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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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Um. Everything but because of the time change/being woken up at 4:15 by my stuffy nosed son after another solo parenting stint. In particular annoyed to get spammed with an MLM inquiry from a FB friend who in the recent past asked me for gofundme $ for her new business idea (which has nothing to do with this MLM). I'm glad I said no to that - instead of $ I gave her resources -people and organizations to contact. And I always decline MLM opportunities (in this case an "invite" to a "party" to show the product line that I have zero interest in). She thanked me for getting back to her so quickly -I replied that I do that so as not to mislead anyone who sends me inquiries like this because I know how much effort goes into these kinds of business ventures.

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A big project that was just sprung on my department that will require the entire team to shift to working overnight and will take 10 days but we're being given 4 days to complete it. My manager went home today without telling anyone and he doesn't have a plan for how to make this project work. I'm being told to "come up with something". My "something " may be a new job lol. Not stressing because if they continue to ask for the impossible I'll simply resign. I've had enough of anxiety and job stress. I won't do it anymore.

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A big project that was just sprung on my department that will require the entire team to shift to working overnight and will take 10 days but we're being given 4 days to complete it. My manager went home today without telling anyone and he doesn't have a plan for how to make this project work. I'm being told to "come up with something". My "something " may be a new job lol. Not stressing because if they continue to ask for the impossible I'll simply resign. I've had enough of anxiety and job stress. I won't do it anymore.


Sounds as if your manager is suffering from "Castelli in aria"!!!

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