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In my city the libraries are about to re-open. You have to reserve books online and pick them up curbside, there is no going into the library to read or study. I'm sure the reason is they don't have enough workers to go around disinfecting all of the areas throughout the day.


I won't get library books because I don't know what the disinfecting protocols are. And I can't figure out how to disinfect books myself without potentially ruining them.


I'm with you, I love libraries but it's something I don't think I'll be able to do for a long, long time.


So it looks like next week and the week after I will be working onsite one day a week. I haven't been told yet which location I am assigned to but I presume I'll get that information in the next few days.


How about just put the book to the side for 3-4 days - then any virus is gone.

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How about just put the book to the side for 3-4 days - then any virus is gone.


When I'm working I sadly don't have much time for reading. So putting the books aside for that long would mean I would not get to read them before they are due back.


I like to re-read, so when I do want to do some reading I just buy a book online. That way I can re-read over and over.

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I use the app "Libby" to "check out" ebooks. I download them right to my Kindle. It's free. I was doing that long before COVID though. I even have a NYC Public Library card (I am NOT in NYC!) that I was able to get for myself and I use that on Libby to get ebooks, even audiobooks.


At this point, I just need a different place to study. I've ALWAYS studied away from home. COVID has taken that away from me. Can't go to a library, can't go to a coffeeshop, etc. It's almost affecting my learning, almost, but it makes studying agonizing for me. If I could, I'd go to the library and bring my own disinfectant wipes, wipe down the table and chair, sit there alone working for hours, then pack up, wipe down away, and leave. It's really frustrating. The library I go to has special access only, it's not even for the public and there's barely anyone there. If security hadn't locked down the swipe-card access months ago, I wouldn't be typing this, I would have snuck in with disinfectant wipes and claimed a table for myself by now.

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Is there somewhere outside you can go? Your balcony, your backyard? Or even in your car parked in a nice location and use your phone as a mobile hot-spot?


I did virtual manager training last month and one of the students set up his laptop on his patio. We all took turns being on camera during the class and I liked when he was on because I could see his backyard with all the palm trees.

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I get it. I get stir crazy sometimes. At some point staying home makes my anxiety go up. I haven't left the house since Monday and just got in from running a couple errands. I feel a little better but the anxiety is still there.

Because of all of this I changed my cell plan to unlimited data and now have a hot spot. My bf and I rode our bikes down the beach over the weekend and I shared with him how we should take the easy up and sit at the beach while I can log on work during the week. But do you think we've done it? NO.

I am just not good at sitting still. Even if it's at the beach. Heck, I freakin' cleaned my carpet yesterday even though it was in the 90's!

Today I am anxious because I don't have much to distract me. I just got back from Home Depot with more plants I don't need :eek: That and drain cleaner for my backed up tub from pouring the carpet cleaning water with carpet fibers into it.

I am having a friend come over this evening for some wine and pizza on the patio.

Geeez. . .will we ever be normal again?

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Is there somewhere outside you can go? Your balcony, your backyard? Or even in your car parked in a nice location and use your phone as a mobile hot-spot?


I did virtual manager training last month and one of the students set up his laptop on his patio. We all took turns being on camera during the class and I liked when he was on because I could see his backyard with all the palm trees.


I am trying to figure out a good place to do this, a picnic bench even (wiped down of course), anywhere. I have an Android phone with unlimited data and hotspot access (has come in handy at other times). I live in an apartment without a balcony and I don't have a backyard. No common areas anywhere either. I've thought of a few places but there's always people around, probably doing the same thing that I am doing!


I didn't think of the "sitting in a car" bit though. That's a good idea. I could put my windows down so I could stay cool without idling. I have a laptop that gets insanely good battery life as well as a phone with a battery pack so I could be working from a hotspot for a good long time with that.

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I feel like the only person on the planet who's still concerned about Covid.


My good friend who is an essential worker told me he's traveling for his upcoming vacation. Another friend is currently at a bowling alley. Yet another friend took her 80 year old grandmother to a restaurant today.


I guess people are so tired of staying home that they just don't care about any possible risks anymore.


I'm glad my kids are still playing it safe. They do takeout food and grocery shop but that's it. No dining at restaurants or bowling for Pete's sake.

