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Me too, Sera, me too. In a way, if I got it I'd be relieved but only if I didn't get really sick. This virus is either mild or not. I understand now that given my age and healthy respiratory system, I will probably be fine but there is still a risk of ending up on a ventilator. People my age have died in my city. I can't take a chance. I have too many people in my family who need me in the future. I can't leave this world yet.

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A B+ in your difficult program is fantastic ! Yes, you are doing very well.


I'm glad you are healthy.


For some reason I am OK with still being isolated. I guess because with how badly Covid is spreading in my area I would rather stay in and stay safe.


I'm enjoying some YouTube videos. For some reason they calm me down.

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I don't mind staying in but I definitely miss my family. outside of work, I have no physical contact with anyone and it's really wearing on my psyche.


I'm going to try and do better on my next exam but if I get at least a B, I'll try not to beat myself up.

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Honestly I even like seeing the "regulars" on the jogging oval during my sunrise workout. There's one woman about my size/body type, a bit older than me and even though we never acknowledge each other -I can tell she wants to be into herself (as do I at that time!) - it's kind of comforting to see her almost every day!

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Cancelled my gym membership. I don't feel motivated working out while wearing mask at the gym. I will wait until Covid is cured.


Our fitness room only partially reopened and I don't feel safe returning. I workout outdoors daily around sunrise. I see several people out there -at our jogging oval in the park -with various workout equipment and using the trees to hang things from-like exercise bands,etc. Some run ,some jog, some do yoga. Around 6:30-7 ish when I am out there are typically around 10 people out then. Sometimes there is someone running a small fitness class. I highly recommend it -my speed walk and workout really make my day-and a great start to the day. I don't wear a mask as we're all very far from each other.

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Outdoor exercise has been recommended as being safer. It's easier to stay in your own space. An enclosed gym doesn't provide as much opportunity to maintain the recommended personal space.


Besides, being outdoors is nice! Especially when the weather is good. I only walk, but it really does feel good to be out there.

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I've only been walking outside for exercise. I don't see myself doing much else.


I do have a foldable treadmill for walking when the weather is bad. I've had that for a while, pre-COVID. Going into the fall/winter, I'm going to rely on it, especially if cases spike and we are forced underground again.

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Outdoor exercise has been recommended as being safer. It's easier to stay in your own space. An enclosed gym doesn't provide as much opportunity to maintain the recommended personal space.


Besides, being outdoors is nice! Especially when the weather is good. I only walk, but it really does feel good to be out there.


I go in all weather but I go at sunrise which is cooler plus less chance of a thunderstorm and yes it does feel good in many ways to be out there!

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Our fitness room only partially reopened and I don't feel safe returning. I workout outdoors daily around sunrise. I see several people out there -at our jogging oval in the park -with various workout equipment and using the trees to hang things from-like exercise bands,etc. Some run ,some jog, some do yoga. Around 6:30-7 ish when I am out there are typically around 10 people out then. Sometimes there is someone running a small fitness class. I highly recommend it -my speed walk and workout really make my day-and a great start to the day. I don't wear a mask as we're all very far from each other.


That's awesome. Before gyms reopen I was hiking and running uphills around sunrise. I wanted to lift weights to help prepare my body for long distance running. It will have to wait. Besides I think 2021 LA marathon will be cancelled.

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OK. Some states near me now have mandatory mask laws. There is an exemption for strenuous exercise and they are mandatory where you can't socially distance (whether outdoors or indoors). Someone on one of my facebook groups posted that if you can't wear a mask stay home (knowing there is no mandate where we live). So. Maybe I'm not understanding something. What am I doing wrong by going out for 35 minutes at around sunrise where I am far from anyone and if I am less than 6 feet away at any given time it's because someone runs by me for half a second (or vice versa) - which I know is also supposed to be safe when outdoors (and makes common sense too). Other than that occasional half second passing by within a few feet (possibly less than 6) I am far from other people the entire time. When I am on the sidewalk portion of my exercise I am alert to who is coming and if there is one other person coming, I distance myself in advance.


Other than that if I am out to walk to shopping I again am far from people. If I am in a supermarket I wear a mask the entire time. If I am doing takeout and it is not crowded and the server is far from me (typically behind glass or the person puts my bag on the counter as I come in and walks away, I've paid in advance) I don't wear a mask. I go to one fast food place where I have to order - I keep my distance and pick up my food in a different area after the person walks away. If they asked me to wear a mask there I would.


I'm not going to mask up when I work out outdoors at sunrise. I'd feel and likely get very ill. I feel encouraged that the states that mandate it make an exception for strenuous exercise and when you can be socially distanced. I don't get the admonition "wear a mask or stay home" because I find it extreme and unwarranted by all we know about how the infection spreads. Fortunately I never cough or sneeze in public. If I were to it would be into my elbow.

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We are required to wear masks inside retail and food establishments and grocery stores and service establishments (banks, etc.). Also required outside if we are near others. Outdoor exercise is exempt unless you are walking in a group of people who are not part of your own household.


