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He asked me out but wont tell me when we are meeting? The date is breakfast on Sunday. Its Fri note and I still havent heard. We text but i get one wo

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I met him online. He gave me his phone number. I texted and he texted back. We spoke a few times. He asked on Tues me for breakfast date this Sunday. He has not told me where or when. I texted snd asked if it was still on and he said yes. Now crickets snd its Fri nite. What does ghst sound like? 

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It sounds like he isn't to worried if you show up or not.  Reverse the roles here.  If you did the asking would you behave like he is? 

Lack of common courtesy is an orange flag at the least.

 Don't contact him again and if he texts you with a place and time simply tell him you hadn't heard back from him on where and when so you made other plans for Sunday.


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3 hours ago, Luanne67 said:

I met him online. He gave me his phone number. I texted and he texted back. We spoke a few times. He asked on Tues me for breakfast date this Sunday. He has not told me where or when. I texted snd asked if it was still on and he said yes. Now crickets snd its Fri nite. What does ghst sound like? 

Why didn't you suggest the place and time yourself when you asked if it was still on? When was the last message you sent? 

If a man asks me out and asks for my availability I'm clear about when I'm free and if he seems open I suggest the place. 

Be more proactive next time and meet halfway. He asked you out and you decided on the day so pick the place and time and agree to meet. 

At this point because he's not responding to you, don't text him again. I think this is poor planning on both your parts but it's a learning experience. I wouldn't sweat it. Make other plans on Sunday and if he texts you again, let him know your availability and communicate together on the place and time.

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This is what I've done in similar situations: text him and say that as no firm arrangements have been made for Sunday you've now got other plans for that day and STICK TO IT.  Even if you're doing absolutely nothing on Sunday, he doesn't need to know.

If you're still interested in meeting this guy, then follow up with a suggestion for where and when you can meet instead.  This gives the message that you won't accept being messed about and offers him the opportunity to fix an alternative.  If nothing comes of that, he can jog on.

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5 hours ago, Luanne67 said:

. He asked on Tues me for breakfast date this Sunday. He has not told me where or when. . Now crickets snd its Fri nite. 

Stop texting anyone who won't confirm a specific time, day and place to meet.

You haven't even met yet so you're both still talking to and meeting others.

Do not ask "are we still on?" It sounds deperate. Instead confirm plans. "Where and what time do you want to meet?"

Skip nonsense texting.

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Why didnt you asked the time and place? He is answering you so when you asked about if you are still on you should have askd about that also. He isnt ghosting you, but doesnt show that he is that interested in a date either. 

Now its too late so leave it be.

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4 hours ago, poorlittlefish said:

Even if you're doing absolutely nothing on Sunday, he doesn't need to know.

As my friends and I used to say when a guy asked us out last minute - you are busy and busy includes having plans with yourself.  

I wouldn't keep the plan whether date or new platonic friend if the person can't respect your time enough to set a time (or at least -let's figure around 10am and I'll text you if it changes).  

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12 hours ago, Luanne67 said:

He asked on Tues me for breakfast date this Sunday. He has not told me where or when.

When someone asks for a vague date, ask for time and place before answering.

This demonstrates boundaries, such as, "Don't assume that my whole Sunday is open."

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