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It's a boy!

Heather Dawn

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My kids were born with full heads of hair too. Thick, dark hair. My son looked like a little Cro-Magnon man with his hair almost down to his (sparse) eyebrows.


And your boy doesn't look like he went through childbirth! My kids looked puffy in their faces. Maybe because I had a hard time giving birth


LOL Apparently my sister-in-law was quite hairy everywhere, as well, when she was born. My husband teases her that she looked like a baby gorilla.


And thank you! I think it's because I went from 0 to 60 so quickly. I'd been dilating without contractions for a week, then suddenly went into active labor without any build up; that lasted about eight hours, and then I pushed for 35 mins. He didn't spend much time squished in the birth canal!


Sorry you had a rough time. Your babies were happy and healthy at the end, I hope?

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Oh, Heather, you can tell already this boy is going to be a real character! Look, he is using no legs or arms, only his incredibly cute face, to charm the ladies already. With his furrowed right brow and expressive mouth, he has learned to use all the exposed features to get his messages across.


He is the epitome of adorable!!!!!


You must be having the time of your lives with him!!!!


Thank you!!! Yes, we've been joking about how much of a character he already is - not to mention extremely opinionated!


We're SO enjoying him. My husband commented on how much we've laughed since bringing him home.

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LOL Apparently my sister-in-law was quite hairy everywhere, as well, when she was born. My husband teases her that she looked like a baby gorilla.


And thank you! I think it's because I went from 0 to 60 so quickly. I'd been dilating without contractions for a week, then suddenly went into active labor without any build up; that lasted about eight hours, and then I pushed for 35 mins. He didn't spend much time squished in the birth canal!


Sorry you had a rough time. Your babies were happy and healthy at the end, I hope?


OMG I hate you more... Lol.... ( kidding) I had contractions every 90 seconds and from four in the morning until he was born at 6:30 that night. And over three hours of pushing and I still couldn't get him out. They had to do a full episiotomy. My son was born with a full head of hair too. His first picture, professional picture from the hospital he looked super P'd off.

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Yes, my kids are (thankfully) both healthy. I'm just not made to carry babies. Full bed rest and early labor with both. But the end result was good, so I will not complain.


I'm glad your labor was (relatively) short. Now you can enjoy the little guy!


Aww, so glad then that they're ok!! I had what was a textbook pregnancy and worried the whole time - so I can't imagine what it was like for you.


The faces he makes ate just hilarious!

He's so very cute! and indeed the expression in his face amazes me, think he's a wise little boy


Thank you! We're biased, but we think he's showing signs of brilliance already.


Awwww soooooo cute!


Thank you!


OMG I hate you more... Lol.... ( kidding) I had contractions every 90 seconds and from four in the morning until he was born at 6:30 that night. And over three hours of pushing and I still couldn't get him out. They had to do a full episiotomy. My son was born with a full head of hair too. His first picture, professional picture from the hospital he looked super P'd off.


OMG - no epidural?? I swear, by the time I got my epidural (almost missed my chance), I was pretty sure the contractions - which, at that point, were every minute or so - were going to end me. I seriously could not believe the pain... Did you go that long with no epidural? Because, if so, I bow to you!!!


I fortunately didn't have an episiotomy - didn't even tear. I'm still pretty freaking sore, but I know how much worse it could be!

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Heather, I was not given ANY anesthesia with either of my kids. Not so much as an Advil. I tell people I just screamed it out lol. Having no medical insurance combined with all the pre-term labor meant no help with the pain. But, I kept telling myself millions of other women have done it and so can I!


I'm glad all was well with your pregnancy and the birth. And the little guy is just precious.

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My mom had natural childbirth too. 32 hours for me and 18 for my brother. JUST NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


Well, I guess I got off easy with "only" 12 hours. LOL


A coworker who had her baby the same day that my son was born was in labor for 3 hours. Total. And she was a little skinny thing who maybe weighed 100 pounds soaking wet. And yet, she just popped her daughter out like it was nothing. Super jealous!

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Well, I guess I got off easy with "only" 12 hours. LOL


A coworker who had her baby the same day that my son was born was in labor for 3 hours. Total. And she was a little skinny thing who maybe weighed 100 pounds soaking wet. And yet, she just popped her daughter out like it was nothing. Super jealous!

