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It's a boy!

Heather Dawn

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Hehe, true. The universal experience of becoming a parent and having this tiny, helpless human to love and protect.


One of my friends used to wear a surgical mask when she changed her infant's diaper. That infant is now 19 and doing fine but.... um yeah some things are going a bit too far!

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10 pounds at a month. Wow. My son was 11 pounds at 4 months. But he was a little peanut. His two only huge weight gains were in his first two weeks he gained 2 pounds and when he was 18 he gained 30 pounds in his first year of college.... Lol. But he weighed 135 pounds when he was 17.


10lbs. at one month has him at the 55th percentile for weight! So he's only slightly above average for that (though he's in the 81st percentile for height!). He was also an above-average weight at birth, so his growth is relative.


I can't remember the last time I was 135 pounds...LOL.


I lost 22lbs since his birth, though, so yay!

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One of my friends used to wear a surgical mask when she changed her infant's diaper. That infant is now 19 and doing fine but.... um yeah some things are going a bit too far!


No way! LMAO. I'm super squeamish - but I've found (and said this to my husband) that, for whatever reason, nothing Alex does grosses me out. A million poopy diapers a day, milk crust in his nostrils curdled spit up...none of it!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...
Thanks, all! My little sweepea.


Batya, we have far worse...LOL


Reminds me of a facebook friend -she is a single mom (jerk of a husband who left her!) with an adorable toddler. She took up yoga and is going to teach yoga to children eventually. So she takes a photo where she is practicing mindfulness and being totally zen....and her son looks like he either just finished and/or is on the verge of another, total meltdown. So hilarious.

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Reminds me of a facebook friend -she is a single mom (jerk of a husband who left her!) with an adorable toddler. She took up yoga and is going to teach yoga to children eventually. So she takes a photo where she is practicing mindfulness and being totally zen....and her son looks like he either just finished and/or is on the verge of another, total meltdown. So hilarious.


That's awesome!

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