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The Random Thought Thread, Part 6


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Just now, mylolita said:

Dias! Afternoon my dear!


I have JUST skimmed this website, it is giving me an anxiety attack! I’m no serious writer! These exercises, the thought of starting them is bLoWiNg mY mInD!!! 🥲


BUT! I am a competitive type of person 😉 We are in the same boat. I have never wrote a story! HA! So we are even Stevens! And both novices! I would love too! Where do you wanna put them? Submit them to the website and put them on your journal? Anyone else wanna get involved? @Jibralta? We all known you can spin a yarn young lady! 

I am starting to sweat at the idea of this!





If I can’t blab on about myself and mood swings and shopping and panties then I am done. You will soon see, one trick pony if any right here!


Anyway! Let me know how you wanna do this! GAME ON!



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Just now, mylolita said:

If I can’t blab on about myself and mood swings and shopping and panties then I am done. You will soon see, one trick pony if any right here!


Anyway! Let me know how you wanna do this! GAME ON!



I don’t like being marked because I will just disagree with the teacher and tell them they are wrong anyway.


(I was not, easy, in school. Hahahahaha!)


LOL! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣



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22 minutes ago, mylolita said:

If I can’t blab on about myself and mood swings and shopping and panties then I am done. You will soon see, one trick pony if any right here!


Anyway! Let me know how you wanna do this! GAME ON!



Hold on Ms Tiger lol  Don't bombard me with stories now hahaha. First we need to find a topic. I remember when I was a kid my literature teacher gave me some drawings and based on the drawings I had to write a short story. What do you think? You want to find a random drawing/picture on the internet and we can go from there? Or I can search for a picture and see if you like it? image.png.750ef69420c71da4322edb2598a3b43c.png



I don't have time during the week so no deadlines please. Let's say some day next week? Also, what is the limit? One word page or something? No novels here hahahaha

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1 minute ago, dias said:

Hold on Ms Tiger lol  Don't bombard me with stories now hahaha. First we need to find a topic. I remember when I was a kid my literature teacher gave me some drawings and based on the drawings I had to write a short story. What do you think? You want to find a random drawing/picture on the internet and we can go from there? Or I can search for a picture and see if you like it? image.png.750ef69420c71da4322edb2598a3b43c.png



I don't have time during the week so no deadlines please. Let's say some day next week? Also, what is the limit? One word page or something? No novels here hahahaha

That’s MRS Tiger too you, Mr Dias! 

I have been a miss, and I am now a Mrs, but I will never, and have never, been a Ms 😉🤣🤣🤣


Oh God no, I hate novels. A page will do nicely! It’s actually insanely harder to write more concisely. We will probably find this out soon. 

YOU CHOOSE THE PICTURE! 🤩 I want it to be something someone else chooses. I don’t want any subconscious bias from myself. I am geared up! LETS GO!


And yes give me a deadline that suits you geeky McGee! 😜 With your, programming and stuff!


Ask Jib! 

Anyone else welcome to join in with us losers!




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Just now, mylolita said:

@Jibralta Ya gotta do this now! No pressure! 

My favourite and most succulent little Jiblet! 😍🤣


Love ya @Jibralta



Let’s dust the ol’keyboards off and what not and get into it!


What mood are we in? Self pitying and obsolete? Saucy and energetic? Reflective like the pools of… deep, deep, pools? 🤣


Looking forward too it!


I will try and not be a complete kill joy and depressive let down!



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3 minutes ago, mylolita said:

Let’s dust the ol’keyboards off and what not and get into it!


What mood are we in? Self pitying and obsolete? Saucy and energetic? Reflective like the pools of… deep, deep, pools? 🤣


Looking forward too it!


I will try and not be a complete kill joy and depressive let down!



Will Elon see this and hire me and give me also, some money?! 

Can I write a lovely piece on his intelligent, dark, receding hair line? 

We love ya Elon! He has such a Marvel type villain but really a hero comic book name doesn’t he. Who does he think he is anyway?! Like flippin’, Batman, who’s into science?! 

Amped to have 6 sons. That is very masculine Elon. Good form, even if maybe they were sprouted in test tubes. Not verified?!



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2 hours ago, dias said:


"There are a lot of people who come to work who... consider themselves 'activists,' and they have to placate them.. and they're the loudest, and they oftentimes don't get work done, and when confronted, they talk about their activism."

So interesting! It seems like everyone's an activist these days. I wonder if that originates from the whole 'bring your real self to work' culture of the giant tech companies! It is very cult-like... 

Ugh god. Please leave your real self at home lol. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was getting some takeaway today. Almost everyone was starring at their mobile phones. What happened to all that uber-trendy jazz on embracing the moment and being present?


Interesting Oliver Stone interview, by the way. Watching it right now 🙂

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