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What is the value of virginity these days?


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I think it depends on the women and the person they're giving it to.

Some will need attachment, love, emotions etc, because it'd be beautiful. Wouldn't it?

Some just want to get it done, so eventually avoid the emotional part, and start the fun!

Some have strong ethical reasons, such as no sex before marriage (not necessarily a religious thing), and say that they want to preserve themselves for the ONE (acknowledging the terrible fact that it doesn't guarantee forever love, loyalty and happiness).

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I think pretty much everyone's "first time" is a pretty big deal to them. That said, it depends on the person's personality and the circumstances revolving around it. If it's with someone they're emotionally connected to, then I think it's pretty special. If not... Then it's special in the sense that, "hey, I'm not a virgin anymore".


That said, as soon as time goes on, you realize how insignificant these things really are (at least I did, anyway). You'll always remember your first time, but along with that also comes the memories of the awkwardness...

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Well, my wife claims that she would not have married me if I wasn't one. This was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, when we were ultra-religious. We wouldn't have dated out of our religion either so it was more than just that.


I don't know if I would have (it's hard to say when it was not an issue), but the idea that you have both never been with anyone else had its appeal. Some people I'm sure would see that as terrifying due to possible sexual incompatibility, but it worked out for us.

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I think when you put it in terms of something you "give" then it makes it a commodity and also the concept has always creeped me out.


Sex, whether first time or the millionth time, is an act of mutual pleasure and affection and not something that you "give" or "withhold" like a commodity. Well....at least in my perfect world that would be the case.

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I "lost" it to a cute man at 19, who was also a virgin. I really liked him a lot. We had been dating a month. He made me laugh so much. We dated for 2 months after before our immaturity killed it. We both cried when the relationship ended. I've never regretted it. It was so fun. My only thoughts at the time were...that I be in a caring relationship...and although my ideas on what a "relationship" is have changed a lot over the last 13 years...and that I not regret it, which for me, meant owning it....it's still something that I cherish...it was so new and so intense...just lovely


I'll probably impart that sentiment on my daughter when she gets old enough to care and asks.

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I had sex for the first time last summer at age 31 with my current girlfriend. I love her and I hope we stay together and that my "number" stays at 1. For me, there is something cool about the idea of only sharing that with one person. But of course that's the me of today, not the me when I was a teenager.


As far as when you're young and unattached...I think there's certainly still a double standard that women's virginity is supposed to be "protected," while men are supposed to lose theirs ASAP.


The older you get and haven't had sex, the more unusual it is. I think by and large, women aren't going to have a hard time if they're virgins into their twenties, because if a guy wants you, he's not going to really worry about that all that much. That said, by the time I was 30, I generally did figure it would make more sense to lose my virginity to a woman who had already lost hers, since at least she would know what to do...and obviously at that age, the odds are very strongly in favor of you dating a non-virgin, so there's that...but I wouldn't have rejected a woman just because she was a virgin.


Men though...being a virgin is a liability after probably age 20, maybe even before that. Women seem to want guys to be confident and know what they're doing and when you're a virgin, you don't know what you're doing.


I would say that ideally it makes sense to me to try to lose your virginity to someone who you at least are truly into at the time, because hopefully it would be less awkward...my first time was quite awkward but the genuine love and chemistry made it a good memory anyway.


But when you're in your twenties and are a male virgin, it's definitely something you think about and wonder if anything will ever change. If there was one aspect of sex that we could change, that would be it...not put young male virgins into the undesirable box, and not put women into the "loose" box just because they have had sex a few times. We overthink this stuff way too much and ought to be spending more time living our lives and loving our partners.

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As when it comes to woman's views on guys who are virgins. I never really cared. The only downside is that if your shy (like me), it can be a bit of a hassle as neither one of us would make the first move. He'd be waiting for me...since I was experienced (I guess? lol) and I'd be too shy to act experienced. So sometimes, it can be a hassle but it totally depends on who you are with. I don't really think guys care much if the girl is a virgin...other then the obvious emotional attachment that tends to happen afterwards...it can really make girls fall for guys and if the guy isn't ready for something so emotionally extreme it can end in heartbreak for the girl. (Pretty sure this can happen the other way around as well).

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Personally speaking ...means nothing to me ..didnt mean anything to me when I lost it and its no biggy now ...


Yep pretty much this. It was with my first serious bf and we dated for a year and half, we were both virgins. I didn't find it emotional or really much of a big deal, but I did want to make sure it was with someone I loved, which was the case. I never placed any value on virginity itself.

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