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Ok so I like watching movies or shows that I can relate to. This may sound crazy, but I want to watch something where things don't work out perfectly or maybe the end is nice but the middle is really crappy.


My bf broke up with me out of nowhere and I have to see him three times a week. We havent spoken for two months and I just need something to relate to.


Of course a part of me will always want him back but Im working on getting past that, because he has made zero effort to contact me.


Please give me and tips or movies or stories that helped you move on?

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"Of course a part of me will always want him back"


This may not actually be true! Especially if you keep "working on getting past that" and know that you don't want someone who "made zero effort to contact me".


One of the shows that helped me actually, was Parenthood. Not everything goes the way it should, but in general it showed me what mature, positive relationships might look like, giving me hope for the future. It also showed me how far away from that my relationship had been at the time, so that I stopped feeling like I had lost something that was really mature and far along. When it was really just a baby relationship.


But that's me, and it's something I watched further along in my healing I think. When I was closer to the beginning I was definitely more attracted to darker things, though I can't remember exactly what those were. So you don't sound crazy at all haha. But here's my top 3 favorite good relationship movies where things don't work out (spoilers???): 500 days of summer, My best friends wedding, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind.


A good recent one to cry over was The Theory of Everything. I "hated" it. (I always tell people I hate a film if it makes me cry to much.)


Hang in there frida!

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Ok so I like watching movies or shows that I can relate to. This may sound crazy, but I want to watch something where things don't work out perfectly or maybe the end is nice but the middle is really crappy.


My bf broke up with me out of nowhere and I have to see him three times a week. We havent spoken for two months and I just need something to relate to.


Of course a part of me will always want him back but Im working on getting past that, because he has made zero effort to contact me.


Please give me and tips or movies or stories that helped you move on?


500 Days of Summer.

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Little Black Book with Brittany Murphy. I distinctly remember that film as the one where the girl does not get the guy, she gets something better. I was so sad when she died, because I loved her after seeing her in that film.


Then there was Gina Davis is "The Long Kiss Goodnight" and Cate Blanchett in "The Gift."

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I was recovering from my first heartbreak ~8 months post breakup. I watched this movie and when Noland says the line "And I know what I have to do now. I gotta keep breathing, because tomorrow the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring?" it really resonated with me.


I woke up the next day and let go...

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Oh i thought Gilmore Girls was too happy! Everything was so simplified...maybe i watched it too close to when we broke up. The beginning seasons of Greys Anatomy helped a lot!


sometimes you need 'too happy'!! I recently watched the whole series again. I like it because Lorelai's such a strong independent woman. There's one episode where she talks about how she didn't raise Rory to be that girl who cries on the floor because some guy doesn't like her...or something to that affect. I would tell myself 'don't be THAT girl. stand up and move on'.


girl power

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"Before Midnight" (2013) by Richard Linklater.


I was totally going to say the "Before Midnight" films. SUCH a wonderful depiction of relationships.


Other films I use as "comfort" films aren't necessarily "relationship" films, but I do love "Labyrinth". It is my all time favourite movie and I watch it whenever I need cheering up. I guess it's the hero's quest/coming of age story that does it for me.


Also, not a film, but I did love the way relationships were dealt with in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". Buffy's break up with Angel was proof that break ups CAN be respectful and adult, and that you can love someone while at the same time knowing that things just won't work with that person.

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Cast Away is actually a great recommendation. I don't want to spoil it, but the ending demonstrates the skills we all need to focus on. Skills which Hank's character developed by coping on his own. It shows that life goes on simply because it goes on and you have to do it and be happy.


Forgetting Sarah Marshall is good - I can especially relate to the deleting of photos scene and the important cereal container! and also the uncontrollable crying!


500 days of summer - good, but can also be difficult because it highlights the negatives of relationships


Eternal Sunshine - I'd say don't watch this one until you are well over the relationship. It involves erasing the memory of the ex and may leave you thinking that all those bad times weren't really that bad and maybe you should try again because love was at the core of your relationship.

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