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I seem to need to eat a little something every couple of hours. I hadn't eaten anything since noon and I walked to the eye doctor's office to pick up my glasses and then walked to the little grocery to get something for dinner. By the time I got home I felt weak and lightheaded. Of course with my anxiety I "had" to wipe down my debit card and phone and the glasses and then shower and shampoo, so that was a further delay. By the time my dinner was heated up I felt pretty low. But I've eaten now (absolutely delish chicken enchilada casserole) and I feel much better. Guess that's the old blood sugar getting low.

One of the opticians was coughing and clearing his throat and blowing his nose on a Kleenex (which he kept in his hand instead of throwing it away 🤢 ) and I thought to myself, please don't let him be the one who's going to help me. Thankfully there was another optician who helped me. If you're that sick STAY HOME!! I don't care if it's "just" allergies, that is gross. 

I need to get some snacks to keep on hand for between meals. I have literally nothing right now. 

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Here's why this is more complicated than for most people. I have so many food restrictions and so many food allergies that it really narrows down my choices. I am lactose intolerant and allergic to peanuts and tree nuts and chocolate. I cannot consume soy, citrus or whey (thyroid disease), I have to severely limit red meat (colon disease) and now I have to avoid sugar. That doesn't leave much! Fortunately I do like lean protein (LOVE seafood, fish and chicken) and green vegetables. I don't like fruit but I do like fruit juice (the sugar free ones). 

I usually bring desserts for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I still will, of course. I'm not going to refuse just because I can't eat them. 

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I hear you. I can’t eat sugar or carbs , nuts, popcorn and now found that lettuce gives me the runs as well. So, I am stuck with meat and veggies. If I eat too much seafood which I love I also get the runs. Nuts actually make me vomit and get the runs . Sorry for the TMI. Food restrictions are hell. I am with you. ☹️

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I used to struggle with insomnia.  Now that I'm not well I am sleeping so, SO much.  I have to get up early for work (I sign in at 6:30 am and if I go into the office I have to leave home at 5:45 am, which means I get up at 4:20 am) but today, for example, I woke up for good at about 7:45 am and I went to sleep around 10:30 pm.  I woke up several times but only for a few minutes.  I do enjoy being able to sleep but it's kind of worrying how so very tired I am all the time.

I went for walks the past three days.  My arthritis flares if I walk too much so other than some shopping downtown I'm not going for a deliberate walk today.  I have dinner with my son and his spouse tonight so that is something to look forward to!  No wine or dessert for me though.

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13 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

Enjoy tonight! I am like you -I have sleeping issues but then worry if I sleep too much!

Thanks.  I don't worry about sleeping too much, I'm worried about how tired I am all the time.  It's due to my health issues, I'm sure, and I won't be able to start working on resolving those until after my blood draw which is next Friday.  Another week and a half of wondering how bad things are.

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12 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Thanks.  I don't worry about sleeping too much, I'm worried about how tired I am all the time.  It's due to my health issues, I'm sure, and I won't be able to start working on resolving those until after my blood draw which is next Friday.  Another week and a half of wondering how bad things are.

I think these days especially a lot of doctors like to cover themselves in case and blood draws are s easy to order.  I work very hard most mornings -physically- and yesterday I was unusually exhausted.  What helped me a lot was extra water and  - actually -moving around although not with the level of exertion I have to in the morning with what I need to get done.

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It's not just my doctor wanting to take an "easy" route.  My blood work showed a lot of concerning results.  I always drink a lot of water and I normally walk every other day for exercise, but those things won't cure what I potentially have (Type II Diabetes, high cholesterol, Vitamin D deficiency and possibly heart disease).  The test results weren't just borderline either.  And I'm not just tired every now and then.  I'm tired ALL THE TIME, no matter how much rest I get or how much water I drink.

I appreciate your suggestions, but I have had serious health issues for decades and now they seem to be getting more extensive. It's not surprising given my family history.  I do think they can be managed but first my doctor needs a definite diagnosis, which is why she re-ordered the blood tests.

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18 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

What was your A1C? 

She didn't have it tested, just blood glucose which was 104.  That's not conclusive (I guess?) so she's having the test re-done.  She thinks ALL of the bad test results could have been a mistake (which would be like ten mistakes, but whatever).  I presume if the blood glucose comes back at a similar level she'll order the A1C.  Which means yet another trip to the lab.  