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I feel like the only person on the planet who's still concerned about Covid.


My good friend who is an essential worker told me he's traveling for his upcoming vacation. Another friend is currently at a bowling alley. Yet another friend took her 80 year old grandmother to a restaurant today.


I guess people are so tired of staying home that they just don't care about any possible risks anymore.


I'm glad my kids are still playing it safe. They do takeout food and grocery shop but that's it. No dining at restaurants or bowling for Pete's sake.


So my friend got divorced a bit over a year ago. Two young kids. Her parents had moved to her area to be the babysitters. Both she and ex work full time -more than -and travel. But parents are immunocompromised. So they quarrantined for a period of time then when it was safe grandparents resumed babysitting which they'd done for years pre-divorce too. But now ex husband got back together with his affair partner and moved her in -from across the country -and they are not really socially distancing anymore. He had been. So now grandparents can't see or help with grandkids because it would be far too risky. Can you imagine?? I feel so awful for her. No I can't help. I actually did help with her kids once in a pinch when she was my downstairs neighbor and often told her to go shower, etc and I'd watch them. But she moved to the burbs and anyway she wouldn't want anyone else with them because of the virus.


Here I have friends all over the range - some won't go to the pool yet at all, send their kids to in person camps, others vacationing with no social distancing and took kids to protests, etc.


Other emotional issue. One of my friends who is far far right/conservative just posted a divisive post about how all of this -the virus and antifa and protests-all is manufactured - a conpsiracy theory. Sickening. I wrote and commented nothing. It makes me sick. She and husband both got covid and are better so where is this coming from???

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I feel like the only person on the planet who's still concerned about Covid.


My good friend who is an essential worker told me he's traveling for his upcoming vacation. Another friend is currently at a bowling alley. Yet another friend took her 80 year old grandmother to a restaurant today.


I guess people are so tired of staying home that they just don't care about any possible risks anymore.


I'm glad my kids are still playing it safe. They do takeout food and grocery shop but that's it. No dining at restaurants or bowling for Pete's sake.


You're definitely not alone. I see my parents semi-regularly now (I get tested regularly because of my job, they are still isolating) but outside of grocery store/some takeout, I'm not going out. Going out to restaurants? Bowling? No way in hell, sorry. I don't see my friends and I don't go to recreational activities. As much as I'd love to go to my favorite bar again, I won't. I drink at home on occasion.


I would be more than happy and willing to expand my current lifestyle a bit without a vaccine if we had a decent treatment for covid. However, we don't, studies are still pending.


I would be willing to take a vacation if it were within driving distance and I stayed alone in a reputable, clean hotel. But I don't really have the desire for that now. Planes? Forget it.

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I heard about this drug this morning. I used to have a lot of patients who took it IV - it's wonderful for relieving swelling ASAP. Reading through the article though, I wasn't really phased. While I am happy that we are finding better treatments for those in the ICU on ventilators or those in hospitals on oxygen, I'm really wanting a drug that can STOP people from getting sick to the point that they need hospitals/ICU/oxygen supplies.


If/until we get a vaccine OR a treatment that KEEPS people out of the hospitals (versus treating those already in hospitals), then things will continue to be wonky.

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I heard about this drug this morning. I used to have a lot of patients who took it IV - it's wonderful for relieving swelling ASAP. Reading through the article though, I wasn't really phased. While I am happy that we are finding better treatments for those in the ICU on ventilators or those in hospitals on oxygen, I'm really wanting a drug that can STOP people from getting sick to the point that they need hospitals/ICU/oxygen supplies.


If/until we get a vaccine OR a treatment that KEEPS people out of the hospitals (versus treating those already in hospitals), then things will continue to be wonky.

I hear you I hear you, but it is a bit of a glimmer.

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I agree, it is. I'm not sure how I'd handle being on that steroid though. I avoid any oral steroids because I am insulin resistant and I don't want to increase my blood sugar and increase my likelihood of diabetes (which is already increased compared to the general population).


US/Canada border has been extended through late July. I was expecting this but I won't lie, I'm sad. I want to see family again.

