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Publicly Embarrassed


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So, I was at the bar last night, feeling great but not drunk or anything. I was talking to this nice girl and her mom while having a couple drinks and they were really fun to talk to. All of a sudden a hot brunette props herself up right beside me to order a drink and then butts into our conversation. I thought it was a little odd, but certainly didn't mind it. After she was done talking with my new friends, I tried to spark a 1 on 1 conversation. I didn't use a stupid pickup line or anything but was genuine and fun. She wasn't having any of it, like at all. In fact right off the bat she threw an attitude at me and put herself on a pedestal. She then attempted to make me feel bad and guilty for even hitting on her. I immediately called her out on it in a calm way, "Why do you feel the need to act like that"? She blatantly told me she was not interested and I need to get the hint.


What's embarrassing by this whole conversation was that A) my new friends witnessed everything and B) she tried to be as loud as possible to humiliate me.


I can only think of one other time that I had hit on a girl and she openly flat out tried to make me feel horrible in public. I try not to take it too personally because I think I'm an attractive dude and have alot to offer. I just don't understand why certain women do this? Any thought or ideas, similar stories? It's a shame certain women do this because alot of guys would stop approaching girls completely after that.

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Unless this winds up on youtube, which I highly doubt. I'm sure just about everyone forgot about it. Most folks there were probably three sheets to the wind anyway.


Clearly this girl needs meds or a therapist.


I'm betting on both.


Don't sweat it man. It happens. Kudos to you for even have the gall to talk to her. A lot of guys wouldn't.


Also, if you're worried about your friends you can always apologize to them, [hey, sorry you had to witness her behavior.] If they are your friends, they won't care and will probably even laugh it off.

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I don't think that you have a thing to be remotely embarrassed about.


She should be mortified that she's chosen to substitute this unpleasant persona for an actual personality.


Don't be discouraged!

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Sorry this happened! Rejection stings, yes, no matter what. She just sounds like she was rude and full of herself. Also, who knows her back story? She could have gotten hit on by a few other dudes earlier that had her in an annoyed place. You did nothing wrong by initiating conversation. Like Scoe said, it happens.

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I bet she's fun to date 😏


If I were you I wouldn't be embarrassed I would be counting my lucky stars she showed you her true self right off the bat.


What would be worse if you ended up getting her interest and then discovering how high maintenance she is as you progress.



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I don't think that you have a thing to be remotely embarrassed about.


She should be mortified that she's chosen to substitute this unpleasant persona for an actual personality.


Don't be discouraged!


Don't worry. She sounds like a mean drunk. Pretty, but not nice.

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What a total b.….I can't say that on here, but we're all thinking it. I'm sorry. It is one thing if you'd been crude or rude about it, but the way she handled it - yikes. Sounds like a drama queen hungry for a fight is all. I've seen people do that and it's like, 'You need a hobby, a decent one."


I'm sure your new friends thought less of her, not you. In the future make a funny face to whoever else your with, shrug and turn your back on them, and move away. She was really rude, but that's just because rude people come in all shapes and sizes and don't have a warning label on them. Shrug it off, it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

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Agree. You dodged a bullet here.

Wow!! I bet she's fun to date 😏


If I were you I wouldn't be embarrassed I would be counting my lucky stars she showed you her true self right off the bat.


What would be worse if you ended up getting her interest and then discovering how high maintenance she is as you progress.



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A friend of mine used to act like that, unfortunately.


One time a guy in a bar accidentally brushed against her as he passed by. She ran after him screaming "Hey a-hole, if you want to get laid go crawl up a chicken's (butt) and wait!!!"


Another time a guy was just looking in her general direction and she screeched "Quit leering at my breasts, you perve!"


She thought she was being a strong woman who didn't take any guff, but she just came across as a rude female dog who thought way too highly of herself. It was embarrassing.

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