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6 month Pregnant - Partner Cheated - Gave Me STD

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I'm 6 Month Pregnant, my partner admitted to cheating on me a few weeks ago giving me an STI.

I have caught atleast 2 STI's waiting for further results to come back.

He slept with someone a month ago only telling me now Because the female he slept with told him she has somthing. He would have never told me untill he was scared for himself and then maybe felt bad because I am pregnant. 

What do I do?

This is my first baby, I've lost 2 in the passed due to Eptopic and Miscarriages, One being his and now I feel that he's put me at risk again. Even if the STI's hes given me arnt threatening he could have caught ANYTHING from her and given it to me, him cheating and not protecting himself is now effects me and my Child majorly. The fact he stepped out of our relationship should be enough for me to leave him. I don't want my pregnancy story to be daddy cheated one me, but that is my story now.

Do I stay, do I leave him?

I have a good family around me, who would be so helpful for me and my baby in the future. But I never wanted a 1 parietal house, I grew up in one although my mum was amazing I needed my dad there and didn't get it. 

We just got a house together.. just before he cheated on me. So that adds to everything I need to think about, 1 year lease

 Help, please.



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What your pregnancy story is irrelevant.  Focus on real life.  I would consult with an attorney and you have time to figure out co-parenting.  He is not going to be a couple with you as far as your child's well being in seeing a two parent family living together with respect and compassion.  I'm very sorry you're in this situation.  Also start to look for outside resources as far as food/shelter/medical care.  Again I'm sorry!

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Having a terrible person in your home just so you can say your child has two parents living as a family is, honestly, a bad idea.

What if he brings some kind of infection home and gives it to your child? Some diseases and infections can be transmitted without sexual contact such as hepatitis, so he could get something from one of his affairs and infect your child. 

You say you have wonderful family support, so utilize it.

And don't let trivia like a house deter you. Let the courts sort that out. Your health and the health of your baby is more important.

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Leave him.  You are very fortunate to have family around you to lean on so take it!

My mother with 3 children had nowhere to go so she was entrapped with my late father who was a wife beater, womanizer, chain smoking alcoholic and gave her $450K debts.  Mercifully, he died leaving her a widow but better a widow than the life of hell he gave her and the children.  If my mother had family around her to run home to, she would've done so but she had no such option whatsoever.   Consider yourself lucky to have other choices to fall back on.  Millions of mothers don't have that luxury.

You need to protect your health.  I doubt you will be able to survive another year with a lease and risk future STD diagnoses for yourself.  Figure out an exit plan.  He's a loser.  You and your child deserve to live a better life WITHOUT HIM.

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You bought a house together or you leased one? Because buying a property kinda complicates things frow a law point of view. Ah, just saw its lease. Dunno exactly how the law goes in your case. Dunno if you can break the lease but you should be able to given the circumstances. Otherwise they would require your full rent sometimes. 😐 You should see your laws about that.

Anyway, yes, its reduntant to stay with somebody who cheats on his pregnant partner. With somebody who is a carrier of STDs none the less. There is no saving there. For a kid its way better to be raised in 1 parent home then in 2 parents home if they are not in good relations. Sorry that its come to this.

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Your child can still have positive, fatherly figures in his/her life, especially as you say you have a supportive family.

Don't live in the same home as anyone toxic, which is what your bf is.

Give your bf an option of finding a roommate, or working with him to be released from the lease. I once rented an extra house I had to a couple who decided to divorce. I told them they could be released from the lease as soon as I found new renters, which took only a few months. Depending where the home is, most rentals get snapped up quickly. It's worth a try.

Take care.

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