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I think we should all reconsider handshaking,ever. Elbow bump or 


Someone on FB suggested bowing and curtsying, which can be done 6 feet apart. Not gender specific (bow or curtsy or both). Makes sense to me. Who know who has sneezed or coughed into their elbow recently or pushed doors open with them? Smiling and waving are perfectly fine, too.

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I think we should all reconsider handshaking,ever. Elbow bump or 🖖🏻


I don't love the elbow bump either if the issue is illness. Last year one of the dads at the bus stop had two young kids who were regularly sick just like all kids. Anyway he kept wanting to high five my son. He'd touch the ground, etc gross. So I finally told my son no after a few times. Why am I sending him on the school bus where he can mix up high five germs with bus germs LOL.

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Someone on FB suggested bowing and curtsying, which can be done 6 feet apart. Not gender specific (bow or curtsy or both). Makes sense to me. Who know who has sneezed or coughed into their elbow recently or pushed doors open with them? Smiling and waving are perfectly fine, too.


Yes , I wave now.

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I left my job yesterday for the last time and we all did what we called a "virtual hug". Not an accurate description, it was more of an "air hug" from a 6' distance. One coworker made a move like she was going to hug me and I said "we can't hug!" I waved at other people.

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My company is trying its best to continue to provide essential services to those who really need them, but it's only a matter of time before someone in every location is infected. It's already happened in several locations.


Most of us want to continue to go to work but it will become impossible soon.

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Most estimates of the incubation period for COVID-19 range from 1-14 days, most commonly around five days. It can live on surfaces for up to 3-4 days. These two factors make it difficult to contain.


Don't forget too the fact that many people can have it with mild OR no symptoms... And are contagious still


That's what is scary to me because we have very limited testing (BIG PROBLEM) but given that you can have no symptoms and still have it...well, who knows how much this has spread.

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don't forget too the fact that many people can have it with mild or no symptoms... And are contagious still


that's what is scary to me because we have very limited testing (big problem) but given that you can have no symptoms and still have it...well, who knows how much this has spread.


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On a more positive note: I went shopping during the 'senior's hour' (7am to 8am) and it was so much less creepy than before they put that time reserved for seniors. I managed to get a package of toilet paper and a spray bottle of clorox cleaner... I had been unable to get those items up until now for the last month. There was plenty of social distancing of six feet or more. The cashier was a doll, sprayed the conveyor belt before I put my items up and after I finished packing them up. All in all, a much more pleasant experience.


Adding: Just a quick thank you, Seraphim for starting this thread and allowing us to get some thoughts and experiences off our shoulders. :D

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I actually don't feel anxious or terrified, but I've kind of resolved in my mind that this will happen. We aren't immune just because we provide an essential service.


The governor of my state just put in an order (to be enforced) forbidding gatherings of more than 10 people. I don't see how that would be helpful if one of the 10 people is infectious and asymptomatic. Also, my company has a couple hundred people in the building at all times. I will have to look into whether the order excludes essential businesses.


I am lucky somewhat because I am out of the building until April 5th (attending virtual training classes next week, off the rest of this week). So I can just go the store when I need to and maybe go on some walks.


I do have to travel out of state tomorrow (driving). My biggest concern with that is I always, always need to pee very frequently and I don't know a safe (clean) place to stop. That worries me more than anything else.


ETA I just checked the Facebook page of a place to stop to pee that is actually famous for clean, sanitized restrooms. I found my pee stop!!!

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On a more positive note: I went shopping during the 'senior's hour' (7am to 8am) and it was so much less creepy than before they put that time reserved for seniors. I managed to get a package of toilet paper and a spray bottle of clorox cleaner... I had been unable to get those items up until now for the last month. There was plenty of social distancing of six feet or more. The cashier was a doll, sprayed the conveyor belt before I put my items up and after I finished packing them up. All in all, a much more pleasant experience.


Adding: Just a quick thank you, Seraphim for starting this thread and allowing us to get some thoughts and experiences off our shoulders. :D


No problem doll. We are all sweating bullets. I woke up this morning in a panic attack sweating almost screaming and my heart racking in my chest. Apparently my current level of medication is not enough for the situation.

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Most estimates of the incubation period for COVID-19 range from 1-14 days, most commonly around five days. It can live on surfaces for up to 3-4 days. These two factors make it difficult to contain.


It can live on certain surfaces for three days and other types less days.

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No problem doll. We are all sweating bullets. I woke up this morning in a panic attack sweating almost screaming and my heart racking in my chest. Apparently my current level of medication is not enough for the situation.


I'm so sorry. I've had to increase my medication too. I also got a weighted blanket for use at night. I'm still having trouble sleeping.


Today, I am trying to positive let's see how long this will last... The upsides, I still can work (healthcare, I will always have work!) and I am still working on my Masters virtually. I don't intend to have any delay in my education.


I am lucky in that regard. Trying to be positive, trying so freaking hard.

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It's been just me and my cat since Sunday afternoon.


I am considered 'essential' by my company, but we are sharing the responsibility and my turn to go into an office was yesterday. I actually got to have a face to face with another human being!


She informs me that a staff member that reports to that particular office husband is in ICU on a ventilator. But, she suspects we are not supposed to be discussing it. So much for that.


