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It was my friends mom that responded...and she talked about "how "they" have had mind control abilities for the last 30 years, and that soon the monetary system will get thrown out and we'll be working for free to support the elite." She "hopes she's long in heaven with her great great grandchildren by that point."


The terrifying part of all this is that she's a nurse. . People are scary.

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It was my friends mom that responded...and she talked about "how "they" have had mind control abilities for the last 30 years, and that soon the monetary system will get thrown out and we'll be working for free to support the elite." She "hopes she's long in heaven with her great great grandchildren by that point."


The terrifying part of all this is that she's a nurse. . People are scary.


Umm she's weird lol...

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She sounds mentally ill. It IS scary to see some of the people who work in health care and the beliefs they hold.

I'm all for tougher screenings and laws to protect people from it.


I was recently at an advanced St. John's course for First Responders and a woman there literally was debating with the instructor about how to treat third degree burns. In an emergency situation. The protocol is very specific. This woman was insisting she could and would treat them on the spot using eggs that she always carries with her in her purse for this purpose. Eggs!! She said in her culture, this is what they do. He explained to her what would happen if she did that, and NOT to under any circumstances. She still thought she was right and insisted, repeating again her cultural beliefs.


I felt furious honestly. This woman works with vulnerable people in her current position.


I'm a lot stricter than some in my standards but this is frightening in my opinion when people like this are not screened out.

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Yes lol.


When I was 12, they took me to a faith healer to cure me of my ADD...well...we know how that worked out *rolls eyes*


That is sad slash funny. As if.


My add doc has adhd. Took 3 tries to get me my scrip. Left off detail, replaced it with the wrong one, got it close enough (spelling error).


Back on track today. I had no idea that we crash when we stop. It was like being sleepy and depressed but not like depression mood wise. Was weird.

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So then she went on a big rant about how "if (I'm) so against cursive writing, how will people function without it? Have (I) or anyone (I) know ever got a license or passport with a printed signature? It's so easy to copy! And (she) don't want to buy art from an unsigned artist! Parents are just too lazy now of days, they don't want to spend time with their kids, they just want to buy them everything and work all the time. They think teachers should, teach them. But I stayed home with my daughter! I care!"


Woah. Right?


So I replied


"I just googled it, and on passports you're allowed to print your name, as well as on licenses in Canada and on bank accounts. I haven't done it personally...and I don't quiz people around me to find out how they signed things. If it's really important for you to have anecdotal evidence, when I renew my passport next week I can print my signature if that will make you happy.


Technically the definition of a signature is: "a persons name written in a distinctive way"...I print my signatures on my art...so did Van Gogh (he actually only signed his first name). "


Then I included a pic of Van Goghs signature...my art signature (which is printed because...cursive in paint is hard to read lol),


This link


saying "they don't even check your signature in very many instances anymore. My debt and my credit is set up as tap....I don't sign or enter a pin anymore."


What I didn't say: but that's why a fingerprint scanner or an eye scanner would be better than a signature- more secure than even a cursive signature!"


Then I said, "I'm not sure why you're so upset...my first reply to your post was that I agree with you. Tine knows how to write cursive. And I was a stay at home mom until she started school- and now I only work while she at school. All I said was "I wonder how much longer they'll be using signatures, it seems like everything is going digital and paperless." You guys started talking about the end of the world and mind control...I was just musing on how much technology has changed and wondering out loud where it will go."




Yeah, I wrote lots. I think she is unhinged...and...just woah. I just don't know what to think about that lol.

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That is sad slash funny. As if.


My add doc has adhd. Took 3 tries to get me my scrip. Left off detail, replaced it with the wrong one, got it close enough (spelling error).


Back on track today. I had no idea that we crash when we stop. It was like being sleepy and depressed but not like depression mood wise. Was weird.


My brother recently decided to go off all the meds. He's starting to read the internet too much...and he wants to "detox from all the toxins"...so he went off his ADHD meds and his meds for depression. I hope he'll be okay....cause yeah, big crash when we stop. I felt like I was foggy off my meds....the world felt heavy and loud and I just wanted to lay on my couch and think all day (I wasn't sad...just...unmotivated).


Drugs are good. I wish all the "cure everything with juicing and exercise" idiots would develop something debilitating (but not lethal) so they can understand the judgement and pressure they place on people to go off meds that they need to function. Jerks.

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Have any of you seen this TED talk?



It's by the guy who writes the blog waitbutwhy.com. I love this talk! I think ADD is a lot like having several instant gratification monkeys in the same brain. I could relate to this so much...but if you're a procrastinator, you'll relate too


Can you tell I miss jay? I'm on here a lot this weekend. I did so much yard work...and now I'm sore and physically exhausted...but my mind is going like crazy because it went unused most of the day

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My brother recently decided to go off all the meds. He's starting to read the internet too much...and he wants to "detox from all the toxins"...so he went off his ADHD meds and his meds for depression. I hope he'll be okay....cause yeah, big crash when we stop. I felt like I was foggy off my meds....the world felt heavy and loud and I just wanted to lay on my couch and think all day (I wasn't sad...just...unmotivated).


Drugs are good. I wish all the "cure everything with juicing and exercise" idiots would develop something debilitating (but not lethal) so they can understand the judgement and pressure they place on people to go off meds that they need to function. Jerks.




I have a fb frequent poster on that anti vaccine anti everything. A recent post about Look How Many ADHD and I did not hold my tongue. It is dangerous misinformation and creates a stigma. Grrrt.


I am beginning to wonder if leaded water was a contributing factor..

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I have a fb frequent poster on that anti vaccine anti everything. A recent post about Look How Many ADHD and I did not hold my tongue. It is dangerous misinformation and creates a stigma. Grrrt.


I am beginning to wonder if leaded water was a contributing factor..


Lead drives people to insanity..level in low doses...so I'm hopeful we aren't on the downward spiral of lead poisoning lol.


I dislike the anti-everything, conspiracy theorists. They think they know more than everyone else...but really...they're just f-I got messed up.


The stigma around the anti-vaxx movement makes me angry too. I've heard the ADD "theory" too...and omg. I feel like saying, go talk to a specialist about it. An actual doctor, not your chiropractor...and get info from them instead of bloggers with no qualifications.

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She keeps making winky emoticons at me in fb. I hope she's not pretending she's cool with things so when she kills me in my sleep later she has a friendly looking paper trail.


She doesn't use punctuation either. Like...at all. So she's worried about kids not being to write in cursive, and she doesn't know what a friggen comma is.


Maybe the lizard people are already in her head.

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Forcing people to write cursive is just a control feature and doesn't matter.


Or "the old days were so much better"


After her "parents don't want to spend time with their kids" rant...it made me think that this is more about her daughter than cursive writing. Her daughter has two kids that she pawns off all the time....you can tell she doesn't enjoy her children (and honestly, they're little hellions, if they were my children, I would try to get rid of them as much as possible too lol)...so I kind of wonder if that's what this was really about.


Oh...she just replied to my comments. She says she likes Salvador Dali. Okay. Lol

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If her daughter is using her for free child care, I can definitely understand why she feels resentful. Maybe she feels like she can't say anything outright or else she may lose access to the grandkids or get accused of "hating" them or something.

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If her daughter is using her for free child care, I can definitely understand why she feels resentful. Maybe she feels like she can't say anything outright or else she may lose access to the grandkids or get accused of "hating" them or something.


They live in different cities.


Maybe it really was about cursive writing. I'm going to avoid commenting on her stuff from now on lol

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Two and a half weeks down! Jays trip has been extended an extra two days...so he'll be getting back on day 24...6 more days! I miss him.


Our economy is based on oil....right now a ton of my friends on fb have been laid off...it's been a rough year. Jays company laid off around 100 people...no one in his department. His department has been asked to use 90% of their banked time though before July...which means Jay will be off work for almost 2 months (paid). So....we'll be bumping up our Europe trip.


It will be interesting having him around so much...it's good because we can finally tackle some big projects...like emptying out the garage, applying epoxy to the floor, building shelving all the way around it....building a shed, putting in a second gate into our yard...renting scaffolding so we can paint the vaulted entryway and install new light fixtures....it will be good.


It will also be bad because...I like being alone. So hopefully he goes away...maybe he'll fly out to Toronto to visit friends or something.


Mom starts chemo in a week. She still refuses to hire a house cleaner or a gardener....even though she keeps her house and her yard immaculate...I don't think she gets how crappy 16 treatments of chemo will be for her. I really wish she would hire help.


Last week I found out my parents don't like my brothers gf. I didn't know. I guess we've all been thinking "she must be really good in bed because she has no other redeeming qualities" but none of us have ever said it out loud lol. Hopefully he sees the light.


I still haven't been able to order a ring. The woman in my city that makes them...her site is on etsy. I asked her if we could meet somewhere (her place, mine, a coffee shop whatever) because I've never tried on a raw/rough stone ring...and I want to see one before I buy it. She says she doesn't have any inventory, and I can pick one that she's done, suggest modifications, and she'll make it for me. I asked her to call me twice...and she keeps giving me her email address. So...I guess I'm not going to support the local economy. I'll order my ring from India. So f-Ing frustrating.


I don't get it. When someone is interested in my work...I make it as convenient for them as possible. I invite them to my studio, I call. I cater. You'd think she would be...we're in the middle of a recession in my city...


Oh well.


In other news: jays aunt is posting articles on how the holocaust didn't happen. Jays sister sends me screen shots (since she deleted me). We bond over how crazy the aunt is. What a nut.

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JMHO, but I think any serious Holocaust denier ought to tote themselves to Poland to see some mass graves and old gas chambers, or the piles of hair and rings and shoes. Jesus, this lady's crazy stupidity knows no bounds.


She won't ever have the funds to do anything like that...she lives in extreme poverty in a tiny trailer with her (35 year old) daughter and their 6 cats and dogs. Oh, and she smokes a pack a day ($12 a pack here), and will only eat organic, gluten free food because everything else with give you cancer and autism.


Ahhhhh the dumb hurts!!!

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