I had planned to go holiday shopping today.  Had my list all ready and had planned which small local shops I would go to.  But I'm not feeling great despite getting so much sleep and I don't want to be nodding off during dinner with my son and his spouse.  So I'm postponing shopping until next Saturday when I have no plans.  I am going to go for a drive, though.  Feeling holed up in my tiny, postage stamp sized apartment.

One thing about all the sleep I got was having some cool dreams (and some not so cool, one about my horrid ex, but we'll ignore that one).  I dreamed I was in my former city and someone's dad was giving me a ride back to my city, but then I remembered I had driven my own car.  So I asked him to drop me off at my former home and I would get a ride to my car.  I used to live in an amazing, beautiful townhouse in a country club.  So I got dropped off and I went inside and thought to myself "Wow, I really miss this place.  There's so much space!"  I even found some of the belongings I'd left behind.  Made me feel nostalgic.

One good thing... I have very coarse, unruly curly hair and I FINALLY found a product that works great.  It gives my curls structure.  They look fantastic.  Finally!

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The range we use is anything over 99 is bad.  I've been at 98 for YEARS but since it wasn't over 99 no doctor is allowed to diagnose me with anything.  That's how strict the rules are.

It's a gorgeous, gorgeous day.  I went for an hour long drive and people are at the beach playing volleyball and just enjoying the sunshine.  People are strolling downtown (all three downtowns).  I miss when I felt well enough to join them, but I don't want to do anything that might make me not feel well enough for dinner tonight.  It's amazing that it's 72 degrees in mid-November.

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I feel bad because my brother bought tickets to a very expensive, exclusive event and he wasn't able to find anyone to go with him. So yesterday he offered me his spare ticket and offered to fly me out there. But I can't go. I have my blood draw Friday morning and I cannot miss that. And that was the soonest appointment they had available. I also must give my manager more than three days notice of taking vacation and my brother needed me to be there Thursday afternoon. And I'm still extremely uncomfortable with flying. Unless I can fly first class and have my own little cubicle, I cannot sit squeezed in between people and breathing their germs. I've seen several YouTube videos posted by FAs I follow and many of them have just recently caught Covid (like, in the past week or two). So airplanes are apparently a fantastic place to get infected. I could have driven myself (and would have preferred to), but no way can I miss that appointment and I couldn't get the time off anyway.

I feel bad though. I thought he had already invited his lady friend and I thought for sure she was going with him. Guess not. He did say one of his kids might be able to go. I really hope so. 

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He's already there so he'll be using his ticket. He might be able to resell the other one but he's hoping one of his kids can make it.

The idea of sitting an inch and a half from some stranger who's sick with an infectious illness is just gross 🤢.  And the location of the event is close enough so I could just drive if I was able to go. Given my recently discovered health issues it's not a good idea to travel now anyway. 

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7 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

He's already there so he'll be using his ticket. He might be able to resell the other one but he's hoping one of his kids can make it.

The idea of sitting an inch and a half from some stranger who's sick with an infectious illness is just gross 🤢.  And the location of the event is close enough so I could just drive if I was able to go. Given my recently discovered health issues it's not a good idea to travel now anyway. 

Oh so I have sat near people but it's not "that" close.  Typically the three of us have our own row and if someone gets too close to me I sometimes ask them to give me space.  I understand about the ticket!  For me personally the risks of travel are worth it in certain situations and not in other situations.  In Europe we were inches from people on the subways -shoulder to shoulder.  I did get a cold in London as did my son.  Nothing in the other places we've been.

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I was planning to go into the office today to participate in a charity event I'd signed up for, before all these health issues came up. But of course, despite sleeping very well these past few weeks, I was unable to sleep. So not only am I feeling unwell but I am sleep deprived. So I'm not going in. I feel really bad, especially since the lady running the event is someone I am closest to at work. But it would be a really bad idea to try to drive when I'm lightheaded, feeling weak AND sleep deprived.

But I still feel bad about it. 

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3 hours ago, boltnrun said:

I was planning to go into the office today to participate in a charity event I'd signed up for, before all these health issues came up. But of course, despite sleeping very well these past few weeks, I was unable to sleep. So not only am I feeling unwell but I am sleep deprived. So I'm not going in. I feel really bad, especially since the lady running the event is someone I am closest to at work. But it would be a really bad idea to try to drive when I'm lightheaded, feeling weak AND sleep deprived.

But I still feel bad about it. 

It is ok it is the safest option. Get better . 

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