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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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What's annoying me today are all the folks creating duplicate accounts that only end up getting deleted after we've already spent time and energy responding.


WHY do people do this?


You already have one account username, why create another? If someone could answer this, it would be very much appreciated! lol


I just don't get it.


I realize I need to let it go, but it it effing annoying me today for some reason!!

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Katrina, it's because we didn't tell them what they wanted to hear the first time.


They come here looking for a specific answer (which they already have in their minds), and when we don't cooperate they just make a new account hoping that asking a second time under a different user name will get the response they want.


Thing is, those of us who are regulars recognize this immediately, call them out, then we get accused of "using their previous posts against them", or the thread gets closed because the mods aren't idiots.

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Facebook posts where the person insists that if any of their Facebook friends plan to vote for Candidate X, they want them to delete them as friends IMMEDIATELY!!!


OK, done. Doesn't matter whether or not I'm planning to vote for Candidate X, the fact that you cannot tolerate any point of view that is different from your own means I don't want to be your friend anyway.


My former FWB, who has been in a very precarious position in life for the past few years due to his own actions, has swung very far to one side of the political spectrum. He wrote on his Facebook page that anyone who votes for Candidate X is "a murderer who needs to be locked up in a mental institution! Unfriend me immediately!!!" And again, I complied. Not because I am or am not voting for Candidate X, but because he is obviously the one who is fast becoming unhinged and I don't want to be a part of it. He also contacted me out of the blue, which he only does if he's broke or homeless. Nope, not signing up for that!

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i'm so disgusted and angry with so many things today. and i haven't slept and need to be at work in 4 hours.


please may i fall asleep and wake up determined to not be discouraged by any of this crap. rawr. no fear kind a thing. i'm getting so sick of worrying, i think i just might renounce the habit for that banal reason alone.








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Are your migraines frequent?Have you tried fever few? I used to have migraines all the time and fever few has helped me tremendously.I rarely get them now


Not too too often after menopause. I have tried everything in creation. I have had them for 28 years. My mom has had them for 67 years and my son for 11 years, I am not sure I can take it with other meds I take now.

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okay this is the third time since last night i got asked (and second time by the same person) to go a party i SPECIFICALLY said i didn't want to go to. i don't even go to parties. like ever. i hate parties. they give me flare ups and sensory overload and i have resting and working prioritized. i'm not even going to bother responding any more. honestly. when i tell you i'm sick and inflamed and barely coping with my shifts and desperately need rest i effing mean it. sometimes i hope these people get all my workload and all my diagnoses. NO. I CAN'T. NO, IT WON'T MAKE ME FEEL BETTER. NO, IT DOES NOT FEEL GOOD. NO, I AM NOT DEPRIVING MYSELF OF "LIVING". NO IT DOES NOT FEEL FUN TO ME. ALSO, EFF YOU. SHUT UP. YOU KNOW SHYTE. WHY ARE YOU STILL TEXTING ME. DON'T YOU HAVE A DRINKING SCREAMING PARTY TO ATTEND?

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okay this is the third time since last night i got asked (and second time by the same person) to go a party i SPECIFICALLY said i didn't want to go to. i don't even go to parties. like ever. i hate parties. they give me flare ups and sensory overload and i have resting and working prioritized. i'm not even going to bother responding any more. honestly. when i tell you i'm sick and inflamed and barely coping with my shifts and desperately need rest i effing mean it. sometimes i hope these people get all my workload and all my diagnoses. NO. I CAN'T. NO, IT WON'T MAKE ME FEEL BETTER. NO, IT DOES NOT FEEL GOOD. NO, I AM NOT DEPRIVING MYSELF OF "LIVING". NO IT DOES NOT FEEL FUN TO ME. ALSO, EFF YOU. SHUT UP. YOU KNOW SHYTE. WHY ARE YOU STILL TEXTING ME. DON'T YOU HAVE A DRINKING SCREAMING PARTY TO ATTEND?


and it's late at night, the night before i TOLD them i'm taking Ephraim to the psych in the am, working in the pm and going straight to nightshift from there. so no, i can't fecking party.



and stop trying to force chronically ill people with sever pains to do partying. we can't give a spoon for your "good times". just get it hammered into your heads once and for all. we can't. it's not fun for us. if you can't undertand that, sod off.