I wear mine when I walk because I do not go at sunrise (I'm usually still trying to sleep!) because my neighborhood is a popular walking neighborhood and I can't always get away from other people out walking. I do move into the street if someone is coming toward me on the sidewalk. And I move away from others. Even when I walk with my son or my son and his spouse we wear masks. We're all working (well, I will be working onsite soon) and we have all had Covid cases at our workplaces so we are trying to protect one another.


I'm willing to wear one and not complain because I wouldn't want to unknowingly infect anyone. But yes, there are definitely times where it isn't necessary. I see people wearing them inside their cars while driving. I don't do that.

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We are required to wear masks inside retail and food establishments and grocery stores and service establishments (banks, etc.). Also required outside if we are near others. Outdoor exercise is exempt unless you are walking in a group of people who are not part of your own household.


I wear mine when I walk because I do not go at sunrise (I'm usually still trying to sleep!) because my neighborhood is a popular walking neighborhood and I can't always get away from other people out walking. I do move into the street if someone is coming toward me on the sidewalk. And I move away from others. Even when I walk with my son or my son and his spouse we wear masks. We're all working (well, I will be working onsite soon) and we have all had Covid cases at our workplaces so we are trying to protect one another.


I'm willing to wear one and not complain because I wouldn't want to unknowingly infect anyone. But yes, there are definitely times where it isn't necessary. I see people wearing them inside their cars while driving. I don't do that.


I think the people in the cars wear them so they don't have to go to the trouble of putting it on with unwashed hands when they get where they're going.


I agree. I go at sunrise because it's the optimal time for my mental and physical health and my son typically is up by 7 anyway so this way I am often back shortly after gets up. I do mornings -husband sleeps in. He's a night owl.

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If I walk in an outside, open area with no or very, very few people, then I don't wear a mask. But usually in the parks, I will wear one as there are definitely some folks there and passing me or vice versa.


God, this whole thing really blows.

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The grocery stores are strange here right now. Difficult to find dried beans etc. and the price is high on those type of dry staples. Toilet paper is dirt cheap now and everywhere. People here seem obsessed with hand sanitizer now, as it's literally everywhere and everyone has a spritzer handy.

But masks are a mixed bag. I noticed in the " nicer " neighbourhoods there is more mask usage on the streets and in the stores. The " less nice " areas are like the wild west, some wandering with bandannas on their faces but a lot of groups of people just hanging around as though this isn't a concern any more. Of course this generalizing, but I'm not the only one noticing this pattern.

Meanwhile, in the small towns, I didn't see anyone wearing a mask. People still want to stop and chat, almost laughing this off.

We have been quite lucky here but that's mostly due to lack of density. It's definitely given some people over confidence .

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Thing is our government is pretty safety conscious. I know our Prime Minister and our Premier endlessly tell people that this isn’t done ,wear masks ,wash your hands like it’s endless. Our chief public health officer’s are on TV every single day reminding us wash your hands wash your hands wear a mask wash. Our politicians wear masks in public.


I would say we have less of a wild west atmosphere.

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People are taking cues from the government. If they say it's safe to reopen that must mean the pandemic is over. And they will behave accordingly.


I don't think most people are sheep-like - on my facebook groups they knew full well when reopening was driven by economics more than safety, or driven by safety.

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I don't mean that are blindly following the government. It's more like an excuse...well, if the government says it's safe then I can go out as much as I want! And if the government only "recommends" masks I don't have to.wear one!


Have you all seen the fake "ADA exemption" cards people are making at home? The template going around has a misspelled word on it, plus the website listed is fake. These people think it will get them out of having to wear a facial covering. They are going to a lot of trouble to be able to possibly infect others.

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I don't mean that are blindly following the government. It's more like an excuse...well, if the government says it's safe then I can go out as much as I want! And if the government only "recommends" masks I don't have to.wear one!


Have you all seen the fake "ADA exemption" cards people are making at home? The template going around has a misspelled word on it, plus the website listed is fake. These people think it will get them out of having to wear a facial covering. They are going to a lot of trouble to be able to possibly infect others.


Yes I saw and heard about this! I agree people make excuses when it comes to safety/risks/inconvenience -the ubiquitous "well I could get the flu too but I still go outside!" I get sick at the hypocrisy I see. May I vent??? Like my friend (yes a friend, I do like her!) who bragged and bragged about her volunteer work for hours and hours developing a face mask website (while her husband took over 24/7 child care so she could do this good work), then abruptly pulled the plug on her involvement because of too much drama, but of course weeks later bragged again on facebook when one of the other volunteers posted about the success of the project.


Or the friend who posted over and over again about wearing a mask and weeks later is posting about going to a friends' pool so their families could swim and bbq. The same people begging people to go out and protest with no focus on "do it safely/wear a mask" now admonishing everyone to wear a mask or stay home. Please.

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I can't stand the flu comparison. As a health care worker I hate flu season. Thousands of Americans die every year from the flu and that's with a vaccine. COVID has a higher morality rate and there is no vaccine, no treatment, and it does bad things to your body. Older people are at risk but it's killing young people too.


We will have 200k dead by winter. I know it.

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