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Emotional support group Covid19


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His statement did nothing.


I literally see people from Canada posting on FB, pics where they and their friends are visiting one another in their houses, or people still picking up their grandkids to visit, having family dinners, etc.


There is still a huge majority who don't take things seriously and are spreading this illness more and more.


I feel like Martial law should have happened already. If it had been, the numbers might have been way further down and stopped already.


Another thing I've noticed, the countries where it's the hottest, have the lowest numbers. This is encouraging as it could mean the virus slows down in the hotter weather.


However the vast majority of people are law abiding. Every country has its tw...ts.

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People in my community are using their own personal funds to pay to supply medical professionals and the vulnerable with things they desperately need. Large business owners have paid for venilators and masks. Some have given up their multi-million dollar salaries to fund employee paychecks.


A local animal rescue was visited by a biker club, whose members brought toilet paper and animal feed.


Since the federal government has been slow to respond, the locals are stepping in.


I have total faith in the majority of humanity. Most people are good. I have never, ever subscribed to the belief that most people are a-holes. Sorry, I have seen too much good to believe that all people are selfish and evil.

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There is NOT ENOUGH PPE. I have my own masks, some homemade. I won't disclose what was used to make them or else some more things are going to go out of stock but they do work.


Fudgie, wouldn't sharing this information help prevent the spread of the virus, thus helping you and other healthcare workers?

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Today is better. So far. My son was impressive in his diligence in searching for a link to enter his mandatory art class at school - even though he hates art. Our mayor is threatening to close our huge gorgeous park down the block because people aren’t obeying social distancing. They cordoned off the exercise equipment in our jogging path and people keep ripping off the tape. If we lose access I’ll do my power walk on the empty sidewalk at dawn. Right now at dawn I have so much space to power walk on the path - wayyyy more than 6 feet. So does everyone else - today maybe 10 or so of us we’re out on the half mile circular path. I really hope it stays open.

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Spent with the weekend at the BF's house. We walked, cooked, went for bike rides. Stayed up til 1 am binge watching shows only to sleep in late.


Now back home alone. . working technically. Work has come to a grinding halt. I check my email every 20 minutes or so and . . nothing. The days really long tied to laptop and a phone that doesn't do ring.


Grateful I am getting paid. Worried about our industry will look like when this passes.

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People in my community are using their own personal funds to pay to supply medical professionals and the vulnerable with things they desperately need. Large business owners have paid for venilators and masks. Some have given up their multi-million dollar salaries to fund employee paychecks.


A local animal rescue was visited by a biker club, whose members brought toilet paper and animal feed.


Since the federal government has been slow to respond, the locals are stepping in.


I have total faith in the majority of humanity. Most people are good. I have never, ever subscribed to the belief that most people are a-holes. Sorry, I have seen too much good to believe that all people are selfish and evil.


I also think that most people are good. But thanks to the media and whatnot, idiots stand out and become newsworthy.

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I absolutely had to go to Lowe's today to buy salt for my water softener. I am dreading going to the store anymore because it's such an ordeal! Having to bring gloves, I have wipes in the car but they're antibacterial not disinfecting so I don't trust them to kill the virus if I happen to come in contact with it. Then juggling my debit card with the glove-less hand so I won't have to sterilize it after using it, worrying every time some article of clothing even barely brushes up against the side of the shopping cart, having to quarantine everything I buy for 3 days after I buy it, stripping off the gloves and not using them again until I can wash them (disposable gloves won't be here for another 9 days...), then taking off my outer layer and changing into something else (I'm doing a TON of laundry due to the multiple wardrobe changes...). It's exhausting and stressful.


Oh, and I have to go back to work onsite next Monday for 4 weeks of training. I'm looking forward to being around people again but am frightened because people at other locations are testing positive. We can't shut down so we just go in and hope for the best. Then once that's over I have to move! I transferred out of state to a hot spot and have to be there the first part of May. I have no idea if I can even hire movers.


I know everyone else is going through the same thing. I can't imagine the lasting psychological impact this will have on all of us.

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I absolutely had to go to Lowe's today to buy salt for my water softener. I am dreading going to the store anymore because it's such an ordeal! Having to bring gloves, I have wipes in the car but they're antibacterial not disinfecting so I don't trust them to kill the virus if I happen to come in contact with it. Then juggling my debit card with the glove-less hand so I won't have to sterilize it after using it, worrying every time some article of clothing even barely brushes up against the side of the shopping cart, having to quarantine everything I buy for 3 days after I buy it, stripping off the gloves and not using them again until I can wash them (disposable gloves won't be here for another 9 days...), then taking off my outer layer and changing into something else (I'm doing a TON of laundry due to the multiple wardrobe changes...). It's exhausting and stressful.


