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One year later. What a surprise...

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Hi there,


For those who remember me, I joined this forum on december of 2013, crushed by my recent break-up with my ex-wife of almost 8 years.


Long story short, she cheated on me numerous times, took everything we had and jumped right in the arms of another man who, btw, invited her to join him in Canada (10.000 miles from where we used to live) in june of 2014.


She dragged me on for months, pretending to care for me, sending me a lot of messages about caring for me bla bla bla while banging this dude and selling (without my knowledge) whatever pieces of memories we bought together (furniture etc.) in order to earn enough money to follow this man. Nice gal !


6 months after our break-up, I initiated NC for good, telling her that it was over and even if she wanted to speak to me or whatever, she could go to Hell instead. I think about 4 years of sadness, frustration and feeling of complete betrayal made me explode on the phone. It was quite violent but also strangely satisfying. I deleted and blocked her everywhere.


I simply wanted to tell you this, all of you who feel like complete cr*p right now, especially if your ex behaved like a frigg*n coward and complete a** : don't ever lose hope. Ever. For there is light at the end of the tunnel.


After a while, I felt so good. No more pain, no more fear of being betrayed and cheated on once again, no more fear of her leaving me for another. And I realized one thing : she never truly loved me. She didn't feel anything when she left. Because she didn't care.


I suffered a lot, an unbearable pain. But I felt this because my love for her was real. What I felt was real. And she never felt this with me. She lied to herself, to me, to her family, to her friends. And she fled, like a coward, to Canada.


This realization liberated me.


I turned my world upside-down. Weight loss, going out a lot, travelled a lot (never spent ONE week-end at home), wrote a book...


Found a new woman.


And now, a new job found me. I will leave my current job for another, in a new city. Salary is 3x my former one. And on top of that, this new job is in the same city where my new girlfriend lives. Life's pretty good !


What is left from my former life ? Not much.


What is left regarding my ex-wife ? A lot of emotions in my head for the first months : sadness, anger, etc....


But what is left now ? Not a single memory. Nothing. And quite simply, just one emotion : pity. I pity her for everything, for her lack of courage, for her lies. I'm happy now and she downright killed 8 years from her life without any kind of remorse. She is an empty shell because we are what we choose to be. And she chose to be a liar and a coward.

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