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What were some of the crazy things love made you do after your break up?

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What were some of the crazy things love made you do after your break up?

When and what was the turning point that made you stop acting like that?


Crazy things I did:

I got on my knees and begged.

I tried to manipulate him into feeling guilty.

I tried to make him jealous any way I could.

I cried myself to sleep, and woke up crying.

I starved all my pain away.

I ate all my pain away.

I wanted to be his "friend" but had other intentions.

I was a text terrorist for a month.

I tried to be overly nice to him just so he would see how wonderful I was.


I stopped doing all this and moved on, after he continued to ignore me. Knowing that he was out and about and enjoying his single life, made me realize that he didn't love me as much as I thought he did. When I realized that, I let him go, because I knew I deserved to be with someone who loved me wholeheartedly!

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I locked us in our bedroom and begged him not to break us up. After we broke up I went into the living room and just sat there crying. I hounded the H out of him with texts. I went to his work and ate but ignored him. I desperatly tried setting up meetings.


The turning point for me was when I logged into his email (another low!) and saw were he was talking to another girl less than two months after we broke up. Never looked back.

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I locked us in our bedroom and begged him not to break us up. After we broke up I went into the living room and just sat there crying. I hounded the H out of him with texts. I went to his work and ate but ignored him. I desperatly tried setting up meetings.


The turning point for me was when I logged into his email (another low!) and saw were he was talking to another girl less than two months after we broke up. Never looked back.


Jeeze 2 months after? 3 weeks after I visited my ex she was seeing a guy 12 years older than her. * * * * . Talk about a lack of respect.

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Got down on my knees and begged for him to give it another chance pre-breakup.

Logged on to his Facebook to see exactly what was going on afterwards we broke up.

Went absolutely ballistic post-breakup and had it out with him.. completely went off on him and let him know EXACTLY what I thought about his behavior.

Cried over things that reminded me of him.

Sent him an angry reply message on Facebook after he candidly let me know what his plans were and that no, he didn't hate me only to turn around the next day and apologize and politely ask him not to contact me again until I was ready.

Had a friend talk to him on Facebook while he copied and pasted his replies back to me.

Deactivated my Facebook account.

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The ultimate crazy thing: broke NC then:


1) Indulged in one too many baked goods


2) Walked around in denial because he still called every day just like he'd always done before the breakup


3) Continued to be his "rescuer" his "secretary," counselor and advisor. I think NC will be worth breaking to send him my bill for services rendered due and payable in full immediately. lol!

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had hope she would change quickly

I have a terrible terrible compulsion to check her email and xfire profile to see if she's on... I know it's extremely stalkerish... but when I feel the compulsion to check them, I can't relax until I do. and last night I saw some sketchy guy sending her pics... ugh. I have to stop.

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Oohh...One of 'these' threads...I like this* lol


Maybe Im a sadist but I seem to get a bit of a laugh, in hindsight, out of the crazy stuff we spiral into in the throes of such emotional upheaval....Bungalo* yours is a classic! I also spent a little bit on petrol driving endless and pointless miles


I did some things that shouldnt ever be mentioned again, but 2 dumbazz things were:


Still buying her things and trying to carry on as normal after uncovering the affair.

Trying to get her pregnant in an effort to save things....(so dont worry PennyLoafer*, I been there too)


And numerous other never-to-be-repeated things.....


But still, lessons learnt.

Never Again!


Ever Forward

K2* 8)

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drove endless times maybe (15 plus ) three and half hours to another state countless times between may 2010 to even last month.. sent countless unanswered ignored letters.. tryed to make out in the first few weeks after BU my life had miraculously turned around to make myself seem more attractive...yeah good stuff(roll eyes)


quality stuff from me but have learnt my lessons....

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1) sent texts, every night at the same time, to tell him i love him

2) wrote a song, and recorded it, then gave him the cd on our anniversary...

3) pretended that i have all sorts of weird issues so he'd feel pitty for me and come back

4) attempted suicide then called him ... (he didnt show up tho)

5) took long walks around his house hoping to meet him

6) yield at him in the middle of the street/at uni/in class

7) begged

8) begged again


btw i did all the above after my first break up when i was 19, that was long time ago... now:

1) texted to ask him if he wants his favourite wiskey that i found in a shop: no answer

2) gave him a xmas gift, no answer

3) made him lock himself in my bathroom (dunno why he did it).


so yah, I did many stupid things and i may still do in days to come (if not years).

