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Emotional support group Covid19


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It's Sunday and has been for the past month or so lol!! But I'm on maternity so is pretty much Sunday every day Haha, other than for appointments and when fiance goes back to work.. :(

I can't believe my daughter is 1 week old already!


Congratulations!!When our son was five days old we took him for his first pediatrician appointment. I had to fill out the forms. My husband gently said "um, why did you put your parents' names under "Parent Names??" LOL

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Congratulations!!When our son was five days old we took him for his first pediatrician appointment. I had to fill out the forms. My husband gently said "um, why did you put your parents' names under "Parent Names??" LOL


Oh man, that's kind of hilarious!!! Something I would do not thinking for sure lol!

I can't register her birth for the foreseeable, the registry offices are closed due to covid.. should still be able to register her with gp so I'll be trying to on Monday when I call for a medication review.


I hope everyone's had a better day today and less anxiety.

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Social media consumption is way up. Now there is a new "disease". Videochat Fatigue Syndrome : https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200421-why-zoom-video-chats-are-so-exhausting


Junk food, snack food, processed food and comfort food consumption is also way up.🍕🍔🍟🌭🥓🥨🥞🧇🧁


Alcohol consumption is also way up.🍸🍷🍻


Does this mean we will have a bunch of overweight, alcoholic people who forgot how to talk in real life?

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Social media consumption is way up. Now there is a new "disease". Videochat Fatigue Syndrome : https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200421-why-zoom-video-chats-are-so-exhausting


Junk food, snack food, processed food and comfort food consumption is also way up.🍕🍔🍟🌭🥓🥨🥞🧇🧁


Alcohol consumption is also way up.🍸🍷🍻


Does this mean we will have a bunch of overweight, alcoholic people who forgot how to talk in real life?


Will? Lol;)

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Again, no new cases today.


How are you feeling about that?

It's wonderful to hear the words " zero new cases ".


Honestly, I'd prefer to have 2 or 3 weeks of no new cases before thinking of easing restrictions (nothing major though). Realistically, easing restrictions in proportion to the current situation is important I think and the state and federal government are reviewing where we are at at the end of each month.


People will grow impatient if they perceive little risk but are being forced to abide by measures that seriously impact their lives. A concern of mine is that people will become fatigued, complacent and disobey the measures. This easing up of restrictions is being framed as a "reward" and we've been reminded that the easing will be rescinded if and when necessary. It's a balance, I think.

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As expected tens of thousand of people rushed to beach over the weekend. Due to closed parking the crowds impacted the neighborhoods. I grumbled as we went for our daily walks and had to walk further inland to avoid the crowds.


It's two neighboring beaches in a particular. On the news this morning the one will now close for the next following weekend. Why ours is still the only one open for miles makes me scratch my head.


I don't know what's right anymore. To each his own. My fire/medic son texts me to check in yesterday. He's with his friends at a lake an hour away bbqing and water skiing.


He's on the front lines supporting a city that is the hot spot for the virus in the county. There just isn't any words you can say to someone who's doing what he does every day . . .to not hang out with his friends, who are also medics. I just throw my hands up. I told him to have fun (?)


A friend posted some commentary yesterday about civil rights and small business owners. It opened comparing them to those who 'were cowaring at home' I commented that I didn't get past that comment and would not read the rest.


My heart goes out to those who are impacted this way, but no need to be insulting to those who feel they are merely doing their part. It doesn't help your credibility. I don't usually post on anything remotely political, but that one made my hackles go up.


Anyway. . spent the weekend at the bf's. Back to house arrest. . grrrr

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Our curve looks like it's declining, it's looking like the peak was 08/04, so that's good. But this is only showing official nhs figures, not nursing homes and deaths at home. We've got several nightingale hospitals open and ready. I'm hopeful that beginning if June things will be easier and some restrictions can be lifted, however whatever is safest is all I care about right now.


Plus side, I'm slowly managing to get daughter to latch on to my right boob, she very much prefers left but we're getting there, with tears and frustration on both sides.

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They must all have some type of PTSD from dealing with mass casualties day in and day out. Hopefully someone/an agency/debriefing support, etc. can support them psychologically. Makes being worried about toilet paper, etc seem pretty silly🙁

that's horrible
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They must all have some type of PTSD from dealing with mass casualties day in and day out. Hopefully someone/an agency/debriefing support, etc. can support them psychologically. Makes being worried about toilet paper, etc seem pretty silly🙁


I couldn't read the article, but there was a mention of a mass burial for approx 10k unclaimed deaths in NY. How is this possible?? This isn't some 3rd world country. How this is happening is beyond comprehension.


I don't think we can possibly understand what this doctor witnessed and experienced.

Makes me heart so very heavy.

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I read they are only giving families 3 days to claim the bodies of loved ones. Many cannot make that 3 day deadline.


So sad about the doctor. The impact of what they're doing must be overwhelming. And yet, my cousin claims all hospitals are standing empty...


At work last night I returned from eating lunch to find a worker throwing up into a trash can about 3 feet from my open laptop. And they gave him my chair to sit in. Poor kid, but I went on a sterilizing frenzy. And I sure didn't sit on that chair anymore!

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