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One thing that really upsets me is things falling on the floor. Floors are filthy. People step in dog poop and pee, barf, spoiled food, etc. and then they walk around. Today TWO of my personal belongings fell on the floor. One was part of my Halloween costume. The other was the lid to my tea mug. Gross. I disinfected the costume item and washed the lid in soap (but certainly not going to put it back on the cup!). I'm usually really careful but today I'm not feeling well at all. So either the universe is screwing with me or I'm extra clumsy due to not feeling well. 

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Still feeling lousy today. Ugh.

No fever or cough or anything like that. No body aches either. Just feel like there's a brick sitting on my face and a sore throat and congestion. And feeling like I'm in a thick fog. Just wanted to sleep and sleep. 

At least today is WFH, although I'm supposed to go into the office tomorrow. 

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I'm getting sicker instead of better. The wind has been relentless and with the heavy rains this past spring the flowers are a-blooming. They're lovely but my sinuses don't like them.

I hate to feel like I'm taking advantage but the last thing I want to do is get up at 4:15 am and go into the office. We are permitted to WFH if we're sick. And I am definitely sick. 

BTW, I did take a Covid test and it was negative. And now my sore nostrils are even more sore 😕

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6 hours ago, boltnrun said:

I'm getting sicker instead of better. The wind has been relentless and with the heavy rains this past spring the flowers are a-blooming. They're lovely but my sinuses don't like them.

I hate to feel like I'm taking advantage but the last thing I want to do is get up at 4:15 am and go into the office. We are permitted to WFH if we're sick. And I am definitely sick. 

BTW, I did take a Covid test and it was negative. And now my sore nostrils are even more sore 😕

I'm sorry you're not feeling well!! Did you end up going in to the office?

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3 hours ago, Batya33 said:

I'm sorry you're not feeling well!! Did you end up going in to the office?

No, I didn't. I decided last night not to go in. And that was the best decision. I woke up at about 4:45 am feeling just awful. So I signed in at 6:30 and emailed my manager telling him I was working remotely. He said he wasn't feeling well either and was also working from home!

And it's apparent I am not well. I sent three emails in response to one because I kept mistyping what I meant to say. And I'm usually spot on.

Thanks for the kind words. 

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2 hours ago, boltnrun said:

No, I didn't. I decided last night not to go in. And that was the best decision. I woke up at about 4:45 am feeling just awful. So I signed in at 6:30 and emailed my manager telling him I was working remotely. He said he wasn't feeling well either and was also working from home!

And it's apparent I am not well. I sent three emails in response to one because I kept mistyping what I meant to say. And I'm usually spot on.

Thanks for the kind words. 

Do you have a fever? I sure hope not! Glad you are at home.

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We have been told that we are NOT to come into the office if we're feeling at all sick.

And I told my previous manager two years ago that this is an advantage to working remotely. If I was required to work in the office everyday and didn't have a laptop to take home I would have to call in and wouldn't get any work done. At least I can still work when I'm sick. 

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I knew it, I knew it!  I had blood work done including a fasting blood glucose blood test.  And my glucose is high.  My cholesterol is also quite high as well as sodium, potassium and chloride.  My thyroid levels are high which means I am undermedicated (which my second opinion doctor said!). Carbon dioxide is low.  So is albumin, Vitamin D and A/G ratio (whatever that is!  OK, I Googled it and it's another indicator of Type II Diabetes).  However, my blood count itself is very healthy.  I've suspected I am at least pre-diabetic for years. 

I've been feeling like absolute ass lately, although fortunately I felt quite well on my mini vacation.  I'm curious to know what my new doctor will do.

Last time I had poor test results my previous doctor (three doctors ago!) did nothing and just renewed my  same thyroid meds.   Which is why I change doctors.  Unfortunately I moved of state so I didn't get to keep my excellent doctor.  

