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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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Thinking Valentine's Day is stupid only when you're not in a relationship.


Wishing I had one.


I think it's as stupid when in relationship or not, me and my ex never did anything on that day but i guess it's just not as popular over here.

I think it's a stupid day, only for commercial reasons, i don't need one special day to show someone i love them.

No valentine's really isn't for me, relationship or not

In fact the day annoys me so that fits in with what annoys me atm haha

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What's their purpose? Parents do sometimes have need to drive in poor weather to pick up children in various locations.


No, their purpose is to be driving off road. Driving through rough terrain, mud etc that your sedan wouldn't be able to do. There is no situation in suburbia that will require a massive off road troop carrier.


Only a person who has never actually used them for their actual purpose would say that.

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No, their purpose is to be driving off road. Driving through rough terrain, mud etc that your sedan wouldn't be able to do. There is no situation in suburbia that will require a massive off road troop carrier.


Only a person who has never actually used them for their actual purpose would say that.


Ah...sweeping assumptions.

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No, their purpose is to be driving off road. Driving through rough terrain, mud etc that your sedan wouldn't be able to do. There is no situation in suburbia that will require a massive off road troop carrier.


Only a person who has never actually used them for their actual purpose would say that.


Wait a minute, you mean all of those back roads I've been using my sedan on for years is wrong? Haha


I get your gist though, but it's a reflection of society. People feel the absolute obligation to go about their routine, a few feet of snow or a light rain be hanged. So People migrate to the most stable platform advertised.

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Wait a minute, you mean all of those back roads I've been using my sedan on for years is wrong? Haha


I get your gist though, but it's a reflection of society. People feel the absolute obligation to go about their routine, a few feet of snow or a light rain be hanged. So People migrate to the most stable platform advertised.


Or we could just be honest - they're for people who want to show off their social status.


There is no other reason to drive one for doing errands around the suburbs. There are no conditions, besides freak weather, that you will ever require a 4WD. I say this as someone who used to drive a 4WD in remote areas for my job, to places that were inaccessible without one.


If you must be a massive, obnoxious inconvenience for all other road users, at least a) be mindful that other road users are unable of seeing past you opening them up to a potential accident and b) be able to park the damn thing.


Some suburban 4WD'ers have even caught onto how lame it is...



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