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A few times a day I check all the stores online for stuff that’s become impossible to find. I’m just mildly amused it only expects me to travel over 300 miles to get some disinfecting wipes. I tried to put a pic up but apparently I’ve completely forgotten how to utilize this forum. However, I did manage to snag a 4 pack of Clorox wipes the other day online for ship to home and it shipped. My aunt was all “did you insure it?” 😂😂


My partner’s best friend tested positive. She’s a CNA in an adult home. She had been screaming about the lack of PPE for weeks. They wound up having a big outbreak there, almost equally divided between residents and staff.


It was basically inevitable and that’s just horrible. They’re asking sports teams here for rain ponchos for PPE.

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Ha, I do the same on Amazon during the day when I remember. It's like winning the lottery when a listing does come up.


More often than not though, they are price gouging. Still though, seeing certain items listed at all is like seeing a unicorn.


Sorry to hear about your friend, Cheetarah.

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I know! This was priced without markup so it was double lotto. Like the powerball.


Amazon says they’ve cracked down on third party sellers but every day there are more and more crappy people trying to capitalize on a pandemic. I saw 74 for a 4 roll of toilet paper and the worst part, people buying it out of desperation. ☹️

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Price gouging is illegal where I am. It can be reported and the perpetrators are subject to prosecution and huge fines. I have found all those things in the local stores at the same price as always. People are allowed to go out to certain stores that are open with proper protection. Buying online is a huge rip off right now.

I saw 74 for a 4 roll of toilet paper and the worst part, people buying it out of desperation.
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I am sorry to hear about your friend too, Cheet. A lot of nursing homes and other facilities in my area are blowing up with cases. I have some PPE given to me by work and I also have my own. People say that if we didn't have PPE they would walk but I know that not everyone has the luxury of just walking away from a job. Actually, most don't. I know I couldn't at this point in time.


I'd sooner wipe myself with an old rag or washcloth and then wash it (and keep other old rags nearby for same usage) then spend a lot of money on TP. Just my take.

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Thank you - she was tested because of the exposure and is nearly asymptomatic. Her patient did test positive a few days before she did, though that patient had been constantly sleeping for more than a week. Not sure if she JUST contracted and is at the beginning of the crap or is lucky to have very mild symptoms.


I will wipe myself with coffee filters and corn husks before I pay exorbitant amounts of money, too! Or I’d honestly go in the shower and use the handheld.

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There are many people, more than we know, with mild or no symptoms. Usually it seems that once you contract it, you have about a week where you feel cruddy. How cruddy depends on you. Some people have horrible fevers and are unable to leave bed, other people have what seems to be a cold with a cough. After ~week, you either get better (truly) or you fall off a cliff and need a breathing machine. That seems to be how the illness runs its course.

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Was feeling unusually down/weary today -likely because I didn't sleep well. Stress-related. What helped some was getting busy with cleaning up. Just the moving around. Also made my son get off the computer and help me put laundry away. He did so with enthusiasm! Miracles never cease lol. It was good to be outside at 7 as it always is but it is uncharacteristically cold outside. That's partly good -wakes me up - and partly not my thing.

Hope you're all having a good Saturday!

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Didn't sleep well at all but that seems to be the norm for me now, especially before I have to go into work. I've tried weighted blankets, soft music, "winding down" before sleep, nothing really works that well. I don't think I'm going to be sleeping better until the pandemic gets significantly better. I keep worrying about my family and feeling lonely.


Given the attempted burglaries in my area, I don't feel comfortable with my in-window AC units so I am buying a portable one soon and I'll only run it when I'm home. if I'm not home, it gets turned off and the window will be closed/locked. I don't trust anyone now.


I've been working a lot extra lately. I'm hourly (paid well too) so it's pure OT for me but I am tired and I am hoping for a break next week and it looks like it will come.

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What are everyone’s hobbies right now? I am finding more crochet projects.


I started knitting again, and messed it up. Currently in the nesting phase, but I'm struggling with a lot of pain, so partner is having to do it all. Downstairs and garden done today, nearly all the washing too (including xmas clothes which I always leave in favour of every day clothes). All babies things are washed and ready, beds made ready for arrival.. I miss my colouring books.

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I read, I play video games, I work on coloring/calligraphy, I walk, I listen to music, I watch TV and movies. I don't video chat (just not a fan) but I call people on the phone when I want to talk.


I wouldn't say I'm bored. I'm just a bit lonesome. And, of course, worried.

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My friend can’t find an ear or temporal therm, or even multiple oral ones. Her kids are showing some symptoms (3 kids) and she wants to monitor them. People are just telling her oh, sanitize your oral one for everyone...Nah that is just not even close to ideal. I’m usually pretty squirrelly and can find stuff but even I can’t. They are (rightfully) limiting therms to 2 per purchase and there’s none to be found as it is.


On the bright side, my other friend is now doing really well, the guy. He had some residual mild weakness but other than that is getting better every day.

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I started knitting again, and messed it up. Currently in the nesting phase, but I'm struggling with a lot of pain, so partner is having to do it all. Downstairs and garden done today, nearly all the washing too (including xmas clothes which I always leave in favour of every day clothes). All babies things are washed and ready, beds made ready for arrival.. I miss my colouring books.

I started a crochet project but I had to redo it today because I used too big a hook initially.

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I read, I play video games, I work on coloring/calligraphy, I walk, I listen to music, I watch TV and movies. I don't video chat (just not a fan) but I call people on the phone when I want to talk.


I wouldn't say I'm bored. I'm just a bit lonesome. And, of course, worried.


I might have to look and see if I can find my colouring books.

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My friend can’t find an ear or temporal therm, or even multiple oral ones. Her kids are showing some symptoms (3 kids) and she wants to monitor them. People are just telling her oh, sanitize your oral one for everyone...Nah that is just not even close to ideal. I’m usually pretty squirrelly and can find stuff but even I can’t. They are (rightfully) limiting therms to 2 per purchase and there’s none to be found as it is.


On the bright side, my other friend is now doing really well, the guy. He had some residual mild weakness but other than that is getting better every day.


That is great that your one friend is getting much better the other one I think her kids probably will be OK kids seem to be more mildly affected.

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Looks like the uk is set to become European epicentre of the virus. Great.

Doesn't help theres not enough PPE for hospital staff. 160 confirmed cases in the town I'm due to give birth in, not allowed a home birth. To say I'm terrified is a massive understatement...


I can’t imagine how you feel. 😓 but know I am rooting for you❤️

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