I already started to balk at going in at all, seeing I am essentially supporting the other half of my department. They happen to be fully staffed, young and basically are getting paid to do absolutely nothing at home. I'll gladly give my weekly 2 hour commitment to one of them seeing I am the oldest in my department with an autoimmune disorder.


Not to mention I have plenty to do remotely. The only reason I am in their rotation is that I happen to live 5 minutes from that office. In the beginning I didn't mind. But that's all changed now.


I work in the medial liability industry. I left yesterday wondering how my company would handle this news. Will they feel a moral obligation or an ethical obligation?

I get home to see the daily bulletin from HR reminding staff of HIPAA compliance and we are not to be discussing coworkers or their families health issues amongst each other. NO doubt in my mind that this was in direct relation to the new news about the husband.


I don't have the right answer here, but that statement clearly protects them. Do we have right to know? I just spoke to the wife of the affected 10 days ago.


It goes without saying that no ones name need be mentioned. But especially seeing us *essentials that are going in uniformed, it seems reckless.


Seeing my company is looking out for themselves, I will be doing the same. I will tell my boss on Friday that I will not be in the rotation. One of the millennials that are home doing nothing can go. Besides it's their work I've been doing anyway.


Other than that, I don't hate being home alone. I am getting a lot done that I wouldn't normally. I go to sleep when I am tired and wake up rested, rather than being dictated by an alarm clock. I go for long walks a couple times a day. I am cooking meals and doing projects around the house.


I am trying to look at the positive side to all of this. We won't get another chance to do something like this . . Well, lets hope not. It definitely makes you appreciate things you otherwise take for granted.


I look around the forum at the relationship dilemmas people are having. I just can't bring myself to respond. Though it's a critical moment in their world, it's energy I can better use elsewhere. At least today.

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. .came back to add, that my oldest son is wanting to come over with his girlfriend tomorrow night and cook dinner. He's rallying my youngest and his wife.

I can't say no to my kids but at the same time I am having 2nd thoughts about this.

My oldest has a very cavalier attitude about all of this. Between he and his girlfriend, they've been around large numbers of people within the past two weeks.


My youngest son's wife is pregnant and he's an essential city employee still working everyday.


I have between now and tomorrow night to see how this plays out.

I am leaning on ratcheting this down hard just to get it over with sooner. . rather than taking a risk.

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. .came back to add, that my oldest son is wanting to come over with his girlfriend tomorrow night and cook dinner. He's rallying my youngest and his wife.

I can't say no to my kids but at the same time I am having 2nd thoughts about this.

My oldest has a very cavalier attitude about all of this. Between he and his girlfriend, they've been around large numbers of people within the past two weeks.


My youngest son's wife is pregnant and he's an essential city employee still working everyday.


I have between now and tomorrow night to see how this plays out.

I am leaning on ratcheting this down hard just to get it over with sooner. . rather than taking a risk.


Do you want to know what I would do or do you just want support ? I send you support. Tough situation!

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I haven't had my daughter, son-in-law and two grandchildren in my house nor I in theirs for three weeks now. The son in law is still going into work everyday and my daughter is bringing the kids in to their other grandmother two days a week so we won't take a chance since the hubby and i both have underlying conditions. Have him cook dinner at his place while you cook yours at yours all the while skyping or facetiming and then sit down together and all eat virtually. You have an autoimmune disorder. Be together virtually and yes, tell your supervisor that because of your underlying condition, you should only be working from home from now on.

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I'm so sorry. I've had to increase my medication too. I also got a weighted blanket for use at night. I'm still having trouble sleeping.


Today, I am trying to positive let's see how long this will last... The upsides, I still can work (healthcare, I will always have work!) and I am still working on my Masters virtually. I don't intend to have any delay in my education.


I am lucky in that regard. Trying to be positive, trying so freaking hard.


Thanks for the support . ❤️ We will get through this.

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Just the news I needed tonight...a 21yro female with no health conditions has died of the virus.

As if my anxiety and depression weren't bad enough already. I have to go to a midwife appointment next week, i might cancel, i have consultant and scan the following week, a couple of days after my birthday. Holy cow I'm gonna be 30...

Keep safe everyone, and if you can ISOLATE!

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Good article that helped calm me down and get some information:



Doesn't mean that washing hands and surfaces is a bad idea, in fact they are great ideas and should continue to be followed IMO. But I'm no longer feeling like I have to be frightened of my own home.

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Honestly, at this point, my home is my safe place. I am NOT santizing my home. I have a process where I treat my work clothes differently than my normal clothes (I've always done this) and I also wash my hands immediately before I touch anything in the apartment.


My apartment is my safe haven. I don't worry about getting sick in here as long as I'm careful about hand washing and disinfecting what I bring in. It's only me living here so I only have me to worry about.

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My bf and I have been sick the last few days. Coughs and some sneezing, generally feeling like poo. No other symptoms like fevers or anything, so it's mostly likely a common cold.

But it has me stressed, and I just want to be better. I can handle stating home but I'll be more at ease once we feel well again.

I'm glad I went on the cleaning and cooking sprees so we have food to heat up now, and just have to wipe up as we go.

Currently binging on my guilty pleasure shows ...don't judge me, I find reality tv comforting right now, people with stupid problems helps me shut my brain off for a bit. ;)

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