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Am I overreacting to this


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My husband dated a girl 4 years ago whom he often compares me unfavorably to.


She belongs to the same organization as we do so we cannot avoid seeing her. She dresses very sexy.


Last week he was talking to her and 2 other people at this organization.


As they were leaving the meeting place he was turning to talk to someone else... while she was passing.... he quickly flicked his finger down in a small half moon on her arm as she passed.... on the only part of her arm that was exposed, upper arm/shoulder (due to type of shirt she was wearing) Maybe 3 inches of a flick but it was a deliberate unnecessary touch.


It was very quick and I am sure no-one else saw it cause they were not looking at him.


The only way I saw it was on a video recording which I had access to but now my husband probably changed the password after I showed him it.


I told him he didn't need to touch her that way.


Am I being unreasonable ?

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Out of respect for you and your marriage he should steer clear of this woman and he should certainly not be comparing you to her. I doubt he would like it of you brought up the other men you had sex with before him and compared his penis size to theirs.


Time to sit down calmly and explain that his behavior is disrespectful to you and the marriage.



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I am staying in the hope that things will change. He says I don't think, I am dumb, etc..... I don't believe in divorce.


We were skyping often before. I had problems with my microphone for months initially and couldn't hear anything from his side. I managed to fix it but didn't tell him. So i think the first time I put the microphone on, he's on the phone with a friend. I believes he hung up. Then she calls and he's talking to her. I ask him who he's talking to while he's taking to her by typing and he types the friend's name. When he found out I heard it all he said the friend he named was on his 2nd line at the same time.


So to me that's 's not honest so I have a hard time trusting

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Being compared to an ex is never flattering and not a good practice, so he shouldn't be doing that.

He shouldn't be making physical contact with someone either.



You are displaying some top tier creepiness with the video surveillance though. Please tell me you don't have a GPS tracking device on his car too?

I get it if you've lost trust in a sig other before....trust is really hard to rebuild after it's been broken by someone in the current or in the past, but you need to always give them the benefit of the doubt. Innocent until proven guilty.


If happiness isn't there, don't waste anymore time.

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It really isn't about her or whatever video revealed this touch, etc. It's about a decaying marriage with verbal abuse contempt disrespect and trust problems.


You need marriage counselling. Or go to counselling yourself.


Read up on being called dumb or unfavorably compared to others: ] He says I don't think, I am dumb, etc..... I don't believe in divorce.

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Being compared to an ex is never flattering and not a good practice, so he shouldn't be doing that.

He shouldn't be making physical contact with someone either.



You are displaying some top tier creepiness with the video surveillance though. Please tell me you don't have a GPS tracking device on his car too?

I get it if you've lost trust in a sig other before....trust is really hard to rebuild after it's been broken by someone in the current or in the past, but you need to always give them the benefit of the doubt. Innocent until proven guilty.


If happiness isn't there, don't waste anymore time.

No no GPS. I had access to the surveillance videos. Not anymore.


He at one point was able to tell me what I was searching on my Google searches, I think through our anti-virus or something. I am not using the Internet for this now but my mobile phone.

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holy cow. this was actual surveillance footage? i thought ppl were being a little hard on you, i figured it was a video forwarded to everyone who attended the event...

yikes. if you go to these lengths, might you not be better off single? or with some counseling to get these obsessive behaviors under control?

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