One thing I can do immediately is cut out sugar.  I do tend to eat a lot of sugary foods so those will go in the alleyway out back so an unhoused person can eat them.  I haven't walked in a week because I felt lousy but that will resume (although my doctor said walking aggravates my arthritis, but I must exercise).  Diet will improve with focus on more lean protein and vegetables.  We'll see if my doctor recommends medication.  But after my cousin's tragic early death I want to make sure my kids don't experience losing me early even though they're adults.

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That sounds like a great plan.  I also eat too much junk.  In case it helps here are some simple things that help me to reduce:

No nibbling between meals other than on healthy stuff - yes I will eat some fruit (which has sweet/sugar) but I don't overeat fruit plus the sugar is -you know with fiber.  

Lots of plain water and no diet drinks or any drink except water (coffee in the morning -no sugar- with a little milk - and unsweetened sparkling water at night a bit) -the water also limits my sugar cravings.

I'm glad you got the blood work -I do annually - so many skip it!

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5 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

That sounds like a great plan.  I also eat too much junk.  In case it helps here are some simple things that help me to reduce:

No nibbling between meals other than on healthy stuff - yes I will eat some fruit (which has sweet/sugar) but I don't overeat fruit plus the sugar is -you know with fiber.  

Lots of plain water and no diet drinks or any drink except water (coffee in the morning -no sugar- with a little milk - and unsweetened sparkling water at night a bit) -the water also limits my sugar cravings.

I'm glad you got the blood work -I do annually - so many skip it!

I drink a minimum of 65 ounces of plain water with no calorie enhancer a day and usually drink well over 70 ounces.  I normally walk two miles every other day.  I seldom snack although I do eat dessert after both lunch AND dinner!  Bad, bad habit.  

I have to have blood work twice a year due to my medical conditions.  But I knew this time things weren't good.  I've felt so overwhelmingly awful for the past few weeks (although thankfully, as noted above, NOT during my mini vacay!)

I wasn't going to go anywhere today because I feared I had a cold but now I'm fairly certain it's due to just not being healthy overall.  Unfortunately I ate a protein bar this morning (LOADED with sugar!) but that stops now.  I also had bought some Ovaltine but that is also full of sugar, so I'll order some sugar free protein powder to use instead.

I can do this!

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I was also going to go to my favorite bakery today and get an iced matcha latte and two of their heavenly large cookies but I will have to stay away from that bakery.  There was a diabetic bakery in the town I used to live.  Haven't found one here yet but I will look!

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3 hours ago, boltnrun said:

I drink a minimum of 65 ounces of plain water with no calorie enhancer a day and usually drink well over 70 ounces.  I normally walk two miles every other day.  I seldom snack although I do eat dessert after both lunch AND dinner!  Bad, bad habit.  

I have to have blood work twice a year due to my medical conditions.  But I knew this time things weren't good.  I've felt so overwhelmingly awful for the past few weeks (although thankfully, as noted above, NOT during my mini vacay!)

I wasn't going to go anywhere today because I feared I had a cold but now I'm fairly certain it's due to just not being healthy overall.  Unfortunately I ate a protein bar this morning (LOADED with sugar!) but that stops now.  I also had bought some Ovaltine but that is also full of sugar, so I'll order some sugar free protein powder to use instead.

I can do this!

I had to up my water to 4 22-24 ounce bottles a day and I do a lot of cardio daily. But that’s also because I don’t drive so part is intentional work out and part is - life. Now 5 days a week I have a 2.4 mile brisk round trip walk just to the bus stop for my son and back for me. 
I also do dessert. But I do good portion control and have a naturally small appetite. And good genetics. So it’s definitely not all to my credit. At all. I hope you feel better !!

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4 hours ago, boltnrun said:

I knew it, I knew it!  I had blood work done including a fasting blood glucose blood test.  And my glucose is high.  My cholesterol is also quite high as well as sodium, potassium and chloride.  My thyroid levels are high which means I am undermedicated (which my second opinion doctor said!). Carbon dioxide is low.  So is albumin, Vitamin D and A/G ratio (whatever that is!  OK, I Googled it and it's another indicator of Type II Diabetes).  However, my blood count itself is very healthy.  I've suspected I am at least pre-diabetic for years. 

