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Ex broke NC


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You gave your ex wanted he/she wanted to know .... you showed that you were responsive/open to communication and now your ex can carry on with his/her merry way happy in the knowledge that you are still out there.

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You gave your ex wanted he/she wanted to know .... you showed that you were responsive/open to communication and now your ex can carry on with his/her merry way happy in the knowledge that you are still out there.

I know I did, I tried to keep it light and casual as much as possible but now I'm being ignored 🤷♀️🤷♀️ I feel so dumb.😩

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I have a thought for no contact. It is so difficult and hard to do especially when you once cared for someone. From personal experience it's never going to be that easy and you'll keep hitting your head against a brick wall again and again and again and feeling low until you've just had it. One day you'll finally understand that nothing is ever going to change and it's time to move on.


It may take days or weeks or months or years. Can you imagine someone who brings nothing to your life, someone so empty and full of nothingness, colouring your life and influencing you like this for years? If you can't, you're like me when I finally realized it's time to walk away.


It takes time so don't be so harsh on yourself. Next time something pops up from her, ask yourself - "What does this person bring to my life anyway?" Joy? Giggles? Good times? Or confusion, rudeness, lack of compassion and zero love?


Bring in more positivity too as much as possible. Fill your life up with good things and inspiring things and people.


Suddenly, one day compared to everything else you've got, this person's existence will pale. I think it's then that we have a bigger perspective on life and what we have been missing this whole time (more joy, love, compassion and positive influences).

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I know I did, I tried to keep it light and casual as much as possible but now I'm being ignored 🤷♀️🤷♀️ I feel so dumb.😩


Don't feel dumb. Just take it as a lesson and be prepared next time.

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Well I'm stupid, went 4 days no contact with my ex, to recieve a restricted message on Instagram saying "hope you're good".. I stupidly replied and now I'm being ignored😤🥺 I just don't get why people do this..


She knew you'd take the bait. This will continue until you decide to close every door.

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Well I'm stupid, went 4 days no contact with my ex, to recieve a restricted message on Instagram saying "hope you're good".. I stupidly replied and now I'm being ignored😤🥺 I just don't get why people do this..


Because you allow her to keep using you for attention.

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I asked her why she keeps doing this and she replied by saying well if you look I'm never really on this app :S


Don't look for answers from her! I'm so sorry you're in so much pain.


It's one thing to be annoyed with the hot/cold of someone else but another to seek answers from that person. Just accept that there will never be the answer that you are looking for. You'll have to find it inside yourself to walk away and to close that chapter of your own accord. Easier said than done, I know, but try. Don't keep running yourself in to the ground like this. I think the only thing you can do at this point to stop yourself from more pain is to completely remove all contact with this person. I think you're too attached and emotionally dependent on her making you feel a certain way.


You've got to climb out and start feeling good about yourself without her. I think you'll probably be pretty annoyed with her behaviour at that point and nothing she says or does can change your mind about how she's no good.

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Spooky, my ex got back in touch 4 days after NC - she unblocked me and sent me a WhatsApp trying to be all pally, asked me not to block her etc. I have to say due to the help i got from this forum and chatting to people i was starting to feel abit happier about the split. Chatting to her today has done nothing but bring me back down and start questioning again. I know it is easier said than done but either straight up block her now with no prior message or do as i'm considering doing - send her a message and say to enabling you to process the split and make a start on moving on, you need to block her to remove any temptation to message her or backward steps in your road to recovery.



Hope this helps buddy!

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My tried and tested remedy for situations alike is to keep oneself really busy. Please don't reply anymore. I don't know the reason behind your breakup but generally a breakup is difficult for both parties, regardless who initiated. Your ex might be just as confused with her feelings as you are. So do yourself and also her a favor by finding clarity and allowing your hearts to heal, individually. All the best!

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Spooky, my ex got back in touch 4 days after NC - she unblocked me and sent me a WhatsApp trying to be all pally, asked me not to block her etc. I have to say due to the help i got from this forum and chatting to people i was starting to feel abit happier about the split. Chatting to her today has done nothing but bring me back down and start questioning again. I know it is easier said than done but either straight up block her now with no prior message or do as i'm considering doing - send her a message and say to enabling you to process the split and make a start on moving on, you need to block her to remove any temptation to message her or backward steps in your road to recovery.



Hope this helps buddy!


Doesn't even matter now. I found out from a mutual friend, all this time she's been trying to get back with her ex etc.. while sleeping with me etc

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Now that is delete and block material for sure. Sometimes it takes this kind of info to complete the coup de grâce.

I found out from a mutual friend, all this time she's been trying to get back with her ex etc.. while sleeping with me etc
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Well I'm stupid, went 4 days no contact with my ex, to recieve a restricted message on Instagram saying "hope you're good".. I stupidly replied and now I'm being ignored😤🥺 I just don't get why people do this..



Okay, you made a mistake, so what.. you have to forget about it and learn from it. Accept that you gave into a weak moment and move on. Your X is an X and you should just let them remain that way.

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