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Is there're really someone for everybody ?

The Cold One

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Have you ever met or seen someone whom you though of as a person who's just not fit for romantic relationships at all and so there isn't really someone at all for him/her and they're destined to either be completely alone , have casual sex from time to time without any sort of commitment , or just go through a string of relationships with each one ending as a tragic failure . What do you guys think ?

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Yes, there really is someone out there for everyone.


But it's not that simple


You may only meet 2 to 4 people that your are extremely compatible with in your lifetime and even then one or both of you could be spoken for or you may hesitate and miss your chance.


The real trick is learning who you are and ow you got here (HINT: 85% of how you got where you are today is because of your childhood.). We all have our childhood issues, even if we like to be clever and deny them. Identifying and facing your childhood issues, and understanding what type of the opposite sex you will be compatible with based on the childhood you had. is key to hooking up with your soulmate.


Also, as a man it's good to understand women too. Because you only get a couple chances with that special someone and if you don't act, well it's game over. I tell everyone this.....if you want to get up to speed with women so when you meet that special one you are ready, then 1) Watch the movie the Tao of Steve, 2) Read how to win friends and influence people, 3) Read the amazing book, Evolution of Desire, and 4) Google Kino and practice it. Then when you meet your dream person, you will be ready,

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Also, as a man it's good to understand women too.


Men understanding women????? If you've got that figured out by all means share the information here then start doing speeches you'll be richer than you could imagine in a short time


Also, as a woman it's good to understand men too.


Women understanding men????? If you've got that figured out by all means share the information here then start doing speeches you'll be richer than you could imagine in a short time.

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Also, as a woman it's good to understand men too.


Women understanding men????? If you've got that figured out by all means share the information here then start doing speeches you'll be richer than you could imagine in a short time.


Hahaha funny Capricorn!!!! In the words of Jeff Foxworthy. Men are easy to understand we want a beer and to see something naked.

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Hahaha funny Capricorn!!!! In the words of Jeff Foxworthy. Men are easy to understand we want a beer and to see something naked.


Believe it or not, I want those too. But I want much more than that in life and relationships, like emotional connection, and sure hope that men want much more than that, which I'm glad to know most men I know do.


I know it was probably a light hearted post, but I think it's insulting to men in general to say that's all they want, much like if one was to say all women want is shopping and shoes

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Yes, there really is someone out there for everyone.


But it's not that simple


You may only meet 2 to 4 people that your are extremely compatible with in your lifetime and even then one or both of you could be spoken for or you may hesitate and miss your chance.


The real trick is learning who you are and ow you got here (HINT: 85% of how you got where you are today is because of your childhood.). We all have our childhood issues, even if we like to be clever and deny them. Identifying and facing your childhood issues, and understanding what type of the opposite sex you will be compatible with based on the childhood you had. is key to hooking up with your soulmate.


Also, as a man it's good to understand women too. Because you only get a couple chances with that special someone and if you don't act, well it's game over. I tell everyone this.....if you want to get up to speed with women so when you meet that special one you are ready, then 1) Watch the movie the Tao of Steve, 2) Read how to win friends and influence people, 3) Read the amazing book, Evolution of Desire, and 4) Google Kino and practice it. Then when you meet your dream person, you will be ready,


Where are you getting these statistics from?

100% of how I got where I am today is because my parents had sex.

Do you think I am denying childhood issues when all I can say is that I had the best childhood. Does that mean all siblings get to the same place in life?


People and siblings are born with personality traits that influence life choices. Look at any 2 year old and their personality is evident.


How people react to any childhood "issues" can largely be determined by personality. Along with learned reactions.


I think you are reading too much airy fairy crap written by people who had difficult childhoods and their books are based on their own experiences that don't necessarily relate to another's.

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Believe it or not, I want those too. But I want much more than that in life and relationships, like emotional connection, and sure hope that men want much more than that, which I'm glad to know most men I know do.


I know it was probably a light hearted post, but I think it's insulting to men in general to say that's all they want, much like if one was to say all women want is shopping and shoes


Yea it was meant as a joke only. That's all. Anyway back to the topic at hand.

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Have you ever met or seen someone whom you though of as a person who's just not fit for romantic relationships at all and so there isn't really someone at all for him/her and they're destined to either be completely alone , have casual sex from time to time without any sort of commitment , or just go through a string of relationships with each one ending as a tragic failure . What do you guys think ?


I think there is probably someone for everyone who: wants a long term relationship/marriage; and is willing to put in the effort to find a good match including making physical/emotional changes if the person wants to do that for himself as well. I don't believe people who are not in romantic relationships are "completely alone" -far too narrow a view. I do think there is someone for everyone if you take "good match" out of the equation -I am sure there are people who settle for bad matches because of other priorities - security/money/fear of being alone.

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I have an uncle nearing 60 who has a lot of personality and mental health issues. Except for the very short-lived and occasional (much younger) girlfriend when I was growing up, he's been single most of my life. I don't see him ever finding anyone because he's extremely difficult to spend any amount of time with.

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