I've been feeling like absolute ass lately, although fortunately I felt quite well on my mini vacation.  I'm curious to know what my new doctor will do.

Last time I had poor test results my previous doctor (three doctors ago!) did nothing and just renewed my  same thyroid meds.   Which is why I change doctors.  Unfortunately I moved of state so I didn't get to keep my excellent doctor.  

One thing I can do immediately is cut out sugar.  I do tend to eat a lot of sugary foods so those will go in the alleyway out back so an unhoused person can eat them.  I haven't walked in a week because I felt lousy but that will resume (although my doctor said walking aggravates my arthritis, but I must exercise).  Diet will improve with focus on more lean protein and vegetables.  We'll see if my doctor recommends medication.  But after my cousin's tragic early death I want to make sure my kids don't experience losing me early even though they're adults.

I am sorry. High Sugar can make you feel very much like crap and very tired. 

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4 hours ago, boltnrun said:

I was also going to go to my favorite bakery today and get an iced matcha latte and two of their heavenly large cookies but I will have to stay away from that bakery.  There was a diabetic bakery in the town I used to live.  Haven't found one here yet but I will look!

Yup any prepared specialty coffee is loaded with sugar . And actually apple juice has more sugar than a coke ! Fruit juices really bad for diabetics. 

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17 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Yup any prepared specialty coffee is loaded with sugar . And actually apple juice has more sugar than a coke ! Fruit juices really bad for diabetics. 

My brother suggested fruit juice and I pointed out that almost all juice sold at the supermarket is loaded with sugar.  It's weird because he drinks a lot of water so I'm puzzled why he would recommend fruit juice.

I ordered some sugar free pea and rice protein powder.  With my thyroid disease I can't have soy or whey protein, I'm allergic to peanuts and tree nuts and I'm lactose intolerant.  So there are a lot of challenges when I try to eat or drink anything!

I don't drink coffee so no issue there (a latte is actually tea).  I also don't drink soda.

I gave the baked sweets I had to an unhoused woman who was sitting on a bus bench around the corner. An unhoused man happened to be there and thanked me for being kind.  I said, why not give to someone if I have it and don't need it?  I told him there was plenty for him so when I walked away I saw him talking to the woman.  I think she shared with him.

Just edited my grocery list.  Lean protein, fruit, vegetables, etc. Fortunately I love lean meat and fish and vegetables so I won't feel deprived.  I'll miss dessert but it's not worth dying over.

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2 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Berries are best for diabetics, mainly strawberries, and raspberries and blueberries. Keep away from the starchy vegetables.

I can't eat strawberries, which is fine because I don't really like them.  Not a big fan of any type of berries.  But I like grapes and melon of any kind.  Love peaches and nectarines but I suspect they are high in sugar (the natural kind).  I don't really like oranges either but Cara Cara oranges are outstanding.  I don't really like fruit but I will learn to like it.  And I absolutely despise bananas. Blech.

I like almost all vegetables but especially asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, carrots (cooked), cauliflower, squash and green beans.

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25 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

I hate to tell you but you can eat 3 yes, 3 grapes after that too much sugar. Oranges are out also too much sugar. Bananas are out . Probably peaches and such as well. 

The veggies are fine. 

I don't like fruit so I don't mind doing without!

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5 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I don't like fruit so I don't mind doing without!

You can eat very small amounts. Like one small apple has like 18 g of sugar. Basically you will have to look at the amounts of sugar in everything and carbs. Bread is also out even wheat. I don’t know if you can eat bread. I eat about 1 slice of rye bread per month. Rye isn’t totally horrible. Watch it on the rice and potatoes and noodles , crackers  all bad for carbs and glycaemic index.  Just remember carbs become sugar . 

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Body aches, I have a headache and although I am sleeping plenty of hours it's not a comfortable sleep. Nose still running. I'm going to wear a mask to the grocery store as a courtesy to the other people at the store. I don't believe I have anything contagious but still... it's the right thing to do. 

I'm actually excited to see if I can reverse this with a healthy diet. I plan to start back walking tomorrow after work. Even if I still don't feel great. 

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