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and it's late at night, the night before i TOLD them i'm taking Ephraim to the psych in the am, working in the pm and going straight to nightshift from there. so no, i can't fecking party.



and stop trying to force chronically ill people with sever pains to do partying. we can't give a spoon for your "good times". just get it hammered into your heads once and for all. we can't. it's not fun for us. if you can't undertand that, sod off.


AMEN!!! Also you found the comma i see!

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lol i'm on my computer. i'm too annoyed to fumble with the phone right now (though i did find the comma ).


omg you get that too? they don't find the tumor argument solid??!! dafk.


everyone assuming you're not being serious when you decline invitations to loud, bright, late night or several-hours-long events? honestly, how many times do we have to say it's painful and exhausting and we have to deal with the aftermath for days after, and it's a miracle we're working and taking care of ourselves. i need sleep. i need time to do my laundry, dishes, floors, iron my stuff, study for exams, work extra shifts to pay off an inherited debt, and i work with physically and mentally ill people. i have tried explaining that i can only do this if i am careful with my lifestyle and rest and that this is my limit. i cannot do a thing more than what i do. i crash epically when i try.


and that's just me. people have all kinds of ilness and burdens and responsibilities they're trying to cope with. when they tell you something is exhausting or unpleasant for them, don't force it on them. how hard is the concept to grasp.


i won't be surprised if i hear someone convincing a legless person it'd be fun to climb a himalayan peak.

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But that's just cause people don't know what to say, they don't know what to do and how to act so they suggest stuff that makes them feel good with the thought it will make you feel good as well.

It's annoying.....i don't get it now, cause people are now fully aware that i can't do anything, not even work.

But i had comments similar as well, or dinner invitations when i have trigeminal neuralgia and eating at that time was pure hell

Or evenings out when it's a struggle to stay awake for me with my meds.

Or i have very bad acne, now i found an amazing foundation for that that really covers it up and now people tell me they can see I'm not in pain currently cause my face isn't red............duh!

And the best one of all, when i told my ex about the tumor he asked what caused it, fat? Thanks babe! In his defense he has asperger's and brain damage.....

It's all ignorance....

I have told people around me to please read up about the tumor and the TN and a lot have done so and that helps.

Information, and thinking!

But people want to say something and often say the wrong thing....

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yes, i genuinelly feel a lot of them want to offer something, and they automatically offer what works for them.


but i don't get how after being explained why and how it doesn't work for some people they can't mentalize the other's condition. i've offered to meet people for shorter things, brunches, coffee and croissants, shorter outings, less loud, i could do those frequently so noone would feel rejected. i have even specified i want to be in touch and am suggesting things that are doable for me.. and some still insist on things that last hours or are late night, or are on days/nights i've said i'm working.


i don't complain to my friends and acqaintances, maybe that's why they assume it's not that bad and i could actually party if they just persuaded me.


yeah, the power of makeup escapes them. i can fake the healthiest complexion lol.


omg the comments. i understand, with aspergers, but ouch.


i'm glad though there are others who get it.


i keep telling myself many people have it worse, and keeping in mind so many people are strong in the face of setbacks really helps me. you've been so inspiring too. people who know it or have known it first hand are priceless. i see it with our clients. a coworker complained a severly ill client was being irresponsible for not doing his own groceries and us having to help him. my pulse went up as i said through my teeth that he literally can't do it. i see clients loosen up, their muscles go soft and their voices relax when they're advocated for and understood.


the pressure we put on one another...

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Thing is i have downplayed the entire tumor thing in the beginning and always masked everything with humour, laughing stuff away.

And that caused people the misunderstandings they had, they didn't think it was that bad cause i made i seem like it wasn't that bad.

I didn't want people to feel sorry and pity me so i just made jokes and then when you sound alright, people think you're alright.

Now they are very much aware that i am not alright and this is really serious.

Needing brain surgery is also a wake up call haha

But i take it more seriously myself now too, reality sank in...and i am not afraid to admit i am struggling, i am scared, i have a hard time dealing with this and i find i have a lot more understanding now.

And sympathy...

People know now that if i get out for a night and get into bed really late, than i need afternoon naps for days and struggle with my energy for days. The little energy i have has to be divided between the days and not use it up in one day.

For me thankfully i have found that the more open i am about everything it entails, the more understanding people are.

But there are exceptions of course!