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Drove to her house in the middle of the night, slept in a lawn chair in her back yard just to be close to her....woke up before dawn...and escaped the scene of the non-crime-unnoticed!


OMG Bung, that's awesome! lmao!!!


I only did this once but I set my alarm for 4am. Got in my car drove 30 min to her house to see if her car was there...it was, so I got out and put my hand on the hood to see if the engine was warm.

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I don't know why, but my backyard visit felt almost like a spiritual journey..I cried like a baby after I got home...this woe-man will only send me banal emails now-when I reply (always with a light-hearted quip or 3 thrown in) I get no response...sadly, I still love her to pieces...

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Craziest thing by far was about 2 months into the breakup I ran into her and her new man at his 40th birthday party at a club I frequented. By that time I had already been hearing awful things about her cheating and the sickening truths about her new guy. I had forewarned my friends a few weeks earlier that I felt like I couldn't hand it anymore and I'm sorry if I react poorly at some point. She parted the room like the red sea to come over to talk to me. One thing led to another and we're in a heated argument. It somehow moved on over by her boyfriend's table and I see him get up. I look over at him and he started flexing his chest and I completely lost it. I ran over to absolutely destroy him, but bouncers got a hold of me and made me leave. I texted her to invite him over to the next bar I was at.


Took over an hour for him to show. I felt this poke on my shoulders behind me while I was sitting back on the patio. It was her and him. Again, I tried getting after him. I went absolutely berzerk. Nobody had ever seen me like that before. Even my habitual "fighter" friend was stunned. They were having a hard time keeping me restrained. At one point she and the new man left and as I was walking out I saw his training partner (runs about 250lbs) .... I start screaming at the top of my lungs for him to come outside and fight me .... that he helped ruin my relationship by introducing my ex- to his partner. He didn't come outside either. Tellin' you I went absolutely insane. Not proud of that. In same ways it felt good to release that pain and anger over the whole situation .... but still .....


Oh and I checked her emails in the weeks after our breakup. That's how I found out about her moving in with him the week after we broke up. I decided that that was enough and never did it again. I even threw away the paper with the password on it.

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Crazy things love made me do after my breakup. Let's see in order.


- Deleted my facebook.

- Cried for 3 days.

- Went straight to Military Attitude.

- Put every stuff he ever given me in a box and his brother picked them up for me.


- Friendzoned a lot of guys who could be my next lover.



I think that's about it. Not sure what else.

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Oohh...One of 'these' threads...I like this* lol


Maybe Im a sadist but I seem to get a bit of a laugh, in hindsight, out of the crazy stuff we spiral into in the throes of such emotional upheaval....Bungalo* yours is a classic! I also spent a little bit on petrol driving endless and pointless miles


I did some things that shouldnt ever be mentioned again, but 2 dumbazz things were:


Still buying her things and trying to carry on as normal after uncovering the affair.

Trying to get her pregnant in an effort to save things....(so dont worry PennyLoafer*, I been there too)


And numerous other never-to-be-repeated things.....


But still, lessons learnt.

Never Again!


Ever Forward

K2* 8)


Agreed, I find it a very healing thing to be able to look back and actually be able to laugh at some of the things we did....I have my fair share. Here are some of the most notably stupid things...


1) (im literally cringing as I write this) I made a 'video' out of pictures of us strung together to a backing track of a song we both liked and actually wrote out cards with messages on and took pictures of them to insert them into the video. I had planned to email it to him before I went on holiday, then see what he thought when I got home. THANK THE LORD I didn't do that! some small part of my rational brain at least must have screamed 'you will regret this!' loud enough for me to keep it. I am so glad that never fell into his hands...


2) Took many days off work for 'mental health' reasons....then whilst at work spend my time just writing and writing longwinded drawn out journal entries. I filled 7 A4 pages back to back on one memorable day


3) Lied about my past to try and make him feel guilty


4) Compulsively exercised and became vegan (and eventually anaemic...). Did ridiculous circuit training classes and took up boxing. I remember crying in the dark in a Spinning Class once.


5) Became a public transport cryer


6) had sex with a guy i met on the street to prove to myself I could be with someone else


7) sent some memorable long rambling texts in the middle of the night


8) oh god....considered recreating that scene from 'Love Actually' with the guy and the holding up cards on the doorstep....bloody hell hahah. I cant believe I reached that point.


9) Hugged a bottle of de-icer screenwash that was mine and he'd returned to my doorstep.


However ridiculous all of these things we do are though...I think its all very important for healing. We wouldnt be at the point we are in our healing today if we hadnt got through all that ridiculous stuff in the earlier days.

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OH I LOVE you guys!

Ok, I was ashamed to admit this, but since you all have hung it out there, here it is:

I actually spent an entire day combing the internet for a woman's picture that was far away from where I live so I could use it to create a FAKE profile on the dating site he and I met on. I went on to create this maddeningly "perfect" woman to entice him into an email exchange, so I could completely screw with his head.

I felt so ashamed about the depths to which I had sunk, that I tried to cancel my new profile the next day. Funny thing is, the site wouldn't let you cancel within 24 hours of posting, so I sat on pins and needles all day hoping he would not respond to the "new girl" I had "created".


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This happened when I was 18...don't judge me! lol


-I would call his phone all day, especially at night because I wanted my phone calls to ruin the mood in case they were getting intimate.

-I smashed his PS3, which I bought for him, against the wall. He was pissed off, but I just told him to have his new gf buy him one.

-I had a gay friend of mine pretend to be interested in me so I could make my ex jealous

-I cried and tried to make him guilty so that he'd take me back

-I threatened to tell our mutual friends all his secrets if he didn't break up with his new girl


Oh yes...my psycho days. Never again will I stoop so low.

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This happened when I was 18...don't judge me! lol


-I would call his phone all day, especially at night because I wanted my phone calls to ruin the mood in case they were getting intimate.

-I smashed his PS3, which I bought for him, against the wall. He was pissed off, but I just told him to have his new gf buy him one.

-I had a gay friend of mine pretend to be interested in me so I could make my ex jealous

-I cried and tried to make him guilty so that he'd take me back

-I threatened to tell our mutual friends all his secrets if he didn't break up with his new girl


Oh yes...my psycho days. Never again will I stoop so low.


LOL I love that you smash his PS3.


So worth it. Hahaha!

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OH I LOVE you guys!

Ok, I was ashamed to admit this, but since you all have hung it out there, here it is:

I actually spent an entire day combing the internet for a woman's picture that was far away from where I live so I could use it to create a FAKE profile on the dating site he and I met on. I went on to create this maddeningly "perfect" woman to entice him into an email exchange, so I could completely screw with his head.

I felt so ashamed about the depths to which I had sunk, that I tried to cancel my new profile the next day. Funny thing is, the site wouldn't let you cancel within 24 hours of posting, so I sat on pins and needles all day hoping he would not respond to the "new girl" I had "created".



Miss Molly, did he ever contact the "imaginary girl?" A friend of mine has done the same thing many times..with the fake profiles...and always felt like shyte afterwards. I got into my ex's email account for a couple of days..but she must've had an epiphany, because her password soon changed....

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Wow.. didn't beg but I did hear my voice crack. Swallowed my pride and forgave her for sleeping with another guy. I think this is where I lost her, I believe I was suppose to be wild and indignant, yeah. Crazy.


Just before the death throes;


1. Bought tickets to New York and a car rental so we could visit her family for Christmas. I ended up going and walked the streets of her 'hood by myself. Horrible depressing and expensive place. Kind of glad I did but then again, I was crazed emo at the time.


2. Bought 4 days at Disneyland and the supermotherlovin' hotel. Again I went and tried to be happy at supposedly Happiest Place on Earth. Ended up at the Disney bars and enjoyed some fine spirits. Walked the entire park and had a conversation with the Mad Hatter, very cool guy and he told me to call her and take a chance. I didn't take his advice, the "mad" part I suppose.


3. Mopped and talked to my EX about her. Big mistake. She got even for our breakup.


lol,,, yeah such is life, it will get better.

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