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Okay folks, women especially...if you ever want to drive yourself insane, get the new otc Covid antigen test they just started selling this week in the US.  

it’s like doing pregnancy tests.  It even says to look for “very faint lines”.  I was going nuts and taking it apart, just like I did with my pregnancy tests! 😂


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I spent the entire night rolling around dying. The chills were so bad I couldn’t stop shaking so I had to get in a hot tub of water. The nausea was unbelievable I had to keep completely and utterly still or I thought I was going to vomit all over the place. Then after the chills subsided the headache and fever came. The whole night was a right off. I am also very weak. 

I guess apparently my body is mounting quite the defence. Right  now I’m a bit better Hubby got me a piece of toast and one of my Gatorade zeros. I think I’m just going to spend the day in bed cuddling my cats. 

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I feel angry. 

Yesterday at mid day, we had two cases in my city and contract tracing found they went to various eateries and shops since they were likely infectious. We went in a lockdown at midnight. Between the announcement of the cases and that we were going into lockdown and actually going into lockdown, we had a bunch of major sporting events that were held despite all this. Thousands of people congregating together. I can't believe they weren't cancelled. It's not like the virus obeys the lockdown start times. 

Plus, it is ANZAC Day long weekend in Australia and everyone from the city headed down south for a holiday. If you know anything about where I live, you know that the smaller towns outside of the major city would not be able to cope with the demand of a surge in cases. In the past we've locked down travel between regions but it seems we've let it go this time because we didn't want to ruin people's long weekend plans. We have tens of thousands of people all over the state. 

Sorry, but until we are all vaccinated, you can't go on a holiday that you can't afford to cancel at the last minute. We also can't have major events that can't be cancelled at the last minute either. All we need is an infected person to have gone to the rugby or basketball game and infected a bunch of people around them. If this happens, questions need to be asked why this was allowed. 

With a new case today, who had been all over the place, this might get quite bad. I could say more but it would be straying into politics too much. 

Needless to say, I'm infuriated how stupid we have been and how concerned we are with ruining people's social and holiday plans.  

Because of my age and the fact that I have no pre-existing medical conditions, I'm in the last group to get the vaccine. Probably towards the end of the year. 

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On 4/24/2021 at 10:45 AM, ApocalypseDreams said:

I feel angry. 

Yesterday at mid day, we had two cases in my city and contract tracing found they went to various eateries and shops since they were likely infectious. We went in a lockdown at midnight. Between the announcement of the cases and that we were going into lockdown and actually going into lockdown, we had a bunch of major sporting events that were held despite all this. Thousands of people congregating together. I can't believe they weren't cancelled. It's not like the virus obeys the lockdown start times. 

Plus, it is ANZAC Day long weekend in Australia and everyone from the city headed down south for a holiday. If you know anything about where I live, you know that the smaller towns outside of the major city would not be able to cope with the demand of a surge in cases. In the past we've locked down travel between regions but it seems we've let it go this time because we didn't want to ruin people's long weekend plans. We have tens of thousands of people all over the state. 

Sorry, but until we are all vaccinated, you can't go on a holiday that you can't afford to cancel at the last minute. We also can't have major events that can't be cancelled at the last minute either. All we need is an infected person to have gone to the rugby or basketball game and infected a bunch of people around them. If this happens, questions need to be asked why this was allowed. 

With a new case today, who had been all over the place, this might get quite bad. I could say more but it would be straying into politics too much. 

Needless to say, I'm infuriated how stupid we have been and how concerned we are with ruining people's social and holiday plans.  

Because of my age and the fact that I have no pre-existing medical conditions, I'm in the last group to get the vaccine. Probably towards the end of the year. 

Here we are REALLY bad. Just my province is hitting over 4000 cases a day. We are in a lockdown again and schools are closed. 

I got my vaccine just under the wire on Friday. The pharmacist said she was running out that day and didn’t see any more vaccine coming. All the doses from my area are being sent to the hardest hit areas of our province. 

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So, minimal side effects from the second shot.  I felt dizzy, a bit nauseated and fatigued and had a headache the first night (the day I got the shot).  After that, just feeling tired.  I didn't feel sick, I didn't need to be in bed and I didn't need to take any painkillers.  So, a good experience!

In 12 days I will have the full effects of being vaccinated.  I'll be celebrating with a road trip back to my previous state in June.  Can't wait to see my (fully vaccinated) friends!