Oh, and I have to go back to work onsite next Monday for 4 weeks of training. I'm looking forward to being around people again but am frightened because people at other locations are testing positive. We can't shut down so we just go in and hope for the best. Then once that's over I have to move! I transferred out of state to a hot spot and have to be there the first part of May. I have no idea if I can even hire movers.


I know everyone else is going through the same thing. I can't imagine the lasting psychological impact this will have on all of us.


I feel the same about shopping and now we have to wait in line to get in. I'm also doing a ton of laundry for us for the same reasons. Today we had to have our maintenance guy come for a clogged toilet -he wore a mask and gloves but one of his foot covers came off a foot or so from the entrance way (which i constantly spray down now) so I saturated my carpet there with lysol and will hope for the best. He is not sick and was wearing a mask but you know. Not his fault at all of course -so thankful they care so much.


Sorry about your having to go back to work!

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Well, we are essential. It's been explained to us. I agree but being essential doesn't make us immune.


My biggest fear is not getting sick myself. I've lived over 5 decades and I'm OK if it's my time. What I do NOT want to do is infect anyone else. I work with a lot of young people who have their lives in front of them. I wouldn't want to be responsible for killing one (or many) of those young people. So far I haven't had any reason to believe I'm infected but many of our locations have employees on leave because they tested positive. I feel it's only a matter of time before every location has cases.


I am a control freak so it's very difficult to be dealing with something I cannot control.

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I wish you Seraphim and Boltnrun all the best.

Seraphim -if it helps in the least I heard that bleach isn't necessary - lysol disinfectant type stuff works just as well. Anyway, thinking of you!!


Lysol is non nonexistent here you couldn’t get it to save your mother. I have very few Lysol wipes left but I do have lots of bleach.

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While it's true that some young people do end up in the ICU and die from COVID, the majority of those getting seriously sick and needing such care are older folks. Nobody is immune but you do have a bit of increased risk over your coworkers, not taking into account everyone's preexisting conditions.


I just turned 30 and I'd rather not die but I worry more about my parents and other family than anything else.


All we can do is take the precautions.


We had a suspect COVID patient in my unit. I think it's a matter of time before it hits here and my patients will be toast.


Mentally, I'm not in a good state. I'm no longer feeling as emotional, just numb. I'm functional but withdrawn and just going through the motions at this point. I actually have ahedonia now. Food doesn't taste good, comedy isn't funny, I can't masturbate, etc. The only thing that feels good right now is sleep.


Therapy and meds can't help this. I can only hunker down and get through it, hope my patients survive, and hope for a return to normalcy without the loss of anyone I care about.

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While it's true that some young people do end up in the ICU and die from COVID, the majority of those getting seriously sick and needing such care are older folks. Nobody is immune but you do have a bit of increased risk over your coworkers, not taking into account everyone's preexisting conditions.


I just turned 30 and I'd rather not die but I worry more about my parents and other family than anything else.


All we can do is take the precautions.


We had a suspect COVID patient in my unit. I think it's a matter of time before it hits here and my patients will be toast.


Mentally, I'm not in a good state. I'm no longer feeling as emotional, just numb. I'm functional but withdrawn and just going through the motions at this point. I actually have ahedonia now. Food doesn't taste good, comedy isn't funny, I can't masturbate, etc. The only thing that feels good right now is sleep.


Therapy and meds can't help this. I can only hunker down and get through it, hope my patients survive, and hope for a return to normalcy without the loss of anyone I care about.


Just fyi -I think public radio is doing a great job -at least where I am -about letting people share their experiences -from health care workers to people in other concerning or dangerous situations, the economic impact etc. I'm not dissing other media at all just that I am finding public radio comforting and real.

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Just fyi -I think public radio is doing a great job -at least where I am -about letting people share their experiences -from health care workers to people in other concerning or dangerous situations, the economic impact etc. I'm not dissing other media at all just that I am finding public radio comforting and real.


I hadn't thought about the radio. Unfortunately, everything where I am is super syndicated now and I don't know of any true local stations at the moment (except for one but the hosts are nasty and I won't listen to them).


I listen to a national broadcast station a lot, lots of classical music.

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