I also can't handle loud noises or flashing images and i have had to ask friends to turn down the TV or change channels....didn't want to be a nag as i saw it at first, but i have now learned to let everyone know what i need and what aggravates stuff for me.


I don't see myself as an inspiration but it's nice to hear! Thank you

People have said it before but i just struggle myself so i don't see that as inspiring people...

I have found that i have much less tolerance and speak my mind more. I used to accept a lot, but not anymore...if i heard your co-worker make such comments i couldn't keep quiet either, that's just unbelievable but sadly happens a lot.

If you have something that isn't visible there is much less understanding somehow.

TN gets so little understanding it's maddening! Now if you can say you have a brain tumour, that works!

So many people have TN on its own but people don't get it, can't understand how that would feel but i can say mine is caused by a tumor pressing against the facial nerve and then somehow they can imagine how that would feel.

Same pain! Weird!

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i think downplaying it has also been my way of conditioning people to not take me seriously. my late mother used to say i might benefit from putting on the theartics because ppl presumably don't take you seriously if you're not making a scene according to her. it just didn't seem dignified to me. and i needed a decade to start accepting this is my new normal so i didn't want to make things harder for myself by complaining. i must be an art, portaying something dramatic that is happening to you, in a not distastfully dramatic way. ogh!!! if i had a tumor i'd probably scream at whoever didn't get it to go shove a tennis ball in their brain and then come back to talk to me! and the concept that things doen't have to be solid and huge to hurt, why is it so difficult to understand.


yes, it's like we become both softer and terser? i don't bother with certain kinds of patience anymore, and some days i sound less kind that i'd like to. but mostly, i've told myself it starts with me. the right attitude, awareness, understanding. i saw too many people damaged by lack of it. even if all i can do is speak for someone else and validate their experience, that's something too.



i'm gonna say we must be bearing it well to have so many people convinced we could pull of a wild night

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My late grandmother used to always make huge drama of everything, and i mean everything so maybe that's stuck in my head a bit, to not become her.

Was even talking to my mom today that i am always sort of worried that people at work, especially my manager and the bosses think I'm not really sick, and she was like, you have a brain tumor, no one's gonna think that! Haha

But it's also kind of a coping mechanism i suppose, if you get all the info at once it may be to much, if i had known all this was awaiting me when i first learned about the tumor 18 months ago it would have been too much.

I didn't know really how serious it was because a benign tumor sounds good (in the sense that it could be worse lol) and so when i talked to people in the beginning i always felt the need to emphasise it was "just" benign

So i did that myself...and after a while people assumed it was just a benign tumor.

When in fact the tiniest thing in your brain can have huge effects, i now know....


Lol i had to laugh at your tennisball comment! Hahaha

I get what you mean by softer and terser, i have the same, i can be immensely sympathetic to something one day and be completely annoyed by yet another break up story for example.

It's not a trait i like but it's the truth at the moment....so on here i just don't respond to things like that.

But you are quite right, it starts with me as well!


I think we don't have them convinced, it's our make up! Lol!

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hey sara luv. thought i'd let you know i bought bath supplies and make up. i will healing the cranky away in the most materialistic way possible this weekend lol. i hope you're feeling okay


*bass line and rapping* yoooo party in the tub!!!


slightly annoyed with boss today. the bubbles will wash it off. doctor rubber ducky says so.

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hey sara luv. thought i'd let you know i bought bath supplies and make up. i will be healing the cranky away in the most materialistic way possible this weekend lol. i hope you're feeling okay

Oh I'm so jealous!!!! I don't have a bathtub anymore, i have a small bathroom and i used to have a bathtub and was in there every week, but i did some remodeling and decided to leave it out and every now and then i really miss it! Like now!


I have my room filled with candles and just lit them all, am making my favorite dinner and then will watch some series! Also nice!


I'm okay today, not annoyed, not in pain and not thinking about the surgery at the moment, just very dizzy! Ugh can't have it all....

Was a fun talk and i was thinking about you today. (No not in a crush kind of way, don't worry lol)

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aww thanks for thinking of me! i only have a few more months with my (tiny) tub before i move to a smaller appartment too so i am making full use of it while i still can. ironically, i only recently discovered the joy of bathing.


i wanted to watch the simpsons episode with trump and bummer, it's nowhere to be found. there's a scene where he's given a hairy doggy to put on his head as a wig and he adjusts it so the classic donald fringe goes to the front..hillarious.

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