Yup! My anorexic cousin had her son in like 4 hours the rest of us struggled for hours including her sisters. Her mom though popped out babies in no time too. Could be why she had 5.

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I like the reference to "screaming it out!"


I am a natural childbirth instructor and had my four with no meds. The first two were born in hospitals (29 hrs and 39.5 hrs.), but the last two, who were much bigger babies, btw, were born at home with midwife and nurse (8 hrs. and 11 hrs.). The later 3 births were amazing amazing amazing!


The body is awesome at handling all this. It isn't an illness, after all.


Congratulations again, Heather! You were a champ!

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I like the reference to "screaming it out!"


I am a natural childbirth instructor and had my four with no meds. The first two were born in hospitals (29 hrs and 39.5 hrs.), but the last two, who were much bigger babies, btw, were born at home with midwife and nurse (8 hrs. and 11 hrs.). The later 3 births were amazing amazing amazing!


The body is awesome at handling all this. It isn't an illness, after all.


Congratulations again, Heather! You were a champ!


I think all parents who have or adopt children are champs no matter how the children are born. When it comes to childbirth I think the real champ part is when the parents want what is best for the baby and safe for the mother and act accordingly. I was thrilled to get an epidural as soon as I arrived at the hospital, after laboring over 10 hours, and disappointed, 12 hours later, to be told I would need an emergency C very soon or a non-emergency right then (opted for the latter). Certainly if I believed the epidural could harm the baby I wouldn't have done it (or done my best to endure the pain) and I opted not to do a home birth/midwife because at my age/risk level that seemed too risky for me.


Many physical experiences that are not illnesses and are supposed to be natural for the body to handle can nevertheless be extremely risky/stressful for a human body which is what turned out to be the case with me, post-birth. I want every parent to feel great and like a champ when it comes to bearing/having children and I'm not a big fan of the encouragement to women to be "champs" during labor to the extent of suggesting that because our bodies are made to carry/bear children that is somehow connected to being pushed to strive for a natural childbirth. On the other hand I don't think women who go for a home birth or water birth should be judged for not having sufficient medical professionals around since I would think the vast majority of women who opt for that have, by themselves or with their partners, weighed the risks and benefits and want what is best for the baby and mom.

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I agree. Having children is a blessing, no matter what way they decide to arrive! Or what way it's decided for them that they arrive.


Natural, epidural, adoption, fostering...all are wonderful.


PS: Believe me, I was begging for pain medication but I was not given any because I had no insurance and anesthesia is expensive. And my husband and I had planned to adopt another child but my daughter made her (unexpected but very happy) appearance lol!

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To bring this back to the topic at hand - I think Heather is/was a champ because throughout this pregnancy she's had a positive attitude and worked on staying centered and grounded about all the changes, including getting married -which of course is such a happy thing but obviously it's a lot of happy in a short time and that can come with stress too! I'm not saying just anyone can go through labor with strength and grace - but since labor and pain tolerance is so variable, let's celebrate Heather and her husband's champ-ness and how Alex gets to join and inspire this great family!

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I agree with everything you posted, Batya.


Forgive me if it came across that anything other than natural childbirth is a lesser or wrong thing. I definitely don't feel that way!


I agree that ALL parents are champs! Parenting is a challenging and long-long-long-term job, and my hat is off to every one of them!



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Thanks, everyone!!


I was going to try and quote everyone but it got away from me...LOL.


I admire those who can go through the process naturally - my mom and MIL did, but then they were having babies before epidurals were as common as they now are. My contractions got so bad that there was just no way I could've continued without an epidural. My hospital/birthing center has the stance that childbirth does not have to be a horrible, painful experience - they know that, epidural or no, giving birth is a crisis for your body and any help that can be offered will only make it that much easier - which also makes it safer for mom and baby.


My labor progressed so fast, though, that I almost missed my window for the epidural. I don't even want to think about that...haha.


All I know is that the result was a healthy, happy baby boy and a mom who, while sore and exhausted, had no complications - not even a tear or episiotomy. So I couldn't have asked for a better delivery (or pregnancy, for that matter)!

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And my husband and I had planned to adopt another child but my daughter made her (unexpected but very happy) appearance lol!


At one of our classes in my 3rd tri, we met a couple who had tried and tried to conceive with no luck. The very same day they finally made a call to get the adoption process started, they found out they were expecting! crazy how often that happens!

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