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Erection problems


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Hello all

It takes a lot of me to speak about this.

I'm really hoping to have some light shed on this and hoping to get some advice.


I'm 30 years old.

I've been dating a stunning woman for just over a year now - Up until a few weeks ago, the sex has been both frequent and great for both of us with absolutely no issues.


Recently, I've been experiencing a bit of a problem - I cannot maintain my erection after foreplay. We'll both be pleasuring each other with our hands, I get a decent enough erection while this happens - The problem is that in the few seconds it takes to get into position for penetration, my erection just drops and will not return - After this we lay next to each other, me being extremely embarrassed.

The first time this happened, I had had quite a number of drinks and was quite intoxicated - I brushed this incident off to the booze being the issue.

It's now happened again, while completely sober.


My girlfriend is amazing, she's been super supportive and understanding - I just hate disappointing her.


I don't know if this is all in my mind because of pressure I'm putting on myself or if it's something physically wrong with me.



Any advice would really be appreciated.



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Assuming it's not a health issue, the key is don't dwell on it. It was just an incident. Most of us have been there due to stress at work etc etc. Try to expunge this incident from your memory or at least don't think it as a big deal. The more you dwell on it, the worse it becomes.

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I agree that it sounds like dwelling on it is what may be causing the issue. The first time was very very likely because of the booze. The second time you are somewhere in your subconscious be wondering if it's going to work as it didn't last time. And when it doesn't a vicious cyle begins in your head. Unfortunately it sounds like it has already happened. Best just to keep your focus on her.

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I agree that it sounds like dwelling on it is what may be causing the issue. The first time was very very likely because of the booze. The second time you are somewhere in your subconscious be wondering if it's going to work as it didn't last time. And when it doesn't a vicious cyle begins in your head. Unfortunately it sounds like it has already happened. Best just to keep your focus on her.


Thank you

Yeah - I fear that I'm in some sort of cycle here now.

Everytime we become intimate, I find myself constantly thinking and worrying about my erection. We don't see much of each other during the week, it's at the point where I fear Fridays now because I may not be able to stand at attention. This is horrible to say the least.

I've always been extremely confident in my sexual abilities but that is starting to fade now.

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Don't masturbate for awhile. Give yourself 48-72 hours before intimacy. Also focus on your diet. Eat Veggies and most important beets.



One way you will never disappoint her. Go down on her every so often. Women love it.


Good luck.

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I think you're psyching yourself out. Try to relax and put your mind elsewhere. In the interim, you could try cialis.



Cialis - Anything I need to be concerned about when taking this?

Are there any natural/herbal remedies that have proven to work?

Google is inundating me with information, I can't get my mind around all of the supposed proven remedies and fixes for this kind of thing.

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If you've been having sex for a year now with the same woman, not sure how it's from you psyching yourself out. Time to get to a doctor for a physical.


I went to the doc and he gave me the all-good.

He also prescribed me Cialis 20mg.

Besides the internet jargon, what can I expect from taking this prescription?



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