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37 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

So, minimal side effects from the second shot.  I felt dizzy, a bit nauseated and fatigued and had a headache the first night (the day I got the shot).  After that, just feeling tired.  I didn't feel sick, I didn't need to be in bed and I didn't need to take any painkillers.  So, a good experience!

In 12 days I will have the full effects of being vaccinated.  I'll be celebrating with a road trip back to my previous state in June.  Can't wait to see my (fully vaccinated) friends!

I am hoping to have a good second shot experience. The first one kicked my a$$. 
My husband will be fully vaccinated by June. I will be in July. My mom too. I have no idea about my brother and my son refuses to. 

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On 4/8/2021 at 7:14 AM, Cheetarah said:

I have some kind of an arrhythmia.  They weren’t able to see it on the 12 lead because it wasn’t happening, then it did on the 3 lead but no one was ever in the room(and it wasn’t the kind that set off the  crazy alarm, just the “missed beat” ding).  The ER doc finally saw it during discharge and said it looks like SVT.  I stopped mid sentence im like it’s coming! lol.  He was so tickled that I could feel when it was about to happen.  But I’m (at times , overly) in tune with my body. 

 I have an appointment with a cardiologist next week to get set up with a holter.  They upped my beta blocker.  My marker labs and all the other ones were fine, as well as chest x ray.  The beta blocker increase has at least helped quell them quite a bit in the meantime.  



Wow, you and I are living the same life right now, seriously.

I could have wrote that word for word.

I started having palpitations/arrhythmias about a year back. It was only now and then, but it's become a lot more frequent lately.

It is frustrating to go to ER and it doesn't show up! I too an booked in for a holter.

It really does feel weird for your heart to either skip a beat, or go too fast for a few seconds, doesn't it?

I have never had it happen in my life. I just hope it gets sorted. The sooner the better.

Yes, they mentioned SVT's a few times, so I am thinking mine are along the same lines.

I am also booked in for my first vaccine. It's an odd kind of happy/excited/fearful type of feeling.

But once it's done and I make it through, I know I will feel a sense of relief.

I hope you're all doing well. I have been doing a lot of work on other projects, so I haven't been around much at all.

It's good to hear that you're all doing well and made it through your Covid jabs. xx

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On 5/3/2021 at 11:12 PM, SherrySher said:

Wow, you and I are living the same life right now, seriously.

I could have wrote that word for word.

I started having palpitations/arrhythmias about a year back. It was only now and then, but it's become a lot more frequent lately.

It is frustrating to go to ER and it doesn't show up! I too an booked in for a holter.

It really does feel weird for your heart to either skip a beat, or go too fast for a few seconds, doesn't it?

I have never had it happen in my life. I just hope it gets sorted. The sooner the better.

Yes, they mentioned SVT's a few times, so I am thinking mine are along the same lines.

I am also booked in for my first vaccine. It's an odd kind of happy/excited/fearful type of feeling.

But once it's done and I make it through, I know I will feel a sense of relief.

I hope you're all doing well. I have been doing a lot of work on other projects, so I haven't been around much at all.

It's good to hear that you're all doing well and made it through your Covid jabs. xx

I’m having the holter put on tomorrow, then a routine  echo done next week.  I’m also seeing an electrophysiologist tomorrow as well to talk about an ablation. 

Of course, I haven’t had any palps in a couple weeks(aside from tonight - I was a bit dehydrated so I wonder if that triggered it).  I swear it better show up on there.  LOL.  

I get both the “skipped beat” feeling and the speeding up and almost what feels like it’s resetting into sinus rhythm.  I can also make it stop by coughing hard or bearing down.  I’m told sometimes that simply IS a treatment if it’s infrequent, not sustaining and the heart rate isn’t super fast.  But when they come, they drive me insane and I think it becomes a vicious cycle of palps triggering anxiety triggering palps!  Which is why I really want to consider an ablation. I feel for you.  Let me know how things go for you.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 minutes ago, pippy longstocking said:

A little bird told me cheet was back , so I have pooped in quickly to say hello darling , haven't seen you forever .xxx

Please keep taking this seriously everyone ..covid has taken my brother , two weeks ago ,he is only 57 😪 our family have been to hell and  back  .

Keep safe xx

Be safe sweet one . 

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4 hours ago, pippy longstocking said:

A little bird told me cheet was back , so I have popped in quickly to say hello darling , haven't seen you forever .xxx

Please keep taking this seriously everyone ..covid has taken my brother , two weeks ago ,he is only 57 😪 our family have been to hell and  back  .

Keep safe xx

I'm so, so sorry Pippy.

I wish you comfort during this difficult time.

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