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Should I text her ?

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Last weekend, I went to a hotel with friends. One of them knew a girl who lives nearby and suggested that we hang out with her, which we did.

I kind of liked her. We did not interact so much personally since she was sitting far from me. She is single and I after we returned to the hotel, I asked my friend about her and he told me that they are only friends and it's ok to go for her.

We didn't exchange numbers or anything but I ended up following her on Instagram (still waiting for her to accept the request). I was wondering if it's ok to text her something like '' Hey, it was nice meeting you the other day ''. Or maybe that will be weird since we barely talked to each other that much ?

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If she accepts the request, "slide into her DMs" or whatever they say today.

The way I see it you have nothing to lose. She doesnt answer? OK, no problem, you tried. She answers? You maybe can build something from there.

Also, your message is generic and doesnt lead anywhere. Say something like "We didnt get the chance to talk much yesterday and you seem like an interesting person". And then ask her something that you would like to know about her.

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I would get her number from your friend and call her and ask her out for a date you plan in advance.  Or ask your friend to ask her if it's ok to give the number.

In 1985 I was 19 and had dinner with my friend, her college friend (a guy -just a friend) and the guy's older brother.  Just a casual hangout dinner.  I thought the older brother was cute. After dinner we all walked to the train station.  I pointed out the office building where I was working part time (I was in college).  And the name of the daycare or that it was a daycare.  Then we chatted -I told the brother how I liked going out dancing, etc.  I flirted some. 

After- I asked my friend if he had asked about me.  Nope.  3 days later I'm at work and the receptionist tells me there's a call for me.  I answer and by then I'd actually put this guy out of my mind as I figured he didn't try to get my number, etc.

  He actually had  to remind me how we'd met, who he was and asked if he could please call me at home (yes 1985 landline -my parents' landline).  I was flustered but said yes.  We dated for over a year.  He hadn't asked for my number that night because he felt awkward doing so (shy and wasn't sure if I was interested) -so he did some detective work, realized the building only had one daycare, had my first name and figured he'd give it a shot.  I was VERY impressed at all he'd done to ask me out properly.  No I would never have tried to track him down or call him and ask him out.  Just wouldn't ever have occurred to me.  

Who cares about technology - you are interested in getting to know her -she met you briefly - step up to the plate and contact her properly.  And ask her out on a date if you're interested in dating her.  

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