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I agree, it is. I'm not sure how I'd handle being on that steroid though. I avoid any oral steroids because I am insulin resistant and I don't want to increase my blood sugar and increase my likelihood of diabetes (which is already increased compared to the general population).


US/Canada border has been extended through late July. I was expecting this but I won't lie, I'm sad. I want to see family again.


Me either as a diabetic who got my numbers down to 5.7 naturally. But if you can’t breathe you’re dead anyway .


I will say though there have been people sneaking through saying they are headed to Alaska when in fact they are not. I think they should be deported for life. Lying to a CBSA officer is a crime.

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Yeah I wouldn't like to one of those officers. Seems like a dumb move. I don't know what's on their computer screen but I do know that there is some degree of tracking involved, when/where you enter the border(s), what your reasons were, etc.


I get very few questions but when I am asked anything, I am truthful. I often bring alcohol into Canada and I always declare what I have although I've never had to pay tax on it. Lying to border officials is a big deal - you can get banned for life! I wouldn't want that!

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We seem to have been spared community spread (for now) - at least in my state. Given what has happened practically everywhere else, and how contagious the virus is, it seems unbelievable that no one has transmitted it unknowingly to a stranger. As long as the state and international borders are tightened I feel somewhat safe.


Unfortunately, successfully managing something like this results in everyone questioning if the measures were ever necessary. Completely forgetting that the crisis didn't happen because of the measures and not because there was a lack of threat.


I'm hoping we can ride this out until there's some breakthrough or vaccine. I don't think the people here have the discipline, the patience or the means to go through another shutdown.

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We seem to have been spared community spread (for now) - at least in my state. Given what has happened practically everywhere else, and how contagious the virus is, it seems unbelievable that no one has transmitted it unknowingly to a stranger. As long as the state and international borders are tightened I feel somewhat safe.


Unfortunately, successfully managing something like this results in everyone questioning if the measures were ever necessary. Completely forgetting that the crisis didn't happen because of the measures and not because there was a lack of threat.


I'm hoping we can ride this out until there's some breakthrough or vaccine. I don't think the people here have the discipline, the patience or the means to go through another shutdown.


I don’t think anybody has the patience to go through another lock down I know everybody here is half past give a crap. We have come close to 100,000 cases in the country right now. 2/3 of which have recovered already . But our newly occurring cases are vastly down. I think yesterday we were around 385 new cases for the whole country. Almost the entire country though has moved into stage two opening. But not many people can take much more.

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I don’t think anybody has the patience to go through another lock down I know everybody here is half past give a crap. We have come close to 100,000 cases in the country right now. 2/3 of which have recovered already . But our newly occurring cases are vastly down. I think yesterday we were around 385 new cases for the whole country. Almost the entire country though has moved into stage two opening. But not many people can take much more.


1 Million? :\


Do you mean 100 thousand?

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1 Million? :\


Do you mean 100 thousand?


Hahah no I had a brain fart I meant close to 100,000. We have about 8100 deaths so far which is horrible but nowhere near predicted losses which was just 15,000 for my province alone back in April but everyone doubled down and the government started paying people to stay home.

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Our government will not pay people to stay home. And many people think the reopening means the virus is gone or it never was a threat to begin with. It's the "media/government hoax/overreaction" mindset.


My country has so many areas that are not spiking but exploding with new cases. People don't believe it or don't care.


I found out the location I will be working at next week has had 18 cases...

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Our government will not pay people to stay home. And many people think the reopening means the virus is gone or it never was a threat to begin with. It's the "media/government hoax/overreaction" mindset.


My country has so many areas that are not spiking but exploding with new cases. People don't believe it or don't care.


I found out the location I will be working at next week has had 18 cases...


There are people here too who think it is a hoax or a “ flu” or plain out don’t care. But we have definitely flattened our curve before people ran outside. But you won’t be able to put the genie back in the box. My son for one thinks this is totally man-made.

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My area has a lot of cases but we are on the downtrend. Thank God for state rights. I'm glad I am where I am and not in one of these states with exploding cases.


I'm past the point of caring anymore. If people want to go sneezing in each others' mouths in another state while their leaders sit idle, that's on them. I do think another 100k will die by the fall, I've accepted that. Just hope it doesn't explode here again.

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