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Falling for my ex bfs new gfs ex husband. What!?


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My ex and I went through and are still dealing with the consequences of (custody etc.) a nasty break up last year. He cheated and left me for a friend of ours, who was cheating on her husband with him. Her now ex husband and I have talked here and there, about this situation, and helped and given each other advice regarding our now pending custody cases, our kids, and just vent to each other from time to time. Well, the other night, he invited me over to his house. His roommate recently moved out, his kids were with theirs their mother, and this was the first time he's had to really be all alone, and he was having a hard time dealing. He asked my advice, how I coped when my kids first starting staying nights at their dads. We ended up just hanging out, talking and keeping each other company. We were and are lonely. Since then, we've continued to talk, but like friends. Not just complaining to each other about our exes and looking for custody advice. So the problem is, I like him. If he weren't, my ex boyfriends new girlfriends ex husband (wow), id probably try to pursue something with him. But how weird is this situation...not to mention, he probably does not feel the same way. Although some things were said and done to lead me to believe there may be a small possibility that he's at least had the thought. But, I should really steer clear of this right? I mean, how would that ever feel for our kids if there was something there in the future? But on the other hand, why should I let my exes infidelity get in the way of my happiness? I feel like I should leave this alone, but if nothing else, I like hanging out with him. I like being his friend, and I don't want to have to stop that.

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This "budding friendship" has disaster written all over it. It is much to complex, and you are both much too raw, to use each other for support.


This isn't "happiness". This is desperation, hurt and anger ---- and a kindred soul in the same place. Steer very clear.


You have to stop "being his friend".

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Well it worked for Shania Twain. Her husband left her for her friend and she connected with her friends ex. Both couples still together I believe.


Just tread carefully.


Sure, but they write country music songs. It had to work out.

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You are not "falling for" him. You are hurt, lonely, angry and a bit desperate for companionship.


Please do NOT make any decisions during this time.


And do NOT sleep with him! If you think you feel bad now, think about how awful you'd feel if you slept with him and afterward he explained that he didn't feel the same way you think you do.


Repeat...you are NOT falling for him!

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  • 4 months later...

It seems like something that has no chance of working.


I've witnessed this exact same thing happening. And both couples are still together years after. This is probably an exception (like Shania) and I'm not offering it as hope. But, if you can remain friends it might be good. You can certainly relate and empathize with each other.

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