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What to do when the person you like straight out ignores you a lot of times?


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There's this guy I'm into and we've had our ups and downs, but he has this really annoying habit where he'll just simply ignore me sometimes. I'll say whatever, he reads it and he won't answer. Sometimes when he does answer he takes forever with the excuse he's busy, well the thing is form 7 A.M. to 11 P.M. I can't ever talk to him on the phone, there's not a moment of the day where I can call him and he'll answer me.


This is so frustrating because he'll talk to me sometimes, he'll even initiate conversations, but then just stops answering and will only talk to me the other day and about another subject. It's driving me insane, making me exhausted. I've told him I hate when he does this and he's always like: sorry I'm busy... but never really takes the time to spend some time answering me.


This was not frequent in the beggining but it's becoming a normal thing, it's starting to feel weird when he actually answers. This is so cruel, it's worst than breaking up and leaving in my opnion, when someone just gives you small amounts of their time and you always feel like you can't really talk about anything. Like, if you don't wanna talk to me or see me why don't you just say it already instead of texting me good morning before I do and then barely speak to me during the day and night and never answer my calls, like NEVER.

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The thing is, he says he's interested, he says that he wants to see me... I would rather he broke up with me already instead of leading me on... Why is it so hard for him to do that when I've asked him so many times to not ignore me, say anything, just don't ignore because it's just mean...

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This is so absurd to me, I never had someone ignore me like this, not even the worst guy I've dated, no one! Like this is beyond insane how he sees my texts, sees me calling and answers every once in a while just so I get a little taste of it and then disappears again... I feel drained and feel like he's abusing my mind

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This is so absurd to me, I never had someone ignore me like this, not even the worst guy I've dated, no one! Like this is beyond insane how he sees my texts, sees me calling and answers every once in a while just so I get a little taste of it and then disappears again... I feel drained and feel like he's abusing my mind


Ok, sorry to be harsh but really this is a simple situatuion. Your are not dating him and he ignores you. Move on.

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We've actually been going out for 5 months, we know each other well and I thought I could trust him... I just don't understand why not say you don't want anything already, that way I'll stop bothering him and he can move on and so can I. Sometimes I think he's just enjoying this in a sadistic way, idk...

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We've actually been going out for 5 months, we know each other well and I thought I could trust him... I just don't understand why not say you don't want anything already, that way I'll stop bothering him and he can move on and so can I. Sometimes I think he's just enjoying this in a sadistic way, idk...


So why let him?


Do you think one day soon he'll magically morph into the boyfriend you want?

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Ah, the merry old hot and cold routine. That's simple, you stop talking to them altogether and on the few occasions they say anything to you, you answer them back in one-syllable words, show total boredom, yawn, then walk away to talk to someone else.


Bottom line, you're a time passer when he hasn't got anything better to do and that's the person you treat like the person in the grocery store who might strike up a convo briefly then you each move and forget each other.


He's just not into you. This is only stressing you out, because you want something he's not willing to give and never gave you in the first place. Move on, focus your attention on other people who do want to talk to you. If you two were dating or are dating then you tell him he no longer interests you and you break up and move on.


Life is too short to deal with crappy people who play mind games. I know you don't think that now, but if I could run back and tell my younger self anything of major importance it would be not to waste time with people who don't want the same things you do and who don't treat you right. And no, the guy you're dating shouldn't be ignoring you.

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What to do when the person you like straight out ignores you a lot of times?


This is so easy I am surprised you even have to ask. You walk away. He's clearly not interested in you at all. He's bored with you. There is just zero interest (sorry). The bigger question is: WHY on earth do you put up with it? What do you get out of it? This guy is so not into you, yet you hang around waiting for him to give you something, which he won't. He's not going to change. Head to the hills.

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So I've been with this guy for 4 months now. Things have not been a fairy tale, ever. But he was the only guy that was really interesting and we hit it off from the beginning and got along in many aspects. However, we've had lots of ups and downs. We've broken up a few times, and last time we got back together things got so much better because we decided we were gonna start a relationship and stop fighting about everything and started having more patience and understanding each other. He has however, done lots of things I don't approve, like once he went out behind my back on his birthday to a party and told me he was staying at home, only for me to find him there. (I decided to go to the party with my friends since he didn't want to see me on his BIRTHDAY). I saw him there and told him to go screw himself and didn't talk to him throughout the whole party.


The next day he comes after me apologizing saying he didn't mean to hurt me, that his friends "dragged" him to the club and that he loved me yada yada yada... I forgave him and we went out for dinner with his family. But what really hurt me was that he didn't want to spend his birthday with ME, his now GF, it would be his first birthday with me but he chose his friends instead like every year. There were other things that happened too that hurt me and I ended up forgiving...


Long story short, he's 26 years old, still lives with his mom but is very hard working. He came from a very poor family and is working to have an independent life. He has a 7 year old child with a woman he never had a relationship with, it was a one night stand thing and well... here's the worst part of all of our relationship: about a month ago, 3 months being together, he told me he got another girl pregnant before he met me. That they were friends with benefits and she wanted more but he didn't like her that way and everyone says she got pregnant on purpose so she could have him.. but he insisted he loved me and that it was me he wanted to be with and he wants nothing with this girl, only his baby, which will be born in December. So in 3 months, he's having another child with another woman and I'm so overwhelmed, I've told him I don't wanna go through this, I'm only 22 years old and don't have the maturity to handle this. I get jealous of the girl, there will be times we won't be together because of the baby, the mother probably won't accept me since she likes him and I won't accept her for obvious reasons. This is just SO confusing for me. I have no one to relate to.


If it were just this issue I'd probably stay with him, but we've had so many fights before and he's so hard to handle, like he's not very attentive to things and he's more of a "manly man", even though he's the sweetest when we're together. He has this huge heart once you get to know him better, he's just kind of "tough"


I told him I wanted a break, but of course he isn't accepting and would rather break up... He told me that we should fight and stick together because it's a very tough moment for him and that we can be happy, we just have to try and that I'm just "giving up" on us which makes me feel even worse because I was never the kind of girl to give up on relationships... I feel so confused because I feel like this is the right decision to make but I'm so afraid I'll miss him and regret this decision later on.


You posted this one week ago about this guy (how did it turn from 4 months to 5 months in a week?)


I don't think you are interested in a healthy relationship, tbh. I think all this thread-starting is just for attention.

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From where I stand, he is treating you as a friend while you are treating him as a boyfriend. He communicates the same way my friends and I communicate, I would send a message, they would reply whenever time permits, and if one of us gets caught up in other stuff we may not reply back until days later even.

It is only getting to you because you want more from him, but he doesn't seem to reciprocate your feelings. You say you've been going out for 5 months, but did he ever say he was your boyfriend? Are you two having sex?

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