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Tell us your reasons to stay.


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Lately I stay because I could be wrong. It's starting to be good to be wrong sometimes.


Are some of us really so tenacious and hard headed that we will fight to be right even to our own grave? I'm starting to think this is a problem for me. Having it backwards and a bit full of myself. Ok, really full of myself, enough to think I am big enough to be challenging the world to its operation. LIke, hey world, prove ME wrong.



If I can find a way to be to myself what good men have temporarily awoken in me, man, I'll have it made and depression will be kissing my butt. Suicide isn't an option when you know how to pleasure yourself AND provide for the nice comfy bed to do it on.


Another reason is that there is a funeral I want to be attending. Perhaps not the kindest reason to stick around or maybe it is. I think I'll be able to do a load of good for people when that sick sob dies. Or maybe he doesn't have to die except in my heart and mind. Either way, I'm not leaving until that happens.

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If I killed myself, I would want my method of choice to be done quickly, but also with no mess. So like shooting myself wouldn't work, because it would be messy, but pills or something would give me alot of regret time, and I wouldn't want my last moments to be spent regretting. And I'd probably just end up throwing up from the pills, so they wouldn't end up working, and then I would have a failed suicide attempt that sounds like it would really suck.


There's this movie called Stay about this guy and his pyschatrist. He tells him he is going to kill himself in three days, but I can't really say much more about it without spoiling it for everyone. Its a good movie though.

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I used to think about this a lot actually. One time when I was close to my breaking point I thought about all the people in my life, and how badly it would effect them. It made me take a step back and realize suicide is not the answer. These are the reasons:


1. My girlfriend. Before I met her I wanted to end it all. She has given me a reason to look forward to waking up everyday and trying new things. I can't just leave her.

2. My family and how they'd deal with it. I don't want to leave the burden of my death on them for the rest of their lives.

3. The idea that I can do so much more with my life.

4. Fear of the unknown. Basically, what comes after death.

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I have tried and failed in the past, which led me to buying a vast quantity of potassium cyanide, now, even though I fantasize about suicide on a near daily basis... This friend of mine, in a way more than just a friend, but I know we've got a symbiotic relationship, if I die, she'll die. If she dies, I'll die. I know if I die she'll hate me, I do not want her last thought of me to be those of hate and anger. I sometimes, ok, quite often actually really wish she'd leave me. Find someone else. Forget about me - so I can go about my business.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll give you a couple more, cazzabazz:


Somebody is going to really need you someday

Possibly your children

And their children


And there's just something cool about standing your ground and fighting tooth and nail for survival no matter how much things are blowing up around you. Like the English did in WWII...

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Only thing keeping me here right now is finding the right way out. Im too gutless to jump or do something painful. I want an easy painless way out thats reliable and wont fail.
There's no painless suicide method without a failure rate. Many have attempted escape from life only to wake up maimed or brain damaged.


The least painful death, for you and those around you, is to die in your sleep of old age. Try it and see.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i have tried it , but it failed.... i only broke my left arm and leg.... and blood coming out from my head...... i really tired of this life..... but someone always encourage me.... she's there.... but too bad i can 't have her......


hey just checking up (a bit late, i know), but you don't have any other posts. are you ok? feel free to talk.

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my children

my parents

my grandfather

my best friend

they would be hurt and angry for a very long time. I dont have the right to do that to them.

I feel so terrible sometimes though, I dont know how to get through the pain sometimes. I dont know what to do. I am afraid my life will always be like this. But I just keep going. I want my kids to be grown up and ok. I think that will happen as long as I keep going.

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I guess my family and friends would miss me...plus missed opportunities...although the thoughts of suicide always seem there...something always seems to remind me why to stay; but my biggest reason...because I haven't found love yet...I think I want to find it at least once in my life.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If I die it'll lead to the divorce of my parents, to the fight of my dad and brother, to the break up of my whole family, to the depression of my brother/mother/father, which could also lead them into their imminent suicide themselves. (Assuming my dad would as he's already suicidal.)

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  • 1 year later...

I stay for a few different reasons


For some reason I intrinsicaly believe it will get better, that this too shall pass. over and over again i have been in dark places and have always found the light out.

I am scared that I wouldn't succeed and I think that would be horrible.

I am scared of what it would do to my family and friends

I am scared of leaving my life unfinished

I know that despite the darkness my life will have great purpose some day...that in and of itself makes me hold on.


Thanks for resurrecting the thread Raiden!

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1. I can't bear to think what my parents would think. They'd be so disappointed in me.

2. There's that uncertainty about what the future holds for me and my curiosity is leaving me wanting to find out.

3. My cat gets separation anxiety.

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Because I couldn't do something so cruel as to leave my child behind with his disgusting, tormentive, sick in the head, manipulating , crazy, parental alienating, creepy ,ugly, adams family looking, can't clean up after his own ass, cruel to animals, abusive in every way except for sexually because he's too ugly and our skin would have melted off of us, lives like a pig, lies through his green teeth daily, joke that claims to be a father! So I gotta just tuff-it-out! Yes I'm in counseling!

I had to be after that marriage!!

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