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Well, I was with a girl for about 4 months, Everything was going great.


Her Ex Boyfriend came home for thanksgiving, she told me she was hanging out with him a few times, and it didn't btoher me.


She had always said that she hated him, doesn't want to be with him and all this stuff and that she would never hurt me.


Well i found out later on when he was home she told him she loved him and had sex with him. But the weird thing is whenever we hung out that week he was home, whenever he called her or sent her a text message she would get so angry i watched her chuck her phone accross the room many times.


When i told her i found out she was stunned to find out i knew that. I then cut things off i was very angry and i have had a long history of not dating the best to trust women.


The weird thing is everytime we did something new, like kiss, or anything above that she would just say, Ive waited and wanted you to do this for so long.



Well i was partying at a buddys school one night a few days after this whole event, i hadnt talked to her about anything yet becaus ei still needed time to think.


When she called me she was a wreck on the phone, explaining that he was her best friend for so long and that its so hard for her to get over him.


I asked if we could patch things up and try it again. For some reason she said no.


So then they started being all buddie buddie again. So i just let it go i never really discussed it with her because i was so angry she could just got and switch this up.


So whenver she asked ot hangout or visit her at work, I always went, And then realizing it got me no where i stopped doing these things. We havn't really hung out seriously for like 2 or 3 months.



we never really discussed the issue at hand.


But threw the grapevine we both pretty much realize that we still had strong feelings for each other, But she would not want to break off relations her her Old ex/ new boyfriend kinda.


Recently i found out she has serisouly broken up with him. I asked her to hang out this week and i was gonna have a long talk with her about everything.



I was just gonna tell her how much ive missed her, that im sorry for being an * * * * * * *, and if we could ever go back to the way things used to be and if she wants that.




Do you guys think its worth my time? Do you think because of the lack of communication she may not want to get back with me?


any input or feedback would be greatly appreciated

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You cannot trust her, she's not honest, she never acknowledged the problems your relationship had, she wanted your support when it seems things with the other guy weren't so well and she wanted your help only as a friend because that's how it suited her.


No, of course a relationship with her is not worth your time, but you should see all the red flags, and not think it was all bad communication, the problem was bigger than that.

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For one thing you do not need to appologize for being an * * * * * * *. You are not in the wrong here what so ever. She wasn't honest with you and wasn't willing to talk about what was going wrong. Then when you tried to patch things up she wasn't willing. Sounds to me like she's still got major baggage with this guy and your her rebound. Plus the fact that she went back with him says it all. Her feelings for this guy arn't just skin deep and will take time for her to get over. This is deffinetley not worth your time... especially considering she felt it wasn't worth hers. You deserve better.

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