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Is sparkling water or seltzer water healthy for you

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I read conflicting reports about it, so kinda confused. I don't drink regular or diet soda, or much juice. I do drink coffee and tea. Lately, I've gotten into drinking La Croix sparkling water. They have no calories, sugars, or fats. They are flavored with "natural fruit essences". I drink mostly water but like having sparkling water with my meals. I like the carbonation, I think.

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I'm a huge sparkling water drinker, I bought a soda stream and use that with lime, or a bit of juice and yum!


The only bad thing I've read about sparkling water is the idea that, and as far as I'm aware there's not much proof, it can lead to decreased bone density, but again there really isn't much evidence to back that up.


And really it's better than pop or juice either way.

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The carbonated water is fine if there are no artificial additives or sweeteners, but I would stay away from drinking it with meals because it's alkaline. It buffers stomach acid (the same action as effervescent tablets like Alka-Seltzer). And you need stomach acid to properly digest your meals, especially break down protein. If you don't have sufficient stomach acid, your food will be incompletely digested and that can lead to digestive and other problems.


I don't drink any water during meals, so the stomach acid remains strong and concentrated as it should be. So that is even more imperative if you're drinking something that neutralizes acid. I'd wait a couple of hours after a meal, or one hour before, and of course any time in between. Be especially mindful of not drinking it with the protein meals/snacks.

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Sparkling water is fine once in awhile, but what the heck is the matter with plain old water? Tastes great and no hidden flavors or sugars. I always drink water with my meals. My food stays in my stomach undigested and hurts like heck if I don't. I went to my doctor and he told me to drink water with every meal. The problem has been solved.

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I drink mineral water because the well water I have paired with reverse osmosis takes out all the naturals/electrolytes. Seltzer water makes me burpy and upsets my stomach, plus has quinine in it if you are sensitive to that. Sparking water is fine - but not for every glass of water. I get it that water itself is sometimes hard to drink if you are not used to drinking so much and sparkling water is a great substitute if you are replacing soda and energy drinks to drink more water.

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I think its fine, its really just fizzy water. There are no sugars or chemicals in them like soda, just carbonation, I wouldn't be worried about it.


Precisely. It's just water with CO2 suspended in it. If you have a soda siphon you can make your own at home. If you're used to sweetened sodas though, the texture sort of gets associated with sweet which makes the seltzer water taste kind of bitter (because it's not sweet at all)


I'd rather just drink water, I think.

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Thanks for all the input. I think my biggest worry was that it could cause erosion of teeth enamel. I like the fizzyness of it, especially at mealtimes. I usually drink water at mealtimes and wanted to "jazz" it up a bit without adding calories or sugar.
The artificial sweeteners and the acidity in the flavored non-seltzers you see at the store are what eat away at your enamel, not the carbonation. Even then, a splash of lemon juice is gonna be pretty harmless in a drink.
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