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Life in the Driver’s Seat (extended)

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The heat rash is calming down, it isn’t burning and itching as much now. Thank goodness! Baking soda and oatmeal and cold baths and corn starch all help. 

I got my second dose of vaccine this morning. So far I am ok. They did say to take Tylenol and Advil when you go to bed. We will see how this round goes. My son gets his first vaccine on the first which is Thursday and my mom and stepdad get their second dose on the fifth. And my brother had his first dose, all my nieces have had theirs and my hubby is fully vaccinated. The rest of his family is soon as well. 

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1 minute ago, boltnrun said:

I'm glad you're feeling better.  

My eczema is better too, although it's sprouting up in other places.  Summertime...

Glad you are feeling a little better. A little bit of a heat rash came back when I got up properly but it’s nothing like it was. We are supposed to hit close to record highs tomorrow and our western part of the country is going to hit all time record highs this week like as in 40° in Vancouver which is never happened in all its history. Unfortunately for the people in BC most don’t have air-conditioning because it doesn’t get super hot. Here in Ontario we expect those kinds of hot and humid temperatures so we have air-conditioning. But in some places out West  it might hit close to 135 F which is never happened before. 

All I got from the Pfizer shot was feeling a bit nauseated and tired. But 1 million times better than the first shot. 

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10 hours ago, Seraphim said:

Glad you are feeling a little better. A little bit of a heat rash came back when I got up properly but it’s nothing like it was. We are supposed to hit close to record highs tomorrow and our western part of the country is going to hit all time record highs this week like as in 40° in Vancouver which is never happened in all its history. Unfortunately for the people in BC most don’t have air-conditioning because it doesn’t get super hot. Here in Ontario we expect those kinds of hot and humid temperatures so we have air-conditioning. But in some places out West  it might hit close to 135 F which is never happened before. 

All I got from the Pfizer shot was feeling a bit nauseated and tired. But 1 million times better than the first shot. 

Yay for the vaccine!

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I am going to work on convincing my son now. Because we will be flying to my mom’s memorial at some point. My older son yelled at him about not getting it. And now his dad’s girlfriend’s aunt died today of COVID. Elsewhere, out of town. But you bet, since my son lives with his dad and dad’s gf, the subject is going to come up.

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6 minutes ago, luminousone said:

I am going to work on convincing my son now. Because we will be flying to my mom’s memorial at some point. My older son yelled at him about not getting it. And now his dad’s girlfriend’s aunt died today of COVID. Elsewhere, out of town. But you bet, since my son lives with his dad and dad’s gf, the subject is going to come up.

That is so sad. I am sorry. 😓

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5 minutes ago, maritalbliss86 said:

Wow 6 tornados!  We had two close by as well last month, very rare for our area, my mom went crazy trying to warn us to take cover.  

6 is a lot though 😮 Is that usual for that area?

Not, really. That area of Ontario has the most tornadoes. There was one last year while my husband was up there, in September. And unfortunately our new home will have no basement. 🤦‍♀️

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4 minutes ago, maritalbliss86 said:

Yikes!  Hopefully they'll have good warnings and a place to evacuate to quickly for you.

That is going to be the issue none of the houses on the new base have basements due to the high water table. You are basically a sitting duck. 

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