I would hate hate to miss out on all of that! Life is there to feel that pleasure , that happiness but yes we also feel pain, Life is a true gift in which we can do anything with..why would we want to die and give this all up?!!

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Because for some, life isn't filled with such happiness, nor do they meet people with such wonderful hearts.


I can only speak for myself on this, but other than fleeting moments, I don't even know what happiness is anymore. And though I know a few people I would maybe class as wonderful, I still maintain that it is a charade. Ulterior motives, masks starting to crack, etc.


Some people just get tired of the dance. I know I am. Fortunately(?) for most people who think their lives are worthless and they need to die, it requires more courage to go through with than they can muster. Pretty sure that is the only reason I'm still around. I should have registered as Cowardy Custard. ;p


I agree that life is special and anything can be done with it, but human emotion is such a.... hideous b**** goddess, that it tends to blot out that fact.

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You seem to think you have it all figured out. In your section speaking about Christians you said

Your answer is most likely because god gave you this life and if you misuse it you are going to hell. My reply would be, if you already consider killing yourself, then you are already a sinner.byates5637


It's quite amusing to me...a Christian who, when was much younger, did think of killing himself.


You don't seem to know that there are many other reasons for not killing yourself. One is maybe that you don't feel that you're a loser but a winner. Someone who feels great about themselves has no reason to want to kill themselves. It's like asking someone why wouldn't they just give all their money away. They'd maybe say...uhm...duh...because I really like it and feel that I need it( something to that effect).


Another reason someone may not wish to kill themselves is because they feel they have a purpose in life that they must fulfill. So they see themselves as vialbe and thereforeeee wish to live.


Another reason someone may not wish to kill themselves is because they want to explore more of life...and they just love it so much.


Oh yes...by the way...every Christian is a sinner. Every human is a sinner (although some may not believe that...according to Christianity it is so). So it doesn't matter what you do you're already a sinner. In addition, God is not dumb...he's not some machine whereby you press a few buttons and he's obligated to do what you've just entered. So some wise guy who's thinking their going to "beat the system" and take some pills...then repent before they die...well...that's some gamble...Good luck


There are many reasons why someone living a normal life would not wish to kill themselves...and I think it all boils down to them knowing that they're too valuable to do such a thing.

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This is such an interesting thread....


As someone who tried to take his own life(when I was 17 I swallowed a few sleeping pills...hoping to OD)I was at a point where death(and the idea of heaven)looked so much more appealing then my torchered teenage apathy/angsty bull * * * *...


However, life got better...and it is getting better.


I'm no longer a Christian and I don't believe in the Judeo Christian idea of "god." My religion was the worst thing for me and led me to my suicidal state...


Now, I still believe in an omnipotent presense(God) and an ultimate reality(Nirvana aka Heaven) succeeding this one. I believe in Angels, reincarnation, and many other new agey ideas...However, I only have faith that these concepts are authentic. For all I know there could be absolutely nothing. And I am absolutely open to that possibility...


One night, a few nights ago, I fell asleep. And what seemed like only a moment I awakened and it was morning. I wondered to myself is that what death is like? Ceasing to exist with no idea that you no longer exist? If so then that, to me, is just as peaceful as existing in heaven...Because if you don't exist then you don't have a care...


I am not afraid to die(anymore). I am afraid of how I am going to die(because you don't always get the fairy tale of being 200 years old, in bed, surrounded by friends and loved ones saying good bye...Sometimes people get stabbed or die in plane crashes), but I don't fret over it.

The reason why I would never kill myself is because my life is so valuable to me. I have so much energy and zeal right now. There is so much that I want to do and accomplish. And FINALLY, for the first time in my life, I love who I am and cherish myself.

I want to reach people. I want to love someone, passionately. And I want to leave behind a good legacy so when I no longer exist on this plain of existence they'll say good stuff.

Plus I want to go to Europe and Africa, and see a lot of movies that are going to be released.

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wow...i totally relate. Couldn't of said it better myself. I live for the next fleeting moment of happiness, and it seems like the older i get the further apart the moments get.


I'm still living for the same reason as you


Well, if it helps, I have a few years on you, so hopefully you will catch a break in that time.


That, or you could never be as messed up as I am.

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A friend of mine gave me a refrigerator magnet that says, "Instead of seeking a reason to get out of bed each day, get out of bed to go make that reason."


For those that despair of seeing true human goodness, then that obviously means you honor goodness, so you have it in yourself. Surely, you're not the only person in the world who does. Nevertheless, we all should get out there each day to create even more goodness.


And as a Christian, that is why I believe we are put here on earth. I don't subscribe to every literal translation of the Bible, by the way. But I believe with all my heart that we were given a beautiful Universe to live in - and Free Will. Obviously, some elements of "Free will" have trashed to a large degree this once-perfect world. And I think that makes many people question what is the point of free will, if so much of it is used negatively. But, to me that just proves God didn't intend for humans to be puppets who blindly serve Him.


Perhaps we're all a Grand Experiment. I really don't know. But I know that I am not going to cop out and exit a world that badly needs all the good it can get.

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Ok why not kill yourself is not the question the question is why kill yourself? At the moment you may feel down and you may think that the pain will never end, but my friend maybe it won't for years to come but one day you'll have a good day. And then you'll have another and another and you'll feel better about yourself and all who are around you! You never know what will happen in the future if you stay on but depending on religion you can predict what will happen if you end it... You may end up alone or in complete love... But whatever happens you'll never know unless you live on.

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My little sister commited suicide 3 years ago. She had so much to live and was the most amazing person I have ever know, and she couldn't see it. We probably would have been going to college and shared and apartment together this coming fall.


I am now fighting serious depression, almost as bad as hers was.

Even though you can't right now, when you step aside yourself, you will see how much there really is to live for.


Don't be blinded like she was.

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My little sister commited suicide 3 years ago. She had so much to live and was the most amazing person I have ever know, and she couldn't see it. We probably would have been going to college and shared and apartment together this coming fall.


I am now fighting serious depression, almost as bad as hers was.

Even though you can't right now, when you step aside yourself, you will see how much there really is to live for.


Don't be blinded like she was.



Sorry to hear that Chemica, your one of the ones hit my the act of Suicide, some here say it would be better for every one if they endded it but as you have shown thats not true. The impat of an act can not be calculated by some one in the frame of mind to end them selfs.


You can not tust a mind that seeks to kill its self, so why do we.

many say they know it will not get better from there illness but we now

thats not true.


Where